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    Apollo CM Pilot
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  1. The transition between the fixed nozzle section and the nozzle extension doesn't look very realistic. Look how seamless it is on the RL10B-2, which this in game engine seems to be based on.
  2. Falcon 9 stages are 3.6 meters in diameter. Fairings are 5.2 meters. It's impossible to match appearance, size, and mass at the same time in stock KSP. To match appearance a lot of parts like structural panels and struts would have to be used for visual detailing. Except parts in stock KSP are very heavy for balancing reasons and with that the mass requirement goes out the window.
  3. It's not a gravity assist. It's just splitting the trans-lunar injection into two burns.
  4. Earth (I use RSS). Once you reach low Earth orbit, you are halfway to anywhere in the Solar System (at least delta v wise). Also because it looks beautiful from orbit. And when you land, it means you're back home.
  5. @DrakenexNot everyone plays on the most recent KSP version. There are people still using 1.3.1, 1.6.1 and 1.7.3 for Realistic Progression 1 (RP-1) mod. Heck, I am still using KSP 1.2.2 for my RP-0 save. The new Starliner mod might not be compatible with older KSP versions, so there is a reason to keep this mod alive. Thank you.
  6. This is a crewed mission to Mars, that I have worked on for almost a year. I used (and still use) KSP version 1.2.2 with Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul and Realistic Progression 0 mods (RP-0, not to be confused with the newer RP-1). The reason why I still use KSP 1.2.2 is because of my 4 year old RP-0 career save (created in January 2016) that is in the very advanced stage of progression. The year in that save is 2029 as of typing this post. It wasn't possible to transfer that save to KSP 1.3.1, because the evolution of RP-0 (called RP-1) that was released for KSP 1.3.1 changed too many things for my old save to be compatible. My long running RP-0 save is also the reason why completing my Mars mission took so long. It's not a 'single mission' save, there are many other missions in progress simultaneously, that need to be attended to from time to time (probe course corrections, moon/planet flybys, station crew rotations etc). More detail about my Mars mission and vehicles that took part in it, can be found here: https://imgur.com/gallery/6J8m9Iz - Mars Cargo Landers launches https://imgur.com/gallery/ArUGAnf - MTV assembly https://imgur.com/gallery/jfTB9sp - Departure to Mars https://imgur.com/gallery/DQkeCoQ - Arrival on Mars https://imgur.com/gallery/A965gZw - Departure from Mars
  7. @Hungry_Dragon265Your tank has liquid hydrogen and stock KSP oxidizer in it. RL10 in Realism Overhaul uses liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. In VAB, right click on your tank part and select 'delete all tanks' option. It should then show you an option of '72% LH2/28%LqdOxygen' (or something similar, I don't remember the exact numbers for RL10). Click that, it will automatically fill your tank with a correct fuel to oxidizer ratio that RL10 engine uses. And if it doesn't work for this tank, then just use Procedural Parts.
  8. @GP_LeChuck Are you playing with stock physics or with Principia? With stock physics, because of the way Real Solar System simulates Earth's axial tilt (by tilting the entire Solar System by 23.5 degrees), axial tilt of every other body including the Moon, is completely wrong. This causes the Moon to have polar days and nights just like on real Earth. So it's not actually possible to have 'peaks of eternal light' on the Moon when using RSS with stock physics. You'll get about half year of light and half year of darkness when you land in the right spot near one of the poles. Prinicipia adds n-body physics and though I'm not sure exactly how, the creators of this mod managed to implement proper axial tilts for every planet and moon.
  9. I hope Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul and a bit of alternate history are allowed. To clarify, most footage that's in the video was recorded in a sandbox save (beginning to 10:54 mark), but it is based on a mission that I did properly in a RP-0 career save (proofs: https://imgur.com/gallery/fvBWv & https://imgur.com/gallery/8n6Pl0R). I just didn't have PC good enough for recording when I started this mission.
  10. There is an expansion for RSS that includes some transneptunians: https://github.com/PhineasFreak/RSSExpansion. As to why aren't those part of base RSS, it might be because RSS devs wanted to limit the number of bodies that are added to the game, so that the mod isn't using too much RAM. Highest resolution textures for base RSS take up ~550MB of disc space, so imagine the RAM usage with another dozen or so Kuiper Belt objects.
  11. Here are crew vehicles from my RP-0 save. From left to right: Apollo Block IV, CST-100 Starliner, Orion MPCV and HL-20 spaceplane. Apollo spacecraft has been in service for almost 50 years now (there were upgrades along the way), it's been transporting astronauts to space station in LEO for the last 30 years and it took part in two manned Lunar landing programs (1968-1972 & 1998-2012). It will be retired soon and spacecraft shown above are its successors. Boeing's Starliner and Lockheed Martin's HL-20 will become new taxis for existing and future LEO space stations. Orion is the new deep space exloration vehicle, it will transport crew to Lunar space station and take part in testflights of various Mars mission hardware. After all the testing is done and the Lunar station is retired, Orion will go to Mars.
  12. I made a recreation of the "Curiosity" rover in Real Solar System.
  13. I landed this 899 kg guy on Mars yesterday. I pushed KSP to its limit, but it worked. It wouldn't be possible without the Throttle Controlled Avionics mod. This one mod basically saved the whole recreation . Here's a link to full album, I don't want to spam 15 images in one post: https://imgur.com/a/a0bwe .
  14. @njbrown09 There are no axial tilts due to limitations of the game engine. Instead the entire Solar System is tilted by 23 degrees to simulate Earth's axial tilt.
  15. @ILikeIke In KSPTOT you can right click on a window where you insert time and chose 'Enter UT as Date/Time'.
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