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Everything posted by cardgame

  1. I fell through the surface until my altimeter read 100m (read: -100m) and only then was destroyed. My last spent stage exploded on impact, though.
  2. It's a bit hard to illustrate the thickness of the atmo.
  3. If you teleported to Eve instead of flying there with a launch stage it doesn't count.
  4. Struts have stopped all of my launch stages from rolling. One on top, one on bottom.
  5. It's over twice as efficient as the standard engines are in space, so you can get to another planet with half the fuel you'd need with a standard engine.
  6. It's rather difficult to read a rapidly changing analog gauge. Unless I'm looking at the wrong thing and still haven't found it.
  7. Spaceplanes are best with their current cockpits IMO simply because it looks much more impressive.
  8. There's no way the game can be dumbed down enough to work on a mobile platform and still be the same KSP. Perhaps a new 'lite' version of the game could be created, but I really don't see it happening.
  9. You don't have to be reliant on the forums for everything. http://imgur.com/
  10. I think knowledge of Jool's atmo could certainly benefit any craft with insanely elliptical orbits and help them plan aerobraking maneuvers.
  11. Jumping from 100000x time warp to 1x time wakes Space Cthulu, go from 100k to 10k and then to 1x and he will remain a-slumber.
  12. Kraken Mk. II (aka Space Cthulu) does exist but can be defeated by warping to 10,000x before you warp to 1x. 100k to 1 wakes Cthulu.
  13. I'd like to see docking very well done, so if that means a long wait that's okay. It would be a nice Christmas present though
  14. I'm pretty sure they buffed the large SRBs.
  15. I haven't seen much of Jool. Is it that difficult to reach or just not worth the trip? Pictures, for your consideration: Oh yes, and as you can see, once you're inside the atmo it tints everything green. Super nice touch :3 My God... it's empty of stars! The last thing Jeb saw The sun is quite dim from out here. I tried to get to one or two of its moons as well, but my trajectory was really bad and I didn't have quite enough fuel to alter it AND make contact with a moon. I actually did have an encounter with Layth randomly lined up, but I was moving ~2800m/s and had a periapsis of 2,800,000km, so with only ~500L of fuel remaining it was an impossibility. After ~3 years worth of Jool orbits, each incrementally closer, I found the atmo at a very shockingly low altitude of ~138km. Despite being incredibly thin (the ISP of my nuclear engine only dropped like 1-2%) it dragged me down to the surface during my second aerobrake through, the first being at 117km and the second at 100. I suspect this is due to how much area I flew through it (going 8000kms).] Also, the "ground" doesn't really exist. I kept falling to around -100m and then "clouds" (stated in mission debriefing) started buffeting my ship and Jeb around, eventually exploding the command capsule. I left Jeb to his own devices on an EVA. Last issue I have with Jool is that there's some intense immersion in the atmo and the stars disappear after a little while, only to re-emerge as bright as ever at ~4km altitude. What's up with that?
  16. I had heard the space kraken would be conquered in .17 Every time I've gone beyond Kerbin SoI my ships have been torn apart by warping, worse than it's ever been in any previous versions Step 1: Pack a NERVA. Get into space. Step 2: Get into an orbit of Kerbin. Step 3: Burn at as low a periapsis as possible for as long as possible until you reach the required apoapsis. That should work for either outer planet, for the inner planets burn straight away from Kerbin until you escape it, then look to your map for instructions
  17. Curse you, space kraken! Dawn. New Lighting & Skybox
  18. I found a UFO once. A floating wing in static position ~3km from the airport. I crashed into it and created more floating wings
  19. Kao, I'm very interested in the telescope images but could you try to get a daylit shot? Rather difficult to see the night ones.
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