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Everything posted by Higgs

  1. I have a PS4 and I could not care one whit that ksp is coming to it. But, I will say this much, for those that didn't know you can actually use a mouse and keyboard to play some games on it at least with PS4. How do I know? I play FFXIV on PS4 with mouse and keyboard. I would suspect that as far PS4 goes the same will hold true. No clue about the xshackone, and I don't care if I ever know.
  2. I think gemini was 1.875m kerbal helmets are too big for you to have more than 1 kerbal in a 1.25m part. also i gotta say it: this is kerbal SPACE program whats with learjet parts? Tiberions right. If thats a replacement for the other mk1 cockpit this will kill a ton of aircraft and anger (too weak a word) A LOT of ppl
  3. I will say this ONE FINAL TIME: I have personal reasons to NOT use: facebook, twitter or reddit. I also state that there are others who face the same limitation. This limits me to THIS forum. pure and simple. Again, I am DONE with this subject.
  4. im speaking basic truths. if your seeing straw men, then i cannot help you. Basic fact is this: this is the official forum for this game, logic and commonsense dictate that this should be the first place to get any information regarding this game. pure and simple. I have stated in many posts in this single thread why this is truth. I hate the fact that Im still being involved in something that has a simple cure but wont be used. Ignath: i stand or um sit corrected, but, still max is in a position of great import, and thus we tend to take his word as gospel. which again, means making tweets like that and ignoring the forums touches situations like this off. patience is a virtue when this forum is not ignored for days on end after again, someone whos word is very nearly taken as gospel is randomly shot into the world anywhere but here. but, again, ive said this in one form or another a dozen or more times. Ive had enough of this.
  5. thats the thing tho, max rambles on his personal account, and because max IS the lead dev far as last i heard, his word is treated as gospel so, anything he says is treated as an announcement, which is like a slap in our faces when, several days or more elapse w/out anything from him or any other dev here. The other thing is, we should not have to wait more than minutes between social media and the forum getting word officially and not some user driven scavenger hunt across the the world. it is a huge deal, but, my above, says why.
  6. It is a big deal, because this is the official forum for Kerbal Space Program. It is logical, and basically expected that updates about the game will be made here. What makes this a big deal is this: We are basically being forced to check social media which some people, myself included will not use for a variety of reasons, reddit or disturbingly enough, other game forums, where announcements of this games dev progress are being made, and then being later posted here by either sharp eyed forum users or by squad after the fact. We are feeling by and large I would wager, that this forum is an after thought. I would posit to you the following question: Would you expect say, Marvel to post to this website first about progress being made on the Deadpool movie? No. You would NOT expect that, you would expect, and very rightly so, that Marvel would post to THEIR website first with those updates and THEN let them filter hither and yon. Heres the thing, someone said this already, but, it needs repeating, Maxmaps spoke of stuff in a vague way on his PERSONAL social media account and failed to say anything here in an official capacity. This has touched off this wildfire debate or argument or what ever descriptor tickles you. He should have either A. not said ANYTHING, B. Said something across all channels at once or C. Spoke of it on this forum only. I would have chosen <if I was him> to use option B. Look, its simple really, this forum is most likely the first and ONLY contact with KSP that people have with Squad, and rely 100% on this site. Heck, I learned of this game thanks to my family and steam before I knew of this website. I like a goodly portion of the users rely strictly on this forum for information pertaining to the game. Ignoring this forum, or as someone put it, missing the point about what we are all in a fit over, and saying a post is in the works, is salt in a community wound. All in all, it is Squads duty <as it logically is to me, seeing as this IS the OFFICIAL forum for the game> to use this forum first or in conjunction with other social media, and not to be ignored until the wild fire is spreading faster than light speed and then post here. This is my 2 cents, nothing more, nothing less.
  7. Starstreak like i said, i dont use social media for private reasons. So this site is where i find my info. Again and i hold this as truth: a forum placed by the devs for a game should be the primary and first informed location of updates pertaining to said game. Be it CoD or GTA or KSP one would logically expect to find info for a given game in its forum. Its frustrating to basically hunt everywhere but here for info. But this is going circular and thusly i am ripping up on the ejection handle as my point is and has been made a few times now. Eject eject eject....fwoosh.
  8. We have a forum for announcements by the devs for the purpose of keeping us informed of the state of the game Columbia. I, much like other users do not use social media for a variety of reasons, so tweeting updates or posting to fb does not cover people like me. I dont use reddit for personal reasons, so swing and miss there. I dont check orbiters forum for ksp info because orbiter =/= ksp and many redirected updates other users have posted came from orbiters forum.... I should and very much do think its reasonable to think a forum for this game is the ideal location for such updates. But i must be crazy to think that. My $0.02. Oh and $0.02 columbia, the forum by all rights should be the said capital, because color me nutty this is the games forum. Maybe im an old internet nut, but a forum for a game should be the primary repository for said information. But again thats my $0.02. Kasper to be fair, i have not seen an official dev post on it so i remain faithfully skeptical of stability and efficiency and likelihood of 64 bit. Just saying.
  9. Still not going to trust or believe anything about 64 bit until i see it in my copies folders, then i will not trust that it is stable or efficient until i see it for myself. Once bitten twice shy. And to be blunt, the real lack of REAL updates about the game by devs makes me nervous. I could not care less that the office is being remodeled. What i DO care about is this absurd need for forum members to announce things here when it seems squad devs cant be bothered to update us here instead of everyother forum out there or social media. I could rant more but why bother? /rant
  10. Is it that hard for max or a pr gremlin to make a thread here? Just askin cuz it's getting old to see one of us dwellers make said announcements....
  11. I agree some large liquid only tanks are needed, but, altering files myself is a huge risk. I get nervous enough fixing the states of bill jeb an bob from dead to alive. I hope squad adds them
  12. IF we "must" have life support, one kind of life support comes to mind. Life Support. That's it. 1 term to fit the job. Simple.
  13. I'm with Vorg. They should put vital info like that twitter chirp or what ever you kids call it in the forum too. But for real, why must we on the forum be the last to know? Reddit, fb, twitt all hear first not forums
  14. I like the idea, would give me a fresh reason to go play more than sand box lol
  15. Could be useful but also could be overwhelming to some. But a cool idea still
  16. Were gonna need a bigger boat.
  17. I hope they fix the bigger bugs like the service bays tearing ships to ribbons or the cubic octag heating and other stuff, but that's my opinion lol
  18. Love this point. Which, and I can't believe I'm jumping into this, shows alshain clearly has NEVER used IVA in the mk1 cmd pod. Had he ever done so, he'd have never said so foolishly that you can tandem kerbals in a 1.25m pod. It's too bloody small. I've always thought jeb and the gang looked cramped in it.
  19. Not going to hold my breath on this. Why? I've 0 faith that there will be improvement enough for a stable and EFFICIENT 64 bit right out of the gate. I tried the 64 bit when they gave it to us before and I did not care one whit for the slide show that was the portraits of my crew or the semi slide show that my rockets were. Maybe by 1.1.9 or so, yes I picked 9 randomly, they will have it stable and efficient. As the saying goes: once bitten, twice shy. This isn't to say I won't try it or that I will be or am now right in my tentativeness but that's how I stand right now. Right? Idk. Wrong? Idk. But stand here I shall.
  20. Tater when i made my post you commented on, i was under the belief that one Alshain was suggesting RSS be added along with 2 man pods. When I went to reply just now I hunted his post, found I had misread. But from what I gather the 1.87m or so seem to be used along with RSS hence my mistake. But that being said, 2 & 4 man pods would be nice. I use novapunch and its 6 man 3.75m pod is nice
  21. I like the idea of a 2 man pod AND a dragon like 4 man. But if that would mean being saddled with RSS then no flippin way. But for real 2 & 4 man pods heck ya
  22. Sharpy is absolutely right. Those round bays are known ship killers. Its your copy of the game use what you like but expect problems if you use those god awful bugged round bays Moonk.
  23. Ok, neat video. Nice soundtrack too
  24. In truth, mechjeb needs a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR overhaul. It has been getting wonkier and wonkier. I as well as my family have used it since .21 and when .90 hit things just started to circle the drain with it. It has issues that need to be fixed but seem ignored. But if you kid glove it it should work. I dont use the S.ass feature myself but id wager putting MJ on the roof may help. oh and if autopilots cheating then comparing to irl things, nasa, esa, jaxa, roscosmos, space x, and the guys who make cygnus as well as ALL modern pilots must be cheating..... Just sayin man
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