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Everything posted by nhnifong

  1. Every flight is a test flight. I takes notes. and have a naming convention [planetary ship name][transfer stage name][lanch stage name] My latest design was called the Hurricane II Vort-Drive Aspergers XXL. Normally I take notes and redesign the stage that failed, and rename it to something weird.
  2. The lander on top is meant for eve, It's a fine fine machine, and the only part of this whole ship that works right. There's a few too many nuclear engines (24) in the interplanetary stage. but I'm impatient and they don't have much thrust. This managed to clear the platform one time, but when it tilts, the joints between the large grey tanks break. After reinforcing them with struts, the next thing in line will break. It can't accelerate at more than about 1.1 Gs but it's hard to get a fine control over the throttle at 2 FPS.
  3. The largest lander Ive landed on Eve so far. But it's still insufficient to get back to orbit.
  4. I don't think I can get this whole thing in orbit, but I think you meant to only upload the upper interplanetary stage. So now I'm building However, though I have plenty of TWR, I cant seem to keep these outer tanks/engines from falling off
  5. I can't seem to use the wiki lately. All of the planet pages are missing and 99% of the pages are spam. All the recent changes are new spam users. EDIT nevermind I was looking at the wrong wiki. No wonder it was abandoned.
  6. It would seem that the red line has 6 evenly spaced tick marks to it's right. could it be a ruler?
  7. Thank you! I can't wait to look at it after work and have a go at firing this pile of junk up into SPACE
  8. I like to build super heavy-lifters. Do you have a 300 ton extended-range Evotian double-lander? Let me put it into LKO for you! I like a challenge, so if you have a very heavy payload you need a launcher for, please post your craft file, and I'll attempt to build a launcher custom made to get it into a 100 km circular orbit around kerbin with not one drop of extra fuel. I'll post the complete craft if/when I finish it. Stock 0.17 only. Whiners with slow computers need not apply.
  9. Wait a little longer than the reccomended planetary alignment. Duna will be too far ahead. Then, in solar orbit, raise your apoapsis to "scan" duna's orbit with the intersection. If your inclination doesn't suck you will see the duna enounter light up for a split second. Have your finger on the x key!
  10. Bill is floating dead in the gas of Jool. Bob is broken ship on escape trillions of meters from the sun. Jeb is in a mk1 splashed down on Eve.
  11. You can take a screenshot with F1 (fn-F1 on a mac). Upload it to imgur for full resolution.
  12. Allow me to refer to to Dropbox (pm me your email and I'll send you an invite, which gets me more space) You can place the file in your Dropbox public folder and copy the public link.
  13. This method will allow some wiggle room, at the expense of more fuel, and you don't need to do any math or use a protractor. For duna, wait for it to be around 45° ahead of you, (this is the proper angle for the cheapest transfer) and then warp a little longer so it's about 35° to 40° ahead. (behind for even and moho) Now burn to escape kerbin (leaving in the direction of kerbin prograde). burn until your sun apoapsis is right at duna's orbit. now warp until you leave kerbin SOI and immediately go back to 1x. Now, point prograde and very slowly raise your apoapsis so that the line where you cross duna's orbit on the way back down moves around the sun. after moving it about 20° you will see it momentarily show the duna encounter. have your finger over the x button. Using this method, you can eyeball everything. but you will have to burn off a bunch of speed when you get there. If you can do aerobraking it should be no big deal.
  14. They are not there because the people who know how to make them either don't have time to extract them, or haven't figured out how for 0.17 yet. Secondly, don't post the maps here on the forum where they will be buried in a day and forever lost to the useless search feature. Post them in the wiki. That's what it's for. In case you didn't know the maps are not simply sitting in the KSP folder somewhere as image files, they are bundled somehow. Why don't you go figure out who added that image of kerbin to the wiki and ask him what method he used?
  15. I might have trouble walking too If my head was that big.
  16. Could it have been a seam in the skybox? I see seams in the planet surface all the time. If the exact color of the pixel matches the ambient lighting color in KSP, it would be pretty strong evidence for this.
  17. You can check max G without ending flight. F3 or 4 I think. Cool experiment! I wonder if they are hard-coded not to be able to do that, or if it's just a matter of building the right centrifuge under the right conditions...
  18. I just get a addicted to one game at a time. Last was Skyrim. Before that Minecraft. Before that, Cortex Command.
  19. If it helps, this tends to occur whenever my kethane detection "goes silent". The behavior is strange. If detection is on and the sound is enabled, the little tick bar will fill up and stop. and the text will say no signal. However, if the sound is disabled, the tick bar will tick at 1x speed, and write to the map. (in either case no sound is produced) When the kethane system gets stuck in this mode, no kethane can be gotten from the miners. Also, in this state, the kethane detector can log points to the map at the 1x rate despite the 10x time warp. In fact it appears to log a point to the map every frame, but it's hard to tell.
  20. Ah thank you. I didn't know it even attempted to save them! this is much better
  21. Are you trying to put all your comsats up with ships that must be controlled by radio link? if so the first one is really hard, as well as the first one around the moon sometimes. You pretty much have to put up a geostat first with a weird and expensive launch profile.
  22. I'm just picky about that. I use the angle snap feature, and I put struts on places where there are lines or dots on the tank textures to mark the spot. also, I line up my camera and use the aliasing effect of the pixels to tell when they are straight. It's a ridiculous habit. By they way, those are the Anagara struts from CardboardBoxProcessor. The can have unlimited length, and they are strong, and have very few polys.
  23. Phoenix_ca, may I suggest that you place a "sanity check" satellite in orbit around kerbin, just outside the orbit of the mun, and then perform your munar sat placement missions while it is behind the moon? The latency is bad, but it's better than nothing, and you may be surprised how often this backup satellite will save you when you would have otherwise been left in the dark! Karolus10: Double posting, second post has been removed and merged bellow - please using "Edit Post option", thank You. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ok, since we have no vanilla missions and I love this thread, heres one to chew on. Hopefully you will find this hard, because I see that you are all seasoned kerbonauts. Create a single craft that can deliver a research kerbal intern to BOTH poles of Kerbin. It must get into orbit, land at a pole, drop off a kerbal, take off again, land at the other pole, and drop off another kerbal. After that? who cares. I say orbit because I am impatient. I know you could do it with a plane, but it would take hours.
  24. Looks like the horse from Skyrim has some competition!
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