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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. Agreed, it just really annoys me with the Survey Scanners have resource options for Ore if I'm running a save with modified parts for mining and isru'ing that don't use ore Peace.
  2. I don't use karbonite, however, if you use MM patches you can disable the Stock Ore. Using something like: !RESOURCE_DEFINITION[Ore] {} will get rid of Ore for scanners and such. You may need to adjust stock parts as well. Peace.
  3. More aerospikes! Yikes! Didn't know about Arca, so thanks for the heads up! And for some reason the infographic is making me impatient in my wait all the more! Peace.
  4. Hi all, I have a Module Manager question if some could please assist with! I'd like to remove a resource that has been defined by a mod without having to manually delete it from the mod altogether. For example, Kerbalism adds in a RESOURCE_DEFINITION (water), then defines its locations through PLANETARY_RESOURCE and BIOME_RESOURCE. How would I remove it completely so that the Survey Scanner does not pick it up nor would it be able to be drilled for? Thanks in advance! Peace. EDIT - I resolved the issue: !RESOURCE_DEFINITION[Water] {} Certainly did the trick. Phew. Sorry to anyone who spent time on this!
  5. Apologies to the Fugees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKOtzIo-uYw Tapping the board with your fingers. Playing with life by key strokes. Killing them softly with your code; Killing them softly, with your code; Playing their whole life by key strokes Killing them softly with your code. I saw them only proto, I saw them in C sharp, And sent them up in rockets, keys were played like a harp, And there they were, these kerbals, light beams sent to my eyes... I'll see myself out then.
  6. So many people have asked for this over the years that TR has existed and allowed for helmet removal. I believe the issue has been that it is part of the kerbal model itself. If you can work it out you'll no doubt be classed as a genius. Or a genie. Great work! Thanks and Peace.
  7. Okay, so finally downloaded and had a go... I removed the RealSolarSystem&SSRSS from the KER is now reading with a simple rocket - with a Mk1 Command Pod, an FL-T800 tank and one swivel engine as massively excessive delta vee and thrust. Confirmed that I was in orbit with fuel to spare. This appears to be the opposite of your stated intention! Is the CFG file supposed to be *1.8 across the board or /1.8? EDIT - just looked at the RSS config you have above, and yup - its the same, so stock and SSRSS is quite overpowered
  8. I've been wondering about this, and had no idea where to start! Thanks for being on a similar wavelength! Peace.
  9. You do need EL but only the plugin and the button textures. You dont need the EL bundled parts like the blue green workshop thing or the foldaway runway and such. I have to admit I've never used the 3d printer so I'm not sure about OSE. Try it in a trial sandbox game and see what happens.
  10. I too look forward to this awesome piece of work. @Stevie_D will you do a testing release before completing the IVAs for the centrispinnials? Peace.
  11. It is only parts and some MM cfg patches. There are no .dlls to update. The mod is basically a part expansion for Extra-planetary Launchpads, which is not bundled. Some of the tank parts have texture and resource switching which requires firespitter, but these won't load if they the mod hasn't been installed. It also has some KIS/KAS specific parts. If you just want to your craft or base to look nice, then there are no issues!. And hasn't EPL been updated to 1.3? Also, I do have it installed in my current 1.3 save and although haven't unlocked them nothing seems to be amiss. Peace.
  12. @Eleusis La Arwall hasn't been around in a while, but I still use this mod and these parts in 1.2.2 - I think they still work in 1.3, but I haven't progressed to that point of my career to use them yet ;( Peace.
  13. Incredible! This is so awesome. You are filling several niches which are missing. Thank you so much for the time, effort and skill you are investing. Peace.
  14. Hi all, Just wondering (again) about the way career, funds and EPL/GC play nicely together or don't and a simpler alternative to KCT. Pinging @linuxgurugamer and @nathan1 to see what they think and whether this would be possible with their current mods StateFunding and AltFunding. So the first question is this: Is it possible to mod in a two tier Funds system? The second question is this: Is it possible to mod the in game name of Funds The third is a question on feedback for this idea: The Funds are dripped into your save based similar to State Funding (rate changeable according to Career rep, KSC building tiers etc) ALL parts are modded to have a cost directly associated with their mass, which is what EPL and GC calculate build times on. Funds would effectively equate to RocketParts or whatever. This retains an 'insta' build option, but Funds have been significantly nerfed so that you need to wait. Contracts may just give enhanced rep, which increases funds. Recovered rockets and stages are 'recycled' rocketparts anyway and come back as Funds, giving a boost before launching your next rocket. It does mean that 'money' is out of the equation, but my own head canon suggests that money isn't a motivating factor for kerbals working, mainly as costs to upgrade facilities and hire kerbals are one offs - we don't actually pay anyone! It is simply a cost of building or generating them. It also means that setting up EPL bases on the Mün becomes much more important! As off world resource mining is free. What do you all think? Please offer feedback. Disclaimer - I may do something like this as part of the AngleCan Simplex mod. Peace.
  15. Looks awesome! If you could do Kerbalism support too please? How will you animate... I'm not sure about blender, but various modders could give you a heads up between infernal robotics to USI, Firespitter (does textures too?) Or using your own code? MOTHER developer might pass on code for his rotation animation which would allow for rotating IVA as well. Will you provide an IVA? Perhaps not for the 72 seat model Looking forward to this!
  16. As it is simply a CFG you should be able to utilise this with the current Module Manager. Peace.
  17. You can edit the Trait cfg to adjust how the Trait is managed - i.e. you can give the all the Kerbals the skill function which the same efficiency at every level if you so choose. But as goldenpsp said, they do need it as it is baked in as a requirement. Peace.
  18. @Ger_space, Congratulations on the release! That is very awesome - and thank you for all your work. Peace...
  19. Hey @Morse. Are you just waiting for the translations to be complete before releasing the update?
  20. Is there an online text to speech generator that could be used and then kerbalised?
  21. Hoorah! And goosebumps? Must be cold in my office. Keep up the excellent work. Peace. EDIT: @Thrimm I just caught your latest youtube for the airlocks. Will the lip cause any issues for a kerbal walking though them and are they the same size as the originals?
  22. Can't believe I missed this announcement! Overnight for me and its 12 pages! What this means really is that Squad management/owners/shareholders (not the devs) don't have the drive to take KSP further. They were offered cash for the IP, and the deal I'm sure allows them to take a cut of the increased sales (if any) now that multiple languages are supported. The REAL money for TT will be KSP2. With tens of millions having purchase the game, it has potential to have 'sequels' in the Civilization of GTA sense, with a variety of spin off material. Same concept, new styling, better engines. Whe, in a couple of years, TT released a new KSP game with no early access bonuses and none of the marketing and EULA 'mistakes' that Squad made (because they didn't do their due diligence), costing what KSP at full price does now, would I buy it? Would people who bought previous to April 2013 have to buy the new game. Certainly. Would this community and the awesome modders move to a new version - I would hope so - and that is the key for me. The modders really have make the game the awesome experience that it is. I'd only buy into a successful community. Peace.
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