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Everything posted by cardgame

  1. Third try: 111 Fourth try:
  2. Bandcamp usually has 320kbps mp3 or FLAC files. The Humble Indie Music Bundle is also offering its entire package in FLAC.
  3. rainmeter @luigi eww, jagtiger.
  4. I\'d heartily recommend a pair of nice Seinheisers over anything Beats, though... the only reason beats are so expensive is brand image. $100 Seinheiser > $250 Beats.
  5. Visit the Typing Test and try! I taught myself to type via Runescape. Fuck home row! Woo! Edit: second try. 9 keystrokes per second 8)
  6. F-15 ACTIVE was a beast in AC4. Nothing better than those fuel bombs.
  7. Porta Pros are the king of the sub-$60 club and I picked mine up from Amazon for $37. For sure they\'re not world-class but they\'re the best budget phones there are, IMO. I also have some $10 Koss earbuds which actually have a level of bass in them, unlike all the other earbuds I\'ve tried (admittedly not that many).
  8. POST is analogous to the pre-flight checklist of computer boot-up. If it didn\'t post it didn\'t load into the system, not recognized by the system, something like that.
  9. If you wear glasses, Koss PortaPros are probably your best bet for traditional headphones. The large over-ear headphones will really screw with glasses, I tell you what.
  10. I\'ve only been playing stock because the new parts are rebalanced and I am waiting for a possible rebalance of the part packs to keep in rhythm with stock balance.
  11. For those of you who may be unaware, PONIES: The Anthology has released its second video.
  12. It\'s not a problem to be fixed, it\'s the natural way of game development. Feel free to continue playing .15 if you\'d like to. I know I\'m keeping all of my versions as a historical archive for later on down the road.
  13. It\'s in alpha state. Making the updates back-compatible would simply be a waste of time. Wouldn\'t you rather they focus on developing the game? As a note, this is standard with all alpha games. Backwards-compatibility just isn\'t there.
  14. One of my favorite wallpapers ever. Also, no organization whatsoever. Haven\'t seen that one before (and I\'ve seen a lot)... me gusta. Sauce? Normally my desktop is clutterless, since I hide the dock, but doing so here would mostly defeat the purpose. As you can see, I like rainbows. 3/4 of my backgrounds (they\'re in a slideshow) feature rainbows. yay. Windows desktop is a different story... I might throw it up on here later.
  15. Without an explanation, I\'m not willing to press a random series of buttons
  16. Haven\'t you heard? School\'s all about the gaming 8)
  17. m14 is a tad small and alienware laptops are on the heavy + pricy side... Here\'s a full 1080p capable 15' laptop under $1200 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834230141 8GB RAM is all you need, unless you\'re playng Skyrim, Crysis, and editing HD video all simultaneously... (2GB) 560M is one of the best discrete cards, about the same level as 650M IIRC. Missing an SSD, but 7200 rpm HDD is better than the usual 5400. Nice i7 (bit low clock speed though) I... can\'t find the weight or battery life estimate ?_? Here\'s another nice 15' for ~$100 less: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152339 Third gen i7 as you can see... Also 1080p screen 6GB of RAM 650M GPU 7200 RPM 750GB HDD
  18. Technically, no spaceplane is radially symmetrical, since the wheels are only on one side.
  19. The ideal location would be on or around the Mun or Minmus. The only rule is that they must start at least 1 km from each other
  20. Do you have a budget in mind?
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