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Everything posted by Vandest

  1. Having the two sounds at 14s and 15s of the video would be great ! For the idle sound it would be nice to have it only when we open gas on full just before launching.
  2. Hello @ensou04, Same for me, only Chatterer as another audio mod. So we can ear it a lot when we switch scene from a manned craft, but it's also obvious when we switch from KSC with stock audio (eg: KSP_SpaceCenterAmbienceDay) or any another scene with stock audio. Also, I noted that more you revert a flight (eg: revert launch), more any scene loading is longer and so, more audio stuttering is longer and this until we restart game. This is certainly a stock issue but it's more obvious when add mods (more things to load), so maybe more RAM can help but it seem to be an issue that is in KSP deep. If this is the case, so maybe hiding misery is the only solution (nuclear option), but if you can found better it would be wonderful ! It seems to me that the old mod "Audio Muffler Redux" had same issue and by take a look on the topic, I found someone that talking about of this: Maybe it can help ? I will try. Except this, RSE make sounds of rockets, rovers, planes or any craft we can build so much immersive ! I've already saying you thank you for the audio mixer, but I also wish to say you thank you for your sounds library (RSEDefault).
  3. Wow ! Now, KSP community have a great mixer audio plugin that can be used by all parts from mods and stocks that must make sound. Thank you so much for your all work !
  4. Oh ! Very strange. Do you know exactly when is back to TAA after done the manually setting ? When is back to TAA, if you open scatterer config on KSC, what do you see on current preset field ? Can you see this "back to TAA" in "config.cfg" ? Also, can you post your "Player.log" file (see instructions below to find it), as well as your "ModuleManager.ConfigCache" file that is in GameData folder ?
  5. Hello @GJdude, Did you try to open "config.cfg" in "GameData\Scatterer\config" and set manually this variables like this ? useSubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing = True smaaQuality = 2 useTemporalAntiAliasing = False
  6. If it work and you want to keep this SRB waterfall effects, try to change "StockWaterfallEffects.cfg" and "WaterfallRestock.cfg" (in RocketSoundEnhancementDefault\Patches) like I showed you.
  7. Hello @Misguided Kerbal, I toke a look into your ModuleManager.configcache files that you posted on your "Realplume refusing to work" topic and it seem you have something else than StockWaterfallEffects or WaterfallRestock that add a ModuleWaterfallFX module to your solid boosters, so you have two solutions: Either you find what is adding ModuleWaterfallFX module to your solid boosters and remove it Either you modify StockWaterfallEffects.cfg and WaterfallRestock.cfg patches If you choose to modify patches, you can do something like this: For StockWaterfallEffects.cfg: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWaterfallFX],@MODULE[RSE_Engines]]:FOR[zzzRocketSoundEnhancementDefault]:NEEDS[StockWaterfallEffects,!RealPlume] { !EFFECTS{} } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWaterfallFX],@MODULE[RSE_RCS]]:FOR[zzzRocketSoundEnhancementDefault]:NEEDS[StockWaterfallEffects,!RealPlume] { !EFFECTS{} } For WaterfallRestock.cfg: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWaterfallFX],@MODULE[RSE_Engines]]:FOR[zzzRocketSoundEnhancementDefault]:NEEDS[WaterfallRestock,!RealPlume] { !EFFECTS{} } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWaterfallFX],@MODULE[RSE_RCS]]:FOR[zzzRocketSoundEnhancementDefault]:NEEDS[WaterfallRestock,!RealPlume] { !EFFECTS{} } I hope that it will help you.
  8. I don't believe, may be 1 or 2 fps. And yes, it's saved in config file, set "useSubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing" to true. You can also set "smaaQuality" on 1 or 2 (lower = lower fps hit). (Of course, you also must set "useTemporalAntiAliasing" on false) I don't remember if it was present in 0772 but I don't believe. TAA was reintroduced in last update. So you shouldn't get this issue with Waterfall. In case of, to simply see it, when you are on SpaceCenter you can click on blue planet in taskbar, that will open main Scatterer config and there you can click on "Customize" and see AA options. (On last version, you must untick TAA to tick SMAA after) Also, like I said that post, you can use AVP instead Spectra by use my config or by inspiring by it. And so, you could use last version of Scatterer.
  9. Hello @Rakete, this is a know issue. A workaround is to disable TAA (Tamporal AntiAliasing). You can use SMAA (Subpixel Morphological AntiAliasing) instead.
  10. Hello @jebycheek, you can take look to my config. May be it will help you to understand how to apply change over a visual pack. Or if you don’t want to bother with this, you can simply download and use it. My config is based on Astronomer's Visual Pack, see how my Kerbin looks : You can see my config here: https://github.com/Vandest1/Optimal_Visual_Aspect
  11. Hello, Moreover about sun flares, I've made a rework of scale curve to better match with distance. The one of scatterer config isn't so bad but there some little inconsistencies with some distances. Here it is: scaleCurve { key = 1 6 0 -0.2 key = 52 1 0 -0.01 key = 76 0.8 0 -0.005 key = 262 0.3 0 0 key = 434 0.1 0 0 } You can apply it on your sunFlare and sunSpikes configs.
  12. blackrack always post a message when a new release is done, don't worry. But if you follow this topic, you will be notified each time some one post a message. And if you only follow blackrack, you will be notified each time he post a message everywhere on forum. It's up to you to pick what you prefer.
  13. Cumulonimbus in KSP, a dream ! My 1060 will must accept this clouds, no choice. But most of time my gpu is under 60% on ksp 1080p (it's rather one of cores of my cpu that suffering with ksp). I will see (I can't wait) KSP2 really need to exist ?
  14. A re-balancing is currently in testing. All parts got its weight and quantity re-balanced compared to stock parts, also some bugs have been fixed. If you want to test it, you can download it here and install it as a patch. Feel free to come back here to say what do think about it.
  15. First image make me think about outside we can see when we are in VAB. Nice. Those from in high atmosphere looks a little weird but may be it cause by all clouds have same settings ?
  16. I hope one day you will found how to make this workaround get it to work with scatterer, it would be such powerful ! But for now, I just can't wait to try this volumetric clouds.
  17. So good ! It's about I expected. And I suppose there will be a fading to the 2d map when we will going to orbit ? If it's the case, will there a normal map support ? Or I'm totally wrong and we will can see your 3d clouds from orbit (without any loss performance ) ?
  18. It seem to working well ! The question I have to my mind is : How each clouds will be placed into the sky ? In standard EVE it's done by a cloud map, but there, it will be the same ?
  19. It's awesome ! I didn't even hope to see a picture. You have already progress well !
  20. You right, resized 1.875 shrouds don't match with wedge cores height. To fix this you can put a patch named like you want (mine is named "US_Resized.cfg") in GameData folder with this inside : @PART[USCylindricalShroud125ResizedTo1875-1]:LAST[UniversalStorage2] { @MODEL { @scale = 1.4625, 0.975, 1.4625 } } @PART[USCylindricalShroud1500ResizedTo1875-2]:LAST[UniversalStorage2] { @MODEL { @scale = 1.21875, 0.975, 1.21875 } } You can note you must change values by 0.975 and not 1.0 because all Universal Storage parts get an other resized patch that change its scales to this value. Effectively, it look a little squished but this duplicated part was made to fill the lack of 1.875 shrouds. I also hope it's a temporary solution but I'm not a 3D designer, so I hope there will be someone like @Daishi would make something for that.
  21. Sorry for confusion, English is not my native language. I meant "terrific" like @Kwebib said. So, it was a compliment.
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