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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. Also try whatever mod gives you 'no offset limits'. Then you can place them on the fairing bases and then offset them wherever you need. Not sure how that works upon deployment. Peace.
  2. Jimbodiah has a set of MM config patches for using stock engines and fuel in RSS I believe. Peace.
  3. That is amazing. Having Val wear a bow tie whilst taking a lucrative tourist out for a high gee set of manouvers... Looking forward to release. Thanks for your hard code diving! Peace.
  4. It is probably possible through a Strategies. Check out Strategia as an examplease @thevegimobil Peace
  5. The first are due to MM changes in MM 3.0.1. Use an earlier version of MM to avoid it. Or edit the files to remove the doubled up expressions. Check the MM forum page for details. The Kerbalism tab in the VAB doesnt show in 1.3.1. There is a patch last page or so that will add the parts to utility tab. Peace.
  6. Make sure that when you set up the manouver node to go from Low Kerbin Orbit, you are burning around the Ascending Node or Descending Node and that the AP remains around where the opposite AN or DN will be. Peace. PS. Or use Kopernicus to change the inclination of the Mün to match your obrital insertions
  7. Interesting idea. You could create a rule to generate stress or negative comfort then create process module in the profile file perhaps then apply it by MM to the part. Not sure which stressor you would use though. They might be hardcoded. Alternatively you could use MM to decrease the volume available for that part. This is probably the easiest and best solution. Peace.
  8. I'm away from my PC for much of the day but does this MM config basically just make all fuel = 0 in every part or remove it on launch? Nice idea to make construction take time without KCT. Peace.
  9. You may need to have a higher level engineer. Peace.
  10. Or use Konstructs to place an object with a KK launchpad on it. For gameplay sake place in Kerbal Stationary Orbit. Launch your station to be attached to it with clamps (or a modded part with clamp module). Also mod a part for the station like a special tank that generates fuel/oxidiser/anything using the same module as an RTG (not suitable for career saves or is it? Extraplanetary Launchpads effectively is free building costing time, not funds. Make sure the tanks you mod fill with EPL's rocket parts too make sure your craft/station includes EPL launchpads. Close the KK launch site. Also in the save file remove the staging for the craft/station launch clamps so you don't have any 'accidents'. Also have lots of docking ports I think that would be a solution Peace.
  11. Nice job! Left me keen to know what happens ... next. Peace.
  12. I'm sure Kerbal Planetary Base Systems has something like this but for its own particular form factor. Peace.
  13. The pressing 'o' key for one. That is amazing. Also the camera transition is better than stock. Thanks @linuxgurugamer. Peace.
  14. I love the idea of a rotation setting which would make rotating a whole vessel to simulate gravity (or constant rotating satellites a thing) through time warp. I've never used MechJeb however, just a little kOS and a lot of KER and would also prefer any mechjeb stuff to be well hidden. Peace.
  15. My God... it's full of... Mars! I'll see myself out. Sorry it must be the silly season. Peace.
  16. I don't believe so. I have explosions when a DIY kit is built by GC so you can't store a DIY kit in a DIY kit. Havibg one craft that has seveal DIY kits is fine though. Peace.
  17. Why has this not been done before, or why have I not considered it before? Genius. Peace. P.S. What is the actual length in total?
  18. @TiktaalikDreaming sorry to hear that your recent life has been less than great or even content. Seasonal greetings and peace be with you.
  19. Looks interesting, but the video is unavailable will you be creating this as individual parts? Looking forward to seeing how you progress this! Peace.
  20. It is. If using MM 3.0.1 then you nees to make the changes outlined over above. Peace.
  21. Yes but you'll need to manipulate some things. Look back over the past few pages to see any cfg fioenediting and editions. Basically in 1.3.1 the Kerbalism category doesn't come up and the latest MM throws some errors as above. Peace
  22. I switch between IFI LS and Kerbalism. But I've modded them slightly for my own tastes, kerbalism using a slightly more complex version of Simplified in my signature which is basically what IFI LS is now after it has been updated and enhanced. With both I add an additional set of Ores and modified GC and EPL with them. I reckon IFI is a great LS mod to kick off though.
  23. Yes, I feel chastised thank you. After reading through the OP then the entire first page of posts this question came to me and I figured favourite mods were part mods :). I also haven't added TU to my favourites yet. But when I get some time I look forward to giving this a crack. Thanks @The White Guardian! Peace.
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