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Everything posted by nhnifong

  1. Man that was hard! My entry for the stock list Final mission time: 12:27:08
  2. Is the best strategy here to go straight up so that after your air-breathing engines give out, you have to coast through the least amount of atmosphere?
  3. But c'mon that's boring. Build the largest, most extravagant pile of folding gadgets you can bolt together and land that sucker at the capital of the Mun!
  4. This is how I imagine It's feeling right now...
  5. I've seen photos of people 2.5 Gigameters from the sun. (about six time farther than your picture) There is no practical end to the Kerbal universe. In .16 though, you could overflow the position value when you get about 2^127 meters away (even if you build a ship that goes 100 Km/s and travel at maximum timewarp it would take dozens of orders of magnitude longer than the age of the universe to get that far.) and in .17 it wont overflow until you are 2^1023 meters from the sun, which is just mind-bogglingly large.
  6. I suggest a module for things which can consume energy at constant rates, if you don't already have that. and a module for things which consume packets of energy all at once, when they are activated or toggled. Then it would be a matter of changing it in a cfg file.
  7. Only the body you orbit influences you. KSP does not simulate multi-body gravitation.
  8. To all who post pictures here, I see far too many shots with the sun in the background, a completely unlit craft, and a mess of HUD stuff on the screen. Flip it around! press F2 (Alt F2 on a mac) to toggle the hud, and turn around so the sun is behind you, and your craft is well lit. Examples to come...
  9. Kreuzung, is it possible that you could make this part consume energy when it opens and closes?
  10. Basically, all my bets ar keurzung on right now, My idea of a standardized energy system would be to take all the energy related parts that aren't compatible with that type of power, and edit them so they are. I see that he's on the right track, and Maybe I couldn't get his plugin working because I didn't follow the instructions properly. I'll give it another shot this evening.
  11. Haha, Maybe not ambassador, but I'll at least research the mods a little more and see If I can get zox and an ion engine to be powered from the same batteries using Keurzung's power (EEP?) And as a second priority, I'd like to charge them with kosmos panels. I already have a list of carefully calibrated electrical gain and mass numbers for the kosmos panels based on their apparent area.
  12. It's not perfect. They don't gracefully reduce thier production as thier exposure and angle decrease, and sometimes they just cut off. redeploying will reactivate them. don't warp too long in the dark and trust your hacked panels to keep you alive.
  13. I'm quite confused here. the original threads don't clear things up much so I want to set it straight. There are quite a few electrical energy related mods, and from what I can tell, competing incompatible standards. Please help me straighten it out. EPS (electrical power systems?) PowerTech Electrical Energy Plugin Zoxygene Zoxygene requires power, but it can draw it from EPS. It provides one ugly panels. one that will charge EPS batteries and another panel which folds and produces mysterious zoxygene proprietary power which goes directly into the zoxygene generator. They both have orientation problems. I've discovered that you can copy their module block from the zox eps-capable panel's cfg file and put it at the end of the cfgs for decorative panels such as those from kosmos and it will work, although not well. Zox also provides laser drill generators but I've never been able to get them to work. Kreuzung's Electrical Energy Plugin provides batteries, standardized power, panels for charging, and an ion engine. I've never been able to get it to work, but it seems like a better choice because he's actively developing it. these engines are not the nicest looking IMO, but there's some way cooler ones in the dynasat pack. only, I've never been able to get those working. Powertech may or may not have anything to do with electricity. but it's name would indicate so. I think it's a part animation plugin or something. I really don't know. SO does anyone have the straight facts on these plugins? Does anyone have a nice electrical energy setup? Would it be possible through some insane combination of CFG edits to use Kosmos panels to charge the cool looking EPS batteries included in zox with Kreuzung brand of power, and then simultaneously drive your zox generator and a dynasat ion engine with that power? Because that's what I really want to do. Purely for masochistic-aesthetic reasons I assure you.
  14. I found a way to make decorative solar panels charge EPS batteries. Just put this at the bottom of it's config file MODULE { name = EPS_SRC_SPANEL_Def IndMsg = Solar Power MaxPwrGain = 0.025 ActivatePrelaunch = 0 EditorJumpDown = 0 } I'm no expert on this. I was just fooling around copying things between config files and it started working.
  15. Wow, you old farts like some ancient music. All my favorite classics are from video games, and I tend to listen to metal covers of them at that. But sometimes I'll go for some surrealist Japanese eletro-jazz
  16. I'm happy to see such a talented professional modeller such as yourself dedicating time to KSP thank you
  17. Accidently started a home-made pulsar engineering branch
  18. I was inspired after reading Stross last night and I'm going to write some short-format sci-fi
  19. Cool design! Yeah, maybe how-to would be better for this. I was just hoping to see some designs that we sort of crash proof. I like to drive fast n_n
  20. I think it would be cool to attempt to do some of the stuff the astronauts on ISS do. Like extracting cargo from a container from inside the ship using a canada arm and a bunch of cameras. but I can already do that with existing mods. The Apollo astronauts had to scope out good places to land on the Moon using only that crummy triangular window. I imagine that would be pretty hard.
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