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Everything posted by nhnifong

  1. Jeb is stuck in the mountains and the charge on his suit is running out (TAC life support) Mission control estimates he only has around 30 minutes to live. However, he is stuck in a very perilous depression in the mountains 50 km from KSC. The altitude is too high for one heli rotor, and the terrain is too bumpy and steep and short for a traditional aircraft to land and pick him up. My attempts at a rescue craft have all failed. I apparently need help Can you design a ship to rescue him? Stock + Firespitter
  2. Ahh, I think I was fooling around with hack gravity. It must have stayed on after revert or something.
  3. I think they can "triangulate" the position of the sattelite from existing ground based radars and other sattelites using the same technology that ground based targets use to triangulate their own position from GPS sattelite signals. In GPS, each device has a very precise clock onboard, and periodically broadcast's the time according to it's clock, accompanied by it's unique identifier. Any device attempting to determine it's location collects as may of these signals as are available. They use the unique identifier to look up the public location and orbital parameters of the sattelite, or ground station in a table. The compare the time in the message to their own clock, and correct for any relativistic effects that would be imparted by the curved spacetime between themselves and the sattelite. They then have their approximate distance between themselves and a number of known points in space-time, with which they can "triangulate" their own location in space-time. Only it's not two-dimensional so "trianglulate" is a bit of a minsomer. At least 4 or 5 points are needed, and the algorithm will really just get better with more points.
  4. Make the hatch collider a large cube, about 0.5 units on a side, and stand it off the model's collider by about 0.2 units. It doesn't seem to work well if it's too small, especially in the Z dimension. Probably because the kerbal is spawned at it's origin, and needs to be free of any collisions. (they have huge helmets)
  5. I just figured out how to place maneuver nodes on the far ends of a hyperbolic orbit. As you may know, If you're looking down, purpendicular to the plane of the elliptic, for some reason it's really hard to select maneuver node locations. But of you focus the planet, and look down the orbit, towards your craft, just like you're sighting down the barrel of a gun, you can place maneuver nodes almost anywhere along the trajectory!
  6. I'm bug hunting, because I managed to get a craft on a kerbin escape trajectory, while actually having an orbital velocity of about 1800. That shouldn't be possible. I don't want to point fingers without any evidence, but I think it was caused by FAR. I've removed the plugin and have not seen the issue again since.
  7. Limiting one's use of mods is probably the wisest approach, but on Space Port I'm like a kid at a candy store!
  8. B9 has a lot of adapters in it. I don't assume you use them all, so maybe you could go without some. But they're light-weight anyways. It's the pod internals that are really killer.
  9. Just squeezed by Mine actually seems to crash at 3.6, and needs some breathing room or it crashes when you load the launch pad. Man I can't wait until 64 bit!
  10. As you know, if KSP tries to allocate more than 4 Gb of memory, it crashes. So when trying to load it up with mods you sometimes have to delete stuff. KOSMOS, and the Bobcat American and Soviet packs are pretty big. As is NovaPunch, B9, KW, and there are some large Universe Replacer Textures. But by far, the largest chunk of memory is taken up by stock parts, And to be honest, I don't even use half of them. So, I typically delete them to make room for more mods. How about you?
  11. @katateochi - That was one hella cool mission! If posts left craters in reddit, that one would be the biggest one since the introduction of Duna itself. So, about the KAS-docking port arrangement, you use it to get around the DR-docking bug, and hence to use KAS in unmanned situations thanks to DR? I just wanted to point out to point out to Rottielover that he could do that without docking ports or KAS plugs, thanks to awesome ability to place plugs with Kerbals. Makes for a fun rescue mission IMO, but anyways on second reading of his post, i realise he is doing it for the flexibility of either using KAS or stock unmanned rescue crafts. @alacrity - What a huge space station!
  12. Hey I'm dissapointed too, but really, we should consider ourselves lucky that such a talented and dedicated programmers such as Majiir has been working on Kethane. The material extractors are modular now so you can actually use them to extract anything! wanna make that resource char squad produced a reality? just duplicate a couple of kethane drills and change some cfg files! amazing! In hindsight, I think it was fine that they opted to leave the resource mining to the Kethane plugin, because it's really good.
  13. Interesting model pakled. I'd be very interested in finding out what the distribution of gas giants looks like in the population models they've run, but I was unable to find such results in the papers cited. They could be getting a general smattering of gas giants, or it could be so accurate as to produce the four giants of our system every time, with approximately correct masses. Perhaps the James Webb Space Telescope will help with that
  14. As distance increases from the sun, less mass is needed to achieve the same Hill sphere diameter. With their current masses, (Correction) Neptune has the largest Hill sphere. If these gas giants each had a similar collection area from which to gather mass, why do they taper off in size as one gets more distant from the sun? Hill sphere diameter in km
  15. Everyone thinks they have the answer and will not hesitate to guess, without qualifying that guess at all.
  16. What does this accomplish that not more easily done with standard KAS plugs and magnets?
  17. When I realized, (before the 0.21 SAS fix) that the way to solve wobble was to control from a part which experiences as little delayed response as possible from the part's that control the attitude Also, when I realized that 90% of KSP players actually have no idea how to play the game. :|
  18. Would anyone like to verify this by controlled experiment?
  19. Correct! The Large Hadron Collider?
  20. This is a simple game where you post a single sentence from a any Wikipedia page, and other other people try to guess the Page's title. To post a challenge: Simple paste one sentence of any Wikipedia page. For best results, choose a distinctive and intruiging sentence. To make a guess: Reply with a quote to any challenge, and include the title of the page you guess, in the form a link, if you don't mind. First one! "Versions of it have been painted, printed, digitized, embroidered, tattooed, silk-screened, sculpted or sketched on nearly every surface imaginable"
  21. The moment you deploy them makes little difference (with stock values) because the big shock comes when the chute opens from semi-deployed from fully deployed which happens at 500m nomatter what.
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