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Everything posted by nhnifong

  1. One of my favorite Kerbin beaches. It's in the river canyon northeast of KSC
  2. Are you talking about vaccines for individual viruses?
  3. I should know this by now... It seems whenever I place a flag the kerbal turns around in some stupid direction and places it east-west so the sun does not shine on it, or if I make the kerbal face the sun, then he turns around it sticks it out the other way, so I have to warp until the sun comes to the other side of the horizon to get a good picture. So what is the rule that determines which way the flag faces? Is the direction the kerbal faces? is it the direction of the camera? or some arcane combination of the two?
  4. Europa report was goooood In fact, I think that the flavor text for the EVA report on the surface of Vall is a reference to Europa Report...
  5. You can store multiple surface samples and EVA reports in one pod. You have to get in and get back out. But you cannot store more than one sample from the same place.
  6. A properly designed ecosystem in a space habitat that is self-contained, recycles all matter, and requires only the input of energy to continue supporting life is the backbone of a generation ship. Anything less than complete self-sustenance and you are going to run out of some precious supply of something, and that means you have to go FAST. But if the ecosystem only requires the input of energy, then you can take as long as you want to get to the destination, and you may use high-isp low-thrust propulsion. This is the purpose of a generation ship right? Now the challenge is to create a reliable source of power that can support the ship when outside the vicinity of a star. My personal favorite is simply to not bring any power, just solar and microwave collectors. Beam the power out to the ship from energy-producing satellites in orbit around it's home star. As time goes on, the home civilization upgrades the microwave lasers to higher and higher precision to mitigate dispersion. The best candidate for propulsion I think would be a pulsed fusion system that ignites small pellets of matter using high energy lasers similar to the ones in the national ignition facility. The resulting neutron energy is used to heat propellant into a plasma where it is directed out of a nozzle.
  7. My Jeb was sent out on the first mission to Jool. He handed his craft on Laythe, and Bop, and flew by vall and tylo His craft has racked up a tremendous amount of science but it doesn't have quite enough gas to get home. I've been letting it sit in a solar orbit, and every time it can encounter Jool I try to make it slingshot me closer to kerbin. So far I'm not there yet, but I at least got a Duna flyby.
  8. You can't. The surface attach point is on the side. Any rotation besides flipping it upside-down (not what you asked for) will make it clip into the ship. It's possible to make a copy of the part and change the surface attach coordinates in the cfg file though. What I usually do for almost all rocket-building gotchas is to make a little string of qubic octogonal struts (the smallest one) with clipping turned on (alt f12 menu option) so that I have a node wherever I need one. However, that part is not entry-level, so yet again, there is a config edit necessary.
  9. Glad it's back up I wanted to get my hands on the full res of that new saturn picture
  10. Tried it, works like a dream got my old legs back!
  11. I consider a "thorough" first flight to be something like this: Launch to orbit and do a crew report at two or three stages of the launch. Transmit each one because as you are burning your engine, you will regenerate power. In orbit, do an EVA report above all the different types of terrain you pass over. Get back in the pod to store them, the pod can store one of each type. Land somewhere interesting, like a desert. Take a soil sample and an EVA report. At the stock values, that should be something like 120. I think it's totally fun to do it like this, you just need to lower the science payout values with that script I posted and it all good
  12. C'mon nearly every game that's been made has a difficulty setting. It's just a standard issue feature.
  13. I've wrote a little script that will rescale your science payouts to whatever you like. I like mine at about 1/50th their default value (It takes two very thorough 1-person orbital flights on the first tier to unlock the next tier) In this zip you will find 2x science cfg file, 5x science config file, 10x, 50x, 100x and a python script for writing new cfgs with any scale. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14567061/science_rescale.zip Make sure you rename the science config you want to use to the default name: ScienceDefs.cfg and place it in GameData/Squad/Resources Usage: python scale_science_payout.py ScienceDefs.cfg <scale> [NewScienceDefs.cfg] scale is a floating point number to be multiplied by all science payouts for example, a scale of 0.5 will make all science experiments worth half as much if the third argument is ommitted, it will write over ScienceDefs.cfg with the new file EDIT: it seems the science payout of a vessel recovery cannot be reduced.
  14. So I'm advancing about two tiers per flight Harv said it's supposed to be approachable for new players but that doesn't mean we can't make our own hard-mode right? The easiest way to make it harder would just be refrain from buying a tier until you have 10x it's required cost or something, decide your own multiplier, but that seems right to me. Roughly five flights per tier is what a new player might be doing. But that's kind of inconvenient. There's got to be a more programmatic way Am I right in assuming that I run through my ScienceDefs.cfg file (programmatically) and replace all the baseValue with a value multiplied by a constant of my choosing? Are there any other values that need changing?
  15. After years at Moho, three of my kerbals managed to get one of the most scenic landing spots on Kerbin (accidently)
  16. I recently found that my research crew on Duna was running out of food water and oxygen (TAC life support) and they only had about 120 days remaining. The planets were not aligned properly for a Duna to Kerbin transfer, and there was not enough life support time to wait for the next transfer moment and still make it home alive. I had a bit of extra fuel (around 1100 m/s of dv in the return vehicle, only about 600 is needed for a normal return) so I decided to go for an unusual return and slingshot off of Eve The burn took exactly the amount of delta-v I had, plus a little monopropellant for fine adjustments, and the transit time was about 90 days! Made it home alive!
  17. This was a great movie
  18. The burn time is the ∆v of the burn in m/s divided by the max acceleration in m/s^2. Cancelling units, your answer will be in seconds. The max acceleration changes linearly over time as fuel is burned and mass decreases, so the answer is the average between the start and end of the burn. At any instant, the max acceleration is the thrust in kilonewtons (given in the hover dialogue of a thruster) (Mg * m / s^2) divided by the mass of the rocket in metric tons (also, ksp's default unit of mass, Mg)
  19. I'm operating on an old version of this mod, But I just want to say thank you Fractal_UK this is awesome I've spent the past 30 launches or so preparing a gigantic lander with 8 science labs and all it's supporting life support and kethane equipment for Eeloo. The lander itself was launched in 5 parts, and it's interplanetary propulsion system was launched in three parts. I'm going to get a heap of science from this I hope!
  20. You'll know it's out when a KerbalSpaceProgram post hits the front page of reddit.
  21. I've still got my TI-83+ with all the programs I wrote on it in high school. It's the first thing I ever programmed on so I have it as a keepsake. 6 Mhz Zilog z80 processor 32 kb of ram!
  22. Man Gizmodo sucks. They talk about these high res images and don't link to them. They only link to their own website. And their writing sounds like a middle schooler's Did anyone manage to find the original LRO images?
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