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Everything posted by nhnifong

  1. I'm going to drop one into Jool and see if they wrote a witty message for that! Cmon squad show Jool some love!
  2. For example, this can get to eve orbit with flawless piloting, perfect launch window, and full use of aerobraking. While this can get to eve orbit with minor pilot errors, average launch window, and no aerobraking.
  3. You need 4450 to get to low kerbin orbit, then 1030 to get an Eve intercept under perfect conditions, but more like 1400 though if you have to do a mid-course plane change. If you are willing to aerobrake into eve orbit, then that's basically all you need, but if you want to keep it realistic and do a powered orbit capture, you need an additional 1310 for that. All numbers are delta-v requirements in meters per second. Use mechjeb or kerbal engineer to measure delta-v, and you can use mechjeb for aerobraking predictions too. Or you can just use trial+error with quicksave. A very small probe with an ion engine and a one xenon tank is a nice choice for eve because it will have 4000 to 5500 m/s of delta-v depending on weight, you only need about half the solar panels at eve (compared to kerbin) to run the engine at full power, and you can even take it to Gilly and land it.
  4. I remember when yahoo started doing real time stock tickers. I thought that was pretty cool. As for TV news? I can't remember a thing. I've probably only watched a TV for 10 to 20 hours in my whole life.
  5. I finally found a way to receive mail at my new address from a new city that sometimes works. I recently tried sending a post card to a friend in Salem so he could send it back to me. It says in large red print, "Attn. postal workers. The recipient, Nathan Nifong, lives at the destination address. Please remove any record stating otherwise." This seems to have gotten through to somebody in a position that mattered because now I can receive mail from the DMV (even more retarded) which is in Salem. Previously I was just calling everybody I can think of and they were telling me nothing was wrong, so I figured I needed to do some kind of traceroute. Why does meatspace have to be so disorganized!
  6. My basic launch profile is exactly the same as Wayfare's description in the OP. I never got the hang of FAR
  7. I prefer to use Touhou's wheels for this kind of thing since they can land at high speed but they are also steerable and motorized.
  8. Here's to hoping that Career mode will actually contain some new tech to unlock! heh.
  9. The loading times drive me crazy. I wish I could tell the game to just go straight to the VAB or the tracking station instead of wasting 30 seconds loading Bac9's beautiful space center just so I can click something and unload it.
  10. There is no public archive of the old versions, but many of the users around here have personal archives. I've got KSP version 0.10.1 for Windows. Get it while it's hot!
  11. You're definitely some kind of classy octopus. 2À/10
  12. At least in the USA, any findings resulting from government funded science have to be made available to the public (since they were paid for by the public). We have nothing to lose from cooperation with China on space exploration. Whether we ask for help or not, the full results of any space science will be available to all.
  13. The field around L1 looks like this. The lines are the paths that objects tend to follow. Note the two U shapes near L1
  14. It's possible to pass right through the earth if you're a neutrino.
  15. I would imagine that all the space agencies of the world have more in common with each other than the countries they belong to.
  16. Titanic life would not be water based. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_on_Titan#Liquid_methane.2Fethane_environment_at_the_surface
  17. There is an anomaly that needs to be investigated on titan. There is an unexplained deficit of hydrogen and a surplus of acetylene at the surface. This suggests a hydrogen cycle wherein acetylene is photodissociated in the upper atmosphere, creating molecular hydrogen, which diffuses into the lower atmosphere, and is combined with carbon from the surface to produce more acetylene to diffuse back into the upper atmosphere. Right now, the best explanation for the process catalysing the reaction is probably life, and this is part of it's metabolism. In my opinion, it is imperative that we follow up on these observations with a sample return mission. http://www.astronomynow.com/news/n1006/10titan/
  18. I tend to put the laptops in sleep mode, but the desktop is always on, I just let the screen sleep to keep the light level low. I can't stand lights on in my apt at night. Especially those excessively bright blue LEDs that are on lots of electronics nowadays to make them look futuristic. I disassemble things and replace them with diodes if it's not hard, otherwise I'll just put tape over them.
  19. You need a key light in the front there.
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