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Everything posted by MedwedianPresident

  1. Is there a Kerbin Roleplay forum somewhere?
  2. Please make a pickelhaube helmet. http://www.joerg-dehn.de/Pickelhauben/PickelhaubeMaIR116.JPG And an Almdudler bottle. http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fperryda.hosted-secure.com%2Fimages%2Fstories%2Fvirtuemart%2Fproduct%2Falmdudler.jpeg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fperryda.hosted-secure.com%2Findex.php%2Fen%2Fmenucard-en%2F213%2F16%2Fwithout-alcohol%2Falmdudler-2-0l-detail&h=700&w=700&tbnid=38Ddl-zZl6V4KM%3A&docid=vWXzknvJv_6LwM&ei=21C3Va-DLMbQygOvsbeYDA&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=336&page=1&start=0&ndsp=36&ved=0CGMQrQMwFWoVChMI79yy7Mb9xgIVRqhyCh2v2A3D
  3. Very nice game, but I have following problems: 1. When I play as "Soviet Union" in Space Race mode, a bug causes my big rocket called "N1" to blow up when reaching 40 kilometers. 2. How to create your own nations? Is there a hidden editor for this? 3. Why no weapons? 4. How do I manage to fly to that other star called something like "Aleph Centuri" or "Alpha Centauri"? 5. Why do I constantly get budget cuts when playing as USA? By the year 2025, I do not get any state funding anymore! 6. Why are those mountains in southern Asia so high? I think those who are called "Himalaya" or "Himulya" or something like that. The highest mountain is over 8000 meters high!?! 7. Why does it say "Game Over" when I crash a rocket on a city? Am I not supposed to crash rockets into cities?
  4. Guns and Rocket Launchers, maybe Ray weapons (Lasers and Phasers). Maybe downscaled versions of BDarmory weapons? Also, maybe stuff such as a personal heatshield with deorbit engine. And for weapons, also weapons which are designed to be used in zero g.
  5. [evilplan]Can you make weapons with this plugin?[/evilplan]
  6. I am planning to make an one way mission to the mun. Lost of crew, science laboratories, solar panels, all the comfort needed for a munar colony, but they are all prisoners sentenced to death so their oxygen supply will run out exactly in a year. They will be ordered to commit suicide by decompression of the base (but I will probalbly send a bomber to destroy it instead).
  7. During WWII, the German scientist Eugen Sänger has designed a very unique space glider concept - the "Antipodal Bomber". The bomber, which would be called "Silbervogel" ("Silver Bird") would take off, reach a velocity of several kilometers per second and enter a ballistic trajectory. Once it will hit the atmosphere again, it will "bounce" off the atmosphere, going on another, shorter ballistic trajectory. This would be repeated until the Bomber has made one "orbit" and landed on it's home airfield. It would be capable of dropping a bomb onto virtually any city on the planet. You must build a vessel with similar capabilities and objectives. RULES 1. FAR is required for this challenge, as the unrealistic stock aerodynamics would not allow for bouncing off the atmosphere. 2. Any part mods and/or plugins are allowed, as long as no cheating takes place (e.g. HyperEdit, etc... are forbidden). MechJeb is not recommended. 3. Objective: Build a vessel, which can take off the runway, enter a ballistic trajectory, reach an altitude of at least 80.000 m ASL on the first ballistic trajectory, "bounce" off the atmosphere without propulsion assistance (after entering the first ballistic trajectory, the engines may not be ignited anymore), drop a payload of at least 3 tons above a point far away from the takeoff site (for example KSC 2), from an altitude of at least 30.000 m ASL, circumfere Kerbin one time, descend into the thick layers of the atmosphere again and, safely land on the KSC runway. 4. The vessel must have aerodynamic lift capability (note: because you have FAR, you can use lifting body), that would allow it to perform such a masterpiece of long-duration ballistic gliding. 5. The vessel must be manned (at least 1 poor condemned kerbal). 6. You may add a drone core to the bomb, and control its descent. To prevent the bomber from getting lost, do not forget to save! 7. This is not a challenge to earn points, but to show off your crazy and insane evil overlord ideas to other people. My favorite entries will be listed. 8. The usage of a launch sled or of a piggyback launch system is encouraged, but optional. This also means that stages may be dropped. 9. OPTIONAL: After refueling, reloading the bomb and re-attaching any dropped stages and/or being reattached to the piggyback launch plane, the mission can be repeated. 10. If any loopholes or uncertainities in the rules arise, inform me and I will modify the rules respectively. 11. The Vessel may not enter orbit. Sincerely, MedwedianPresident My favorite entries:
  8. Starting a new thread with closer information about Medwed and the rest of my fictional country. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=37
  9. The HMSP-1 is a one-and-a-half stage to orbit spaceplane, using two Rockomax Jumbo drop tanks that are detached at 15.000 meters above sea level. It only uses rocket propulsion.
  10. Can you make a City called Medwed? It is for my fictional Country, if you want to make it, then I will show on the map where it has to be located.
  11. Can you make a City called Medwed? It is for my fictional Country, if you want to make it, then I will show on the map where it has to be located.
  12. I am requesting an addon which Returns Moho to it's 0.17 state with a thin superheated atmosphere, to make it an additional challenge to land there. Maybe EVE compatibility. Anyone can do it?
  13. Windows 8, KSP 0.25. I have installed like 20 mods or so and now my loading bar gets stuck just after the middle, making me unable to play KSP. Does it come from the mods? Or is it another problem?
  14. Very...realistic. Now install FAR and launch that rocket. You will be punished severely...
  15. The first thing I do when I install KSP is download my basic mods: NP, KW and RPM. I then download many more mods, then I download ATM, then I continue downloading mods...
  16. Can you make them into 3d props for IVA's? Then you will become the biggest hero of KSP ever.
  17. Are there any mods that add new solar systems that are far from Kerbol and as such may be targets for "interstellar" missions?
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