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Everything posted by jake9039

  1. duct tapes 10 copies of the next poster together for a human sheild.
  2. 1130 you see my paradox from king of the hill.
  3. I still made paradox. iff I kill george lucas, I lose intrest in space, making me not to have joined th forums, causing me not to kill george lucas, causing me to watch star wars, causing me to like space,causing me to join the forums, causing me to kill george lucas so still my paradox
  4. being a proffesor but a foundre as wll? Cheater!
  5. I go back in time and kill george lucas, causing you to have no AT. meanwhile I become a footbal player and forget ksp, wich causes me to NOT kill george lucas, letting you have the atat, and it creates a paradox. my paradox
  6. I bury your blitzkrieg in a hill of jakeium(the strongest metal in the universe) my hill
  7. get stinky feet. insert pie
  8. Saying something I don't understand? Cheater!
  9. not calling me on my exteded word and/or my editing? CHEATER!
  10. granted. but you are eaten too. I wish for a world made of cake
  12. put some free spinning docking washers on there. it will then rotate on it's own with power. also, strut the top and bottom so they stay in the same place proportionate to each other(it might colide with the center might not.)
  13. joining before me but having less posts and less rep? CHEATER!
  14. granted. but you are master cheif I wish for a super awesome cake dilivery service
  15. I actualy think this would be cool. and the docking part would be funny. one thing that might annoy people though is how they have a 0 debris policy, but it still would be cool
  16. I don't like the money stuff, so I play science or sandbox
  17. I understand air hogging gives you more air for flying, but does it increase thrust, efficiency, something?
  18. I hire jakie chan and he beats chuck norris. my hill. unrelated, you are supposed to take the hill for yourself, not for chuck norris or for nobody.
  19. your lander overheats and explodes. I put up a forcefeild. my hill
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