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Everything posted by nhnifong

  1. Such a ship will act like a mission control if it has a RemoteCommand module. And this is noticable when you're flying some other craft that can receive a signal from it. When you're flying the 3 manned ship itself, it will try to connect to some other command center, but where or not it succeeds it a non-issue because you have local control. I like to play with the additional constraint that command stations have to be grounded. First I set up a limited constellation of about 4 satellites and a 5th interplanetary relay in a high orbit, then I send a manned command center and land it. After that it's possible to land robotic missions.
  2. Just a suggestion, It would be nice to have a small pad to start out with, which can only spawn small ships. you would use that to spawn the parts to build a large pad, that way you don't have to land something the size of a building.
  3. On Duna, I've landed with the 2ish min delay from kerbin. I didn't do any burn during landing. Just had a drogue chute, normal chutes, and the strong legs. I opened all chutes upon entering the atmosphere. I was entering from low orbit and my peri was about 8km.
  4. Anyone know if it's possible to schedule a dish to re-open after a delay? For example, you need to close deployable dishes during aerobraking maneuvers, but if you close your only IP dish, you are out of contact, and can't re-open it.
  5. Thank you Majiir I'm building a mod collection for .20.2 because of remotetech
  6. This was an excellent video, thanks for sharing!
  7. Personally, I'll excuse any lapses in scientific knowledge if the directors and writers and actors are making an effort to tell a consistent, entertaining story. I can understand why sci-fi and fantasy are similar genera. Whether its hard sci-fi, or soft, or pure fantasy, some effort must be taken to build a setting. After establishing that, you can introduce the other elements which may not be believable out of context. 2001 A Space Oddesy was hard sci-fi, and so Kubrik might have felt excused from the obligation to build a setting. Or maybe he just wants to **** with your head. So what you get is a bunch of non-sequiters overlaid on a hard-scientific setting. I thought it was a bad movie for that reason. In contrast, Apollo 13 was based on a true story, and was also somewhat excused from building a setting. It also had a pretty hard sci-fi portrayal of space flight. But the difference was that the developments and conflicts that arose were of the same caliber as the setting and they fit into it nicely. That's what makes a portrayal of a situation believable, whether it fits into the setting.
  8. What is the purpose of real space probes for that matter? Science is a process of converging on parsimonious and accurate models of observations. Models whose only purpose is to make predictions which inform action. All methods of empowerment are inherently neutral; they are applicable to any goal, good or evil, proximate or ultimate. Either we are planning to colonize space, or we are just studying the cosmos for entertainment.
  9. The plugin probably had some instructions in a readme file or on the forum post. They probably explained which action groups you need to use to control the craft in the intended way.
  10. If you show some pictures, we can help you determine what's wrong. take screenshots with F1 (fn F1 with a mac keyboard). Upload them to imgur, then put the direct link in bbcode tags.
  11. I a primary feature I'd like in a plugin manager is some tools to assist me staying under KSP's limitation of 4 Gb of memory allocation. It could let you know how close you are to the limit, and pause loading at startup (instead of crashing ha!) and let you choose which packs to keep and which to discard, showing you their relative size. Of course it would be a hell of a lot better if they'd build a 64 executable.
  12. Actually it just struts opposite fairing pairs to eachother.
  13. I won't watch it, but I'll certainly find it and give it a thumbs down!
  14. As far as I know, there is no fix once you're already in flight. You have to avoid snap-connecting any decouplers or docking nodes in the VAB with clipping on or sometimes they don't disconnect.
  15. K-K-K-Combo breaker!!! Really. Lets's call it Kity. pronounced like city. Piss everybody off.
  16. It's been proposed that life on titan could consume acetylene and hydrogen for energy and produce methane. The sun would then photodissociate the methane in the atmosphere and it would recombine into acetylene and hydrogen. http://phys.org/news194801328.html
  17. Alright, to begin, I'm going to have a fleet of machines designed and built. None will exceed 20 metric tons individually. Each will have a standard load bearing docking mechanism at the top, and be delivered to LEO using a Delta 4 Heavy, then rendezvous with a standard lunar transfer stage delivered on a suitable American vehicle. The transfer stage will take it to lunar orbit. In lunar orbit, I will have a re-usable lander which refuels from the transfer stage. It will take the remaining fuel and the payload, land it at the work site, then launch itself back to orbit. This process will run once every 18 days until all modules have been landed at the work site, a crater near the southern hemisphere. * a large 4-part landing platform to be assembled on top of the entrance to the main cave. one quad features an airlock and elevator. * 10 electric lunar regolith tunneling machines with deployable conveyor belts for moving material * 2 20 ton liquid salt battery banks. * 1 sq. kilometer of unrollable solar panels and standoff pins for laying them over rocky terrain. * 10 generic electric tractors with 2 industrial robotic arms each. Run on tank treads and recharge from stationary battery banks, strong enough to lift their own weight. * Shovel, gripper, welder, blower, and cutter attachments for the robotic arms. * 2 large flatbed trailers with cranes. (capable of moving any of the 20 machines that don't move themselves. * 10 hopper trailers for moving regolith dust. * 5 kilometers of combined power/data cabling and 200 generic router-couplers. * 10 standard vehicle charging stations. * 2 regolith processing facilities that electrolyze the regolith dust into hydrogen, oxygen, silicon, etc. * 4 fluid storage tanks and 10 km of pipeline, gas and liquid pumps * 100 assemblable pressurizable raw material and goods storage boxes. * A machine that makes water and electricity from the hydrogen and oxygen. * A machine that makes some kind of airtight insulating foam cement from regolith. * A tool that the tractors use to spray that stuff all over the walls. * 50 large fans for air cirulation First, a tractor will be landed with built in deployable solar collectors. Driven by pilots on Earth, the tractor will be used to assemble the 4 landing pad components. further components will be landed on it and moved with the tractor. The solar panels will be laid out and connected to the battery banks. They will then connect a few vehicle charging stations and other key equipment to the power/data network. The tunneling machines will tunnel into the side of a hill and slant down until they are 100 meters below the surface, then fan out and build concentric rings divided into sectors. The regolith will be hauled out via hopper carts and dumped near the entrance. All the other machines will be carried into the tunnels and connected to power/data. The processing machines will begin producing gases and water and storing them in tanks. Insulating foam cement will be produced and used to seal the walls and build a rectangular frame at the entrance. A large airlock will be installed at the door along with piping and pumps for reclaiming atmosphere. At this point, the machines will begin filling the facility with gasses and heating it up to 20° C. Dragon capsules will begin launching from Earth with 7 people each, and landing on the launchpad at the moon, once per week. In tandem with this, lights, clothing and bedding, drywall, furniture, nonperishable food, seeds, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and small machines will be delivered and the inside of the caves will be furnished and dedicated to various purposes by the inhabitants. Soil and essential nutrients will be shipped from Earth and used to begin farming vegetables to supplement periodic supply ships. The purpose of the outpost will be to study lunar agriculture. They will attempt to design a stable self-contained ecosystem which can produce a varied diet for the inhabitants while requiring minimal nutrients and water from Earth. All inhabitants are entitled to a one-way return to Earth once each year, during the same month they arrived, as long as there are at least 107 able-bodied people present to operate the facility. Upon announcing their return, a sufficient quantity of fuel will be sent to the moon (or produced on site if possible) and used to refill one of the dragon capsules on-site. All inhabitants wishing to return home will board it and it will fly back to earth and soft land at the launch center. Estimated up front cost: $100 Trillion Estimated upkeep cost: $5 Trillion per year
  18. Lets say we wanted some astronauts around saturn. How feasible would it be to load up the ISS with supplies and propellant and just drive it out there? It's already a pretty well developed spacecraft and mobile science laboratory. Suppose we docked a large propellant tank, and used the engines on Zvezda to take it on a tour of the solar system!
  19. If KSP has taught me anything, it's that you can do more and go further by making your payload smaller. We just need to work on making our robotic components as small as our cell phones. A probe the size and weight of a brick could go anywhere in the solar system on the cheapest launcher available.
  20. Since the only stated physical difference between grasshopper and the 1st stage of a F9-R is the legs, are they really planning on using those big fixed legs on real thing, or will they design some folding deployable aerodynamic legs? Why aren't they already doing that? Also, if their guidance software is as good as they say it is, they ought to just skip the legs and land it right on the launch clamps.
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