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Everything posted by MedwedianPresident

  1. How about adding following bodies: -a rock half the size of Dres orbiting between Dres and Jool -several comets, or procedural generation of comets -an Io-like ''pizza'' moon for Jool -small asteroids orbiting near Moho And several star systems: -a red dwarf that is orbited by one moho-like planet -a giant orbited by several gas planets and lots of moons, maybe even an Avatar-like binary system with a habitable moon -a black hole orbited by various planets like in Interstellar
  2. Show off your craziest crafts and pictures or post your craziest ideas here. I have no pics as of now, but one crazy idea might be using KerbTown and KerbinSide to set up a launch site in geostationary orbit.
  3. I am planning to make a large family of spaceplanes when I return home in several days; I will install FAR onto KSP to make use of more complex reentry and landing principles. One of them will be a heavy spaceplane for LKO and MKO that will be launched piggyback using either a hypersonic jet or rocket stage, or more like a space shuttle. It will have fins at the ends of the delta wings. It will be with B9 parts. It will be accelerated to around 1000 meters per second using the first stage (let us assume it is a tank with a medium engine on which the shuttle rides piggyback) and then will use the second stage attached to the back docking port to accelerate to 90% of orbital velocity. Around the docking port that will be revealed after the second stage is dropped will be 4 maneuvering engines, arranged in pairs, one pair on each side. The maneuvering engines will be used for circularizing and maneuvering in orbit. After fulfilling the mission, the maneuvering engines will be used for deorbit and then, a slow descent in a very shallow reentry trajectory that will include entering and leaving the atmosphere multiple times for very slow velocity bleedoff and minimal G-forces if a delicate payload is to be transported. Landing will be on KSC runway. Do you have any ideas for the construction or for the mission routine?
  4. And like you already said, it could be used as a form of reentry abort for space shuttles. Will implempt it in the KSP-4 Arctus, my next spaceplane project. This means that if the deorbit burn went bad and the predicted landing point is hundreds of kilometers short of the runway, you only need a small hop up using lift and you are on course again. Plus, this could be included in normal reentry procedure to further bleed off velocity. I am getting more and more ideas. KSP-4 Arctus and the military ballistic version KNSP Arctus-Sausage (Sausage is nuclear bomb)
  5. Also, this technique could be used for landing-less atmospheric operations such as Jool gas collections. So...I descend into middle Jool atmosphere and then again rise into space, only needing a small burn to regain orbit.
  6. I can abandon the bomber, or I can install Bahamuto Dynamics for extended physics range. For a video, I will abandon the bomber and pilot the bomb, and then I will revert state and do another recording of how the bomber lands. Then I have two recordings: one of the bomber and one of the bomb.
  7. Very good. Now, did anybody try to drop a bomb from 40 km onto the other KSC using an antipodal bomber?
  8. How about an IVA editor? You will need to right click on a cockpit to enter the IVA editor. Then, you will have the preset IVA, but you can click to start from beginning and add instruments into the respective cockpit yourself. Instruments will also have tabs, and will be mod-compatible (you will for example be able to add RPM's and stuff.). Good idea?
  9. Mk4, not Mk3. Mk2 - small spacecraft fuselage; Mk3 - medium spacecraft fuselage; Mk4 - big spacecraft fuselage that might fit in 2.5m parts in the bay. Maybe for the future also Mk5 and even Mk6 parts so that everyone can build a personal ''Beluga''.
  10. Hello, I am sure some of you have heard of Eugen Sänger and his Silbervogel project. It is a ballistic bomber that travels at hypersonic speeds and uses the atmosphere like a rock uses water when thrown onto it at a flat trajectory: the bomber travels at Mach 20+ (on earth) and is ''reflected'' by the atmosphere - this means that after the ballistic part of the flight, the bomber glides up again and goes on a new, smaller ballistic trajectory. The bomber then drops a nuke over the USA and lands somewhere in Japan or even completely circles the planet to land back in Europe. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silbervogel So...do you think that using FAR, it would be possible to build a similar craft in KSP that flies at an almost-orbit trajectory and always ''hops'' up into space. Like you might already have understood, each ''hop'' is smaller than the last one due to velocity loss, and eventually the bomber stops ''hopping'' to enter a gliding trajectory to the landing site. This also could be used on other planets with atmosphere: imagine a duna or laythe lander that scouts for landing sites and ''hops'' around the whole planet until gliding down to an acceptable landing site. Or using it as a launch platform from the upper atmosphere: I am sure the delta-v required for a rocket to enter orbit if launched from an antipodal bomber on a ballistic ''hop'' is less than 300 m/s, this means only one stage. Even a spaceplane could abstain from the main engines and would only need its maneuvering engines to correct the trajectory. Good crazy idea?
  11. Obviously you do not have to expect it to be of very good quality, it's my first YouTube video. It's about a supersonic airplane that I built.
  12. How about banning swear words and automatically muting any People that try to say them?
  13. Just asking; planning to get hooked to KSP again, is there a RP forum around somewhere? I mean a forum other than the forumotion forum.
  14. I think that the armour back at those days was a good thing against zombies. Also good that there were no Zombie Dentists out there, so quickly the population would deteriorate as the zombies lose their teeth trying to bite knights - without teeth they are unable to bite at all and will be very sad and then the zombies will surrender.
  15. A slaughter with honour is a slaughter that is maybe not necessarily painless but where the person slaughtering the animal will thank the animal for donating it's life in order to feed humans and that the animal is not treated like a "product". But painless slaughters certainly are a good thing and are possible for example by fitting animals out with "kill chips" that automatically make the animal unconscious and then stop the heartbeat when the slaughter weight is reached. Abstaining from meat is IMPOSSIBLE without serious health problems. Cutting meat from your diet is just as fatal as cutting vegetables from your diet. Just like you need to occasionally eat salad and other green stuff, you regularly need to eat meat. And yes, the argument that it is hard to replace meat without doing any harm to your body is good. Lentils and similar plants may even include more protein that meat, but it is a different protein. Animal protein is REQUIRED for a healthy diet; there is no way to synthetize large amounts of animal protein without killing animals. In-Vitro meat will not be completely developed until 2050, but I think that by then, ecologically substainable and effective methods of breeding animals without doing harm to the environment will be invented. My personal idea is an idea that could be used in the future when humans colonize space: making entire planets giant pastures for animals, entirely robotized with robots that observe the animals and locate them in the giant pastures to slaughter them when the slaughter age comes. The methane produced by for example cows is then filtered out from the air and put into flasks to be exported or even used as a fuel for the planet's robots, that in turn will automatically breed animals and perform the needed medical care. The animals are automatically butchered, and the meat, which is probably eco-friendly, is packed into spaceships to be transported to the shops located on the various planets. By the way, I have read that Vegetarians break their bones more often because important proteins that strengthen the bones are located in meat. Vegans break their bones even more often because I don't know of many calcium-rich plants.
  16. Also, dear Vegetarians: Try Lamb. My favourite meat, especially the ribs, will convert you into a full-grown Carnivore with the first bite.
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