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Everything posted by nhnifong

  1. I don't know yet, I'm sending a version to eve now for an initial test On kerbin I can't gain altitude faster than about 1 m/s so I was not willing to wait around for it. I also can't run the ions at full power because of kerbin's distance from the sun. I'll let you know how it flies at Eve!
  2. Giant rockets may not be the only way to get out of Eve. This is still under development, but as you can see, I have a prototype that flies on kerbin. On eve, there is more solar power available and more atmosphere, so I'll be able to lift more weight with the same amount of wing. It all comes down to how light I can make the rocket ascent stage in the center.
  3. I once found a supernova remnant in this game with a dense neutron star at the center, then the game crashed and I lost it. I've been trying to find it again ever since.
  4. From Wikipedia: Subterranean heat comes from the radioactive decay of Uranium-238, Thorium-232, and Potassium-40. It also came from the gravitational energy from the planet's formation. If this heat is necessary to form crude oil, how much of crude oil's stored chemical energy does it account for? And maybe this is a bit far fetched, but could we perhaps invent our own oil-formation cycle where we pump oil precursors into old wells, let the earth "cook" them, extract the product, and break it back down into energy and oil precursors?
  5. This is slowly but surely transforming from a bus into an actual spacecraft.
  6. So can you get the best price by using a proxy in the country of your choice or are they basing it on the location of your credit card?
  7. Small living quarters are not inherently "uncomfortable". I personally love small living quarters, I find them cozy and protective, not to mention easier to clean. Making a small place comfortable is an architectural and interior design problem and there are many people who have already produced impressive solutions on Earth. What's uncomfortable in my opinion is the lack of variety. One can increase the visual variety of a room without significantly increasing it's volume or mass by using deeper structures and designing the paths throughout the space such that the room is experienced from a wider variety of angles and situations. This technique could be exploited to an even greater extent in 0G because of the lack of limitations on orientation Lighting levels and colors can be made available to the astronauts so they can find a comfortable "new" place to work if they so choose. However the largest problem facing long-term astronaut heath is probably insufficient exercise. Exercise is the most important factor in mental health, as well as bone and muscle health in space.
  8. The united states has a law against sharing satellite technology with china and has already prosecuted multiple companies over it. It's repulsive.
  9. Figured this was going to be a thread about the solar system so I came prepared with a picture of Titan in my clipboard.
  10. Does the Falcon 9 1.1 have enough power to put a dragon capsule on the moon? I would pay them to send me to the moon.
  11. If a gas is present in a planet's atmosphere at levels considered to be unstable on a geological time scale, like oxygen because it is reactive, then that would be evidence for life, or at least an unknown catalyst. The more atmospheres we observe the better baseline we will have for which gases we can expect as well. If an exoplanet was believed to have life, I think many countries and institutions would begin transmitting narrow beam signals at it with the highest amplitudes they can produce. If anyone is there, we can expect a reply in a few hundred years, not an an unreasonable amount of time to wait IMHO. If we find 10 to 20 such planets and continuously beam signals at all of them for many years, I think we stand a good chance of first contact in a few centuries. I think it goes without saying that first contact would be one of the most important events in the lifetime of the Earth.
  12. MOOOON BAAAASE Yeah, everyone at nasa put down your screwdrivers and listen up. We're going to build an american moon base. We're going to put equipment in orbit at a rate that would make your head spin, and we're going to have a fleet of manned single-stage LEO to moon surface and back spacecraft that are continuously shuttling equipment and supplies to the surface. The purpose of this base is to be a Lunar, Astronomical, and Biological science laboratory. They will be first tasked with finding out what we can use in the moon's crust, and second, finding ways to grow food there. Finally, hyper-expensive tourism will be used to pay off the project in full! LEO lifting is boring. We will contract it out to the private sector. We are strictly concerned with building a moon base, and secondly with the business of moving goods, people, and equipment from LEO to Luna for anyone who can pay for a ticket.
  13. TIL that most of this forum is pretty wealthy! lol my most recent non-food purchase was a train ticket to seattle. Oh and I donated $20 to wikipedia.
  14. The kerbals can stay in their seats till around 10 Gs in my experience. You try staying in your seat at 10 Gs!
  15. Which modelling program? I use it to control my view with blender (I still move objects with the mouse) While I can see that it would be irritating to move objects in freeform directions, it's really nice for camera control. I hope Camera control is what squad has in mind for 3D mouse integration, but I'll be even happier if I can just map it to whatever I want.
  16. Interesting concept. This seems like it would balance the game in such a way that trying to max the tech tree in the least game time would pose the most interesting challenge. You'd have to plan to have technologies unlocked and rockets ready to launch when launch windows open up.
  17. I was going to rescue this poor guy till I learned that he is actually A ROBOT.
  18. I think the reason they want to keep residual gas away from the station is that it clouds the view of cameras and telescopes.
  19. I love how fast they are doing this. They must be swimming in money $D
  20. ME! I own a 3D connexion mouse and I love using it for blender and Google earth.
  21. To quote Wikipedia on the Comic Vision program: I think EChO is the best choice, because of the potential discovery of oxygen in the atmosphere of an exoplanet, but it is probably the most risky as well, in terms of scientific payoff.
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