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Everything posted by MedwedianPresident

  1. Orbiter has got a replay option which allows for easy cinematic making as you don't need to control the ship and the camera simultaneously. This means that you can concentrate on flying while performing the mission and then go back in time. If you click the "Replay" button, then the game will basically replay your flight and repeat all actions that you have performed, to create a perfect simulation. You only need to control the camera... Why not create a mod that allows for this in KSP? It would make the creation of KSP movies much easier!
  2. Actually, not a bad idea. I have seen some of this before so I will look it up.
  3. SPACE ALMDUDLER! By the way, what do they eat? Looks like pancakes to me. Pancakes with Lamb! Delicious!
  5. 1.) I don't know how to edit Kerbin textures either, but you might talk to the creators of planet mods. 2.) I think they will spawn randomly. 3.) Without mods, you must take off from KSC. You can use Kerbal Konstructs to add different launch sites or use HyperEdit to quickly position your plane anywhere you want. 4.) and 5.) Talk to the planet mod creators. Alternatively, you can dig for modifiable configurations. I think there are config files for the planets somewhere...
  6. Spacesuit and Head textures can be modified using free painting programs. Can I modify the texture of the parts using Paint, PaintNet or Gimp? I am asking this because whenever I modify the texture for a part using Paint or PaintNet, it turns white ingame. Or do I have to change something in the configuration file?
  7. And Muskets, AK-47's and Sniper Rifles? Maybe even with working scopes?
  8. BD Armory adds stuff which you can use to perform destructive activities more effectively. KIS adds items which Kerbals can hold and use. It adds non-functional guns. But how about making the guns functional and even adding bazookas which launch small missiles (a handheld Hydra rocket pod maybe?). Also maybe having small parts to build custom holdable items and a separate editor for that. Kerbals of course should also be able to use the harpoon from KAS on EVA. Very useful for Gilly or Asteroid EVA. I am sure I am not the only one who awaits a combination of KIS and BD Armory. If you combine a BD Armory/KIS Combination with a good Kerbal AI system, you could have working infantry combat! Combined with an encached IVA mod (movement inside vehicles), and with a life support mod (if the windows or the hull of a module are damaged, it gets decompressed. any kerbals which do not have EVA suits will die). If you combine it with multiplayer, you will basically have Arma 3 in KSP...Imagine... Looking forward to a giant war on Kerbin and to attacking munbases with custom rocket launchers.
  9. Oxygen, Water and Food are of course the three must-have components for a life support system. How about having different kinds of foods (meat, vegetables, bread, etc...) and drinks (water, soda, lemonade, etc...) and a Happiness stat for Kerbals. If Happiness is down for a long time, sanity will suffer. Now, happiness is influenced by the types of food and drinks the kerbals are given (for example, fresh meat and vegetables will increase happiness and health), but of course, as in real life, the foods which are the yummiest, will get unhealthy.
  10. Moho has had a thin atmosphere that ended maybe at 15.000-20.000 meters. Parachutes worked only deep in the craters/in the moholes.
  11. I am interested on which methods could be used to quickly destroy space stations and surface bases in KSP Multiplayer which are non-glitched and do not use cheats and would qualify as state-of the art, creative, well-planned griefing or military attacks. It should be taken into consideration that multiplayer KSP griefing is different from griefing on games like Minecraft because dedication and time to do long missions is needed.
  12. I confirm that I have landed probes both on Duna and on Eve now. Manned mission of course to Duna first.
  13. I will send a Venera-style probe that only needs to land there. No long term measurements.
  14. I am going to send my first interplanetary probe. Yes, my very first one. I admit I have not been to other planets without cheating yet...only Kerbin, Mun and Minmus. The question is: Duna or Eve? Both are relatively close to Kerbin, right? And landing is easy on both, Eve because of the atmosphere and Duna because of low gravity, right? I will send a probe to get the feel for interplanetary missions. Then I will send manned missions. So...is Duna or Eve easier to get to?
  15. Those of you who were here when KSP 0.17 was released know that Moho has had an superheated, volcanic atmosphere that added an additional challenge to the game. RCS-powered engines had to be used during landing (I saw a video with a person sending 3 poor Kerbals to Moho in a RCS lander, one like used on Minmus but bigger), and parachutes could be used near surface. Unfortunately, Moho had been stripped of it's atmosphere in 0.18. We all feel nostalgy for such a wonderful and respectworthy planet. A planet that is actually HARD to land on is needed. Especially with the new heat system. I am hereby asking for the KSP team to give Moho back it's superheated atmosphere or create a planet that orbits closer to the Sun than Moho and possesses a superheated atmosphere, just like Moho '17. Signed, MedwedianPresident
  16. I thought that the thing is supposed to belong to the Kerbal...if it is a harpoon...poor kerbal...
  17. This video is screaming for a sequel. Also, next time try to land on Kerbol at night. You won't be burned.
  18. I confirm that I have successfully completed the building of the carrier. Gonna try to land one of my ultra-light fighters on it.
  19. It is the first time I am building a large ship. I have made the skeleton out of structural girders and am currently making the skin out of lifting surfaces. The carrier is supposed to be used in battle, so should I put some structural plates on top of the hull? Also, will this construction support the planes that will land there? Do I need docking ports or will the planes be fixed enough if engaging brakes?
  20. GDBAA - Gliding Descent, Balloon Assisted Ascent My plan is to do a small one-launch Eve landing mission. It will be actually the first time I will make it to a planet other than Kerbin, Mun or Minmus without cheating. Plan: - Apollo-style (part of crew stays in orbit) - Landing module glides down to eve slowly, precise horizontal landing - EVA walk, photography, setting up flag, 5 o'clock tea, etc... - Back to LM - Inflation of balloon - Separation of landing gear to save weight - Separation of balloon when it does not give any more lift - Ascent to Orbit - Docking with Orbital Module Is this a good idea for a first time eve mission? Can this mission profile be used for larger missions involving rovers and bases too? Should I try it small and unmanned first?
  21. Article (in German): http://www.focus.de/gesundheit/ratgeber/asthma/therapie/gesundheitsrisiko-fleischverzicht-vegetarier-sind-haeufiger-krank-als-fleischesser_id_3644733.html The common trope is that vegetarianism can prevent dangerous diseases such as diabetes and cancer. But an Austrian study has recently found out that vegetarians actually are more likely to get cancer and similar diseases than meat eaters. Vegetarians also have a lower quality of life and suffer under fear and depression. I am a passionate meat eater; I am trying to convince vegetarians that meat eating is actually healthy!
  22. If I modify the texture of the whisky bottle in PaintNet, the bottle turns white ingame. How do I properly modify texture?
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