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Everything posted by MedwedianPresident

  1. The "Kerman" remains uncensored since it's the only possible surname of a Kerbonaut; although i think non-kerbonaut kerbals can have "special" names. And the uncensored name but censored mission means that a well-known kerbonaut participated in a secret mission.
  2. Yes; i know the concepts of Life on Jupiter and i will include them in here. Anyways; do you like my "partly declassified" format with censoring?
  3. FEDERAL INTELLIGENCE DEPARTAMENT 17 - EXTRAPLANETARY LIFEFORM DIVISION PARTIALLY DE-CLASSIFIED INFORMATION The following is the data collected by an arm of the Medwedian Intelligence - Departament 17; which is responsible for studying all lifeforms that live on planets other than Kerbin. MUN Munar Rock Algae Munar Rock Algae (MRA) are algae that populate the rocks of the Mun in depths below 2 kilometres where the radiation and temperatures are shed off. Very few is known about this life form except that when ██████ Kerman came into physical contact with it during the Muna-██ mission in ████, it caused strange mutations involving ███████ of the eyes and ███████, along with increased aggression, causing the Kerbonaut to kill the other Crew Members. ██████ Kerman was lost communication with; military satellite pictures proved that he has not returned to Kerbin. Munar Worm Name: Munar Worm; aka Munbug Scientific Name: Wormus Jebedidahii (named after the first Kerbal to visit the Mun) Habitat: Mun Description: Munar Worms are medium-sized (30-40 cm) worm-like creatures that live under the surface of the Mun and feed off the algae that live in munar rocks at the depths under the surface where they live (2-5 kilometres under sea level). They were first discovered by Frederik Kerman during the Muna-██ mission that explored the █████████ cave which stretched into the habitat of most munar lifeforms. Munar worms are covered in strong keratin plating to protect against a yet unknown life form that preys on them. The internal pressure of the Munar worms is calibrated to the near-vacuum of the Munar underground; and as such the worms do not burst when they are exposed to a empty area. Munar worms were used as a source of food during the Muna-██ mission; it was found out that they are an acceptable emergency food source and contain large amounts of Fat and Protein. The mouth of a munbug is arranged in a fashion that allows easy "boring" of the stones; the brain of the Munbugs is connected to an organ that loosely resembles a Kerbal ear and senses the vibrations in the stone to recognise other Munbugs and predators. The mouth takes whole chunks of a stone while the munbug is boring; which are transported to the stomach where the stone is dissolved using a very strong acid and the algae are extracted (which are brought to a second stomach where the algae are digested using a weaker cocktail of enzymes and acids). Nothing more is known about the internal organs of the Munbugs except that they reproduce asexually through the laying of eggs that consist of a rock-like substance and reveal a small munbug ██ months after being laid. Munbugs create a complex system of nests while still not possessing any hierarchy. They do not communicate with each other. Munbug Predator Name: Munbug Predator Scientific Name: --- Habitat: Mun Description: The Munbug Predators are a yet unknown species that hunt down and eat Munbugs; they most likely live similarly to Munbugs boring through the rocks. They are theorised to live far below the Munbugs at depths up to ██ kilometres below sea level. ██████ Kerman allegedly reported to have encountered a Munbug Predator during the Muna-19 mission in ███; the official reason for his heavy injuries upon his return to Kerbin is that he accidentally spilled acid onto himself when working with an acid-powered battery for a rover. He recalls the encounter: [CENSORED] Nothing more than the extremely graphic depictions in the quote is known about the Munbug Predators. Kerbal Fossils on the Mun There have been several fossils found on the Mun that resemble stretched Kerbal skeletons. A conspiracy theory claims that the ancient Keryptians built a spacecraft and reached the Mun with it - this explanation also fits with the underground shelter ruins that were found on the moon and resemble Keryptian architecture; also with hieroglyphs that appeared as they belonged to a language "descended" from Keryptian. ████ Kerman claims that he once encountered a Keryptian descendant while installing the ████████ ballistic missile platform on the Mun's █████ pole. MOHO Mohole Lifeform Name: Mohole Lifeform Scientific Name: --- Habitat: Northern Mohole, Moho Description: The Mohole Lifeform is an yet unknown life form briefly observed by ████ Kerman during the Muna-Moho 16 mission which involved the exploration of the northern Mohole. It's appearance was reported as being approximately 3 meters long with 8 feet and a completely black skin making spotting hard; that was moving quickly along the wall of the Mohole near the lowest point. ████ Kerman also allegedly reported that during his historical EVA on the bottom of the Mohole, he felt "Uneasy, as if some sort of animal was watching me standing a couple of meters behind me" - he decided not to look back as he was afraid. Nothing else is known about this life form. More coming soon; i am open to suggestions and ideas.
  4. I currently have no access yet to KSP because i'm not at home; i will start using up my creative juices on Wednesday when i finally will have access to the game.
  5. This is a simple one - the surface of the water must be seen from below also because currently if you use the submarine mod you still see the blue sky when you are under sea level. Also; effects should be added that make less and less light reach the ship or the seabed with increasing depth.
  6. Play some marching music; for percussion decouplers can be used.
  7. MedwedianPresident's Freshly Baked Ideas Presents: EVE ASCENT ROCKOON THE IDEA: The Idea is to minimise Delta-V for an eve ascent using a "Rockoon" ascend system - the ascent vehicle is first brought up to a altitude of 25-35 kilometres using a dirigible, then separates and ascends into orbit. Here is a place for discussions on this idea.
  8. As the title says; i wanna know whether it is possible to use the submarine mod for expeditions into the oceans of Eve and Laythe.
  9. First: Is it possible to go underwater on Eve or on Laythe using the submarine mod? Second: I want to land on the deepest points on Eve, Kerbin and Laythe, and as such i need to somehow hack the 600m limit. Is there a piece of code where i can change the limit? I know it may mess up the game and i acknowledge that i will be responsible by myself in case of the save file corrupting.
  10. MedwedianPresident's Freshly Baked Ideas presents: EVE UNDERWATER EXPEDITION DRAFT THE IDEA: The Idea itself is to send an manned underwater expedition to the lowest underwater point at Eve at the depth of more than 1.700 meters and return it safely to Kerbin. No, i am not joking; it will also take advantage of the highest point on Eve, which is nearby. FLIGHT PLAN: The craft is assembled in Kerbin Orbit and consists of a Interplanetary Transfer Propulsion Module (IPM), Interplanetary Transfer Habitat (ITH), a Eve Landing/Surface Module (EL/SM), an Atmospheric Transport Airship (ATA), an Underwater Exploration Vehicle (UEV) and an Eve Ascent Vehicle (EAV). The crew consists of 8 people which are brought to the ship using an orbital transport vehicle. The craft travels to Eve with several Gravity Assists and aerobrakes into a 150x150 orbit. 6 people board the EL/SM, which also carries the EAV, ATA and UEV. A precision landing brings them onto the top of the highest mountain on Eve. After the flags are planted and surface studies are conducted, UEV is lifted up by the ATA airship (which carries 3 out of the 6 surface crew.). The UEV is landed safely on water above the deepest point on Eve (which is located near the highest mountain making transport easy), and 2 kerbals board it, travelling to the deepest point and performing experiments which consists of leaving a permanent experiment platform there. After return to the surface, the UEV is discarded on water to use with future missions and the ATA transports all three back to the main outpost, where all 6 landing crew board the EAV, which is brought with the ATA to it's service ceiling (more than 25.000 meters), where the ATA is discarded and the EAV travels back to the main ship, after which it is discarded. The ship returns to Kerbin, again using gravity assists and an aerobrake, and the crew are again retrieved by OTV's. The Goal is to be the first KSP player to reach the deepest point on Eve. MedwedianPresident
  11. I usually do a mix; sometimes i have launchers such as Kelta-V; sometimes i make up my own names; mostly consisting of a codename (KL-412, KA-111, B-333 and so on).
  12. Why not make RUSSIAN easter eggs? I mean; it's a bit unfair that it's all about NASA and not about the Soviet Union. Maybe some discarded stages of soyuz rockets or a LK memorial on the mun? Or better; a broken probe on Eve.
  13. I will be obviously using as many mods as possible because i like mods; especially part-adding mods.
  14. I am not making it 500 meters; i am making it just slightly bigger than a standard superheavy spaceplane. Any thoughts on the escape system?
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