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Everything posted by Emilio

  1. I've just come back to KSP a few days ago, so I might as well start over. But I wonder if my FAR-adapted style of building will work with the new aerodynamics - I hope so at least.
  2. That is truly amazing. And all stock, too. Great job, sir.
  3. Hello ! As you may know if you've been a member of the forum since 0.13, I used to be very active on this forum. Now, I barely post at all, and don't play KSP as often. This is for various reasons. I plan to get back on the forums soon, but I was wondering, could my account be deleted if I am inactive for to long ?
  4. No. What I am trying to say, is that they are reviewing an (early) Alpha game like they would review a fully completed game. Wich an alpha is not. And they are rating it on the graphics and sound effects (usually not very good during alphas). And would you really go as far as to say KSP's graphics "Hurt the eyes" as they said? This is an alpha game And this is a completed game. See the difference? OK, je m'en souviendrai Also thanks for your info on the PEGI/ESRB system. You are entirely right, that's also what I think.
  5. I'm working on a submission, but being on vacation with a laptop, I can build my ship but it is impossible to launch it. Could someone take a few screenshots in space for me ? I'll PM the details and the .craft EDIT: Do you think 357 parts is okay? Can't remove anything without exposing the fragile interiors of the ship and its drones...
  6. Michael Collins, you will never be forgotten for accepting to stay in the CSM *Salute
  7. ... but gained faith in ordinary users reviews Last day, out of curiosity, I decided to check the review of KSP by JeuxVideo.com, the so called "Reference" in French gaming (I am french). I can't believe people like this are called "experts". First, as soon as I start reading, I see "Game classification : Recommended for 12 years and +". First, since when KSP has an age rating ? Secondly, the european system rates the violence in games, not the difficulty. They are saying that KSP is a violent game, what the hell? Then, as they usually do, they first review the game and then rate its Graphics, Gameplay, Lifespan, Sound Effects and Story. The review is fairly positive, but is totally contradictory with the ratings they give. They give the graphics a 8/20 (!), even saying that they hurt the eyes (!!) Gameplay, 14/20, saying that physics laws are somewhat respected Lifespan, 13/20. They say that there are not enough missions, and that only space simulators fans will keep playing. Sound effects, 6/20 (!!!), saying that there are almost none. Story N/A, since the game is a sandbox. Overall, they give it a 13/20. I was really disappointed by this so-called "professional"review, but I was happy to see the users reviews and comments : Example user comments : "An awesome game" "All I can say is WOOOOW" "The golden game of 2012" "To the guy who wrote the "official" review : Judging an Alpha and giving it a 13/20 is completely stupid, this game is awesome" "Original, Fun, Hard, Addictive" "A game that honors Indie devellopers" Overall user rating : 18/20 There you go, the community is smarter than the "Professional reviewers" You can read the review yourself here... in french http://www.jeuxvideo.com/articles/0001/00018057-kerbal-space-program-test.htm
  8. OK, wait a sec... First we got Kessler, wich allowed save file sharing (asynchronous multiplayer). And now, with this, we can see what others are doing in real time, but not interact with them. We are getting close to actual multiplayer here
  9. Wait, wouldn't that guy die after touching a solar array? They pack quite a lot of volts... It looks interesting anways, now to wait until it airs in my country
  10. Thanks for the update! Also, Flixxbeatz, glad to see I've not been forgotten
  11. According to Steam, it is, despite my recent inactivity on the forums! But I'm not sure if I have more played non-Steam games....
  12. Hello all! Well, I've been pretty inactive on the forums for the past few years (last post on October 2011, so yeah...). In fact, I almost stopped playing KSP (despite following many KSP youtubers like Danny, Macey Deam and Elysium). There are many reasons for that, including moving to a new school, where no one is interessed by aeronautics (or simulators in general) But I recently began playing KSP again, since I really loved that game and seen it's now on Steam! Yeah! Now that I'm on holidays, I'm going to have a lot more time, but I'll be a lot less active than I was before. So, what happened when I was absent ? I mean, every KSP youtuber is talking about that B9 pack, Kethane, and Wayland Corp, while the only things I remember are the old Lazor System and Tosh's cart Any new popular mods, news from the Devs, etc...? Bye !
  13. OK, so I'm back at work, there's one final error to correct and i'm breaking my teeths on it. Almost done...
  14. Maybe it's because they have a HeatDissipation value in the CFG
  15. That's a great space plane capsule ! the only problem is that looks like there's no attachment node... The interplanetary pod is cool too, but... are those empty spaces on the sides intentional @tttyto : That's a cool looking pod !
  16. Sorry for not finishing the code... It should be fixed this weekend. Here's a little preview of what the code currently does : Once in orbit, you'll have to point your ship toward the right direction and engage SAS. Then press O. You will get a huge boost of speed. The engine will stay active for 10 seconds, then it will stop. You can only use the engine 5 times, after that it will deactivate. I'm currently working on an "ABORT" button : if you press "O" again while boosting, it will cut-off the engine. I'm also thinking about custom sounds, ways for recharging the engine....
  17. Sorry, I had been working on some other projects and forgot to correct the code. I'll finish it ASAP guys !
  18. I WANT THAT POD !!! Really looks great ! Is the empty space around the hatch (or at least i think it's an hatch) the room for chute ?
  19. WOW ! This just looks so cool ! But what does the plugin do ATM ? Cn you explode if at a bad angle or if going too fast ? Also, the heatshield "part" should be a PartModule so you can add it directly to the command pod, or to anything else.
  20. Hey, that's cool ! Now to make custom KSP flag and anthem
  21. Sorry... I forgot. Spoilering... EDIT : Spoiler tag not working ??!! EDIT 2 : Finally works. @6677 Can the spaceplane reach the pole ? Would be cool to simulate a mun base
  22. I just tried to deliver a liltrack (bigtrak's cousin) from a subrobital rocket, and it works pretty well, exept two incidents... here's the story : On the runway/pad The launch was perfect, a bit hard to control. We then have no images until the first incident. Crewmember Richgel Kerman attempted an EVA after booster cutoff. When trying to go back to the ship, a collision bug occured and POW ! he was sent 1.7 kilometers away from the ship. When he finally arrived close to the ship... There was only 4.4 percent of fuel left in his pack... But he finally managed to get back in the ship with less than 2.7 fuel left. Next they arrived at the landing point and deployed the chute. Then, they activated the experimental "Land-A-Thing" landing rockets, small rocket boosters stolen, err, picked up on an ejection seat. Landed on a mountain, parachute behind us. The rover rolled down all the way to the end of the mountain. And finally stopped. Rover was fully operational. This system will be used as soon as a new planet with atmosphere appears What do you think of it ? Mods used : ChickenPlucker's Bigtrak for the li'ltrack VVaris's Redstar Co-op pack for the landing rockets (they actually come from the ejector seat) Our brave Kerbonauts : Richgel and Joncott Kerman
  23. Not bad.... we really should have a EVA parachute mod
  24. I did, but you have to go back to page 60 and more to find 0.13 things...
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