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Everything posted by Emilio

  1. I think I understood why it has been made in 0.15 : in 0.16, railgun bullets seem to pass TROUGH other parts ! Also, giving the .crafts would not work since 0.16 also broke craft formats
  2. Actually it doesn\'t roast anything. It\'s like the old Sunbeam laser. I\'ll maybe update it. If i finish my 3 other projects
  3. That\'s exactly what I needed ! Thanks a lot
  4. Thank you ! Updating OP with the new landing gear Edit : Done
  5. Even if it\'s just for testing, could you release it ? I like the 'micro' style of it
  6. @MuzzledElk : TechnicalBen already made little airbags- search 'bags of fun' on the forum. They act as a stabilisation system for powered landings. And i think (not sure) that Nova did one in an old pack, Doughnut industries or something like this Ontopic : Those capsules are awesome ! For the 'mechjeb-crashes-due-to-reversed-engine' problem, maybe rotating mechjeb upside down...?
  7. Thanks ! But I still have a problem with the nodes : Where do i find the coordinates ? Anyway, I started modelling the landing gear,will post picture as soon as I can. I\'m also thinking about an in-atmosphere control other than RCS since I don\'t like engine gimbal. Maybe some winglets ?
  8. Since it\'s a rescue pod, I would say half orange, half white. There\'s a rescue craft retexture for orbiter DGIV, I think it has been made by 'Frenchbiscuit'. If you find it you could have a better idea of what i mean. Search on DanSteph\'s page
  9. Wait a second, why kerbals would battle if they are teleported to the space center just after they die ? They\'re impossoble to kill ? I should really make a KSP movie Maybe 'Hunting red Oktober'
  10. That\'s what I meant when I said 'launching one from the other'. Anyway, the illusion is perfect !
  11. GREAT ! I really love it, even if the end almost made me cry What about part 2, where intrepid Jeb comes to rescue him (and is succesfull) ?
  12. I\'m a pacifist, but THAT IS ONE OF THE BEST KSP MOVIES EVAR !!! Love the camera, effects and all ! BTW could you post the craft files ? The\'yre so awesome ! EDIT : Also, how did you do the 'fighter jet\'s fight' scene with planes battling against each other ? Was one plane launched from the other ?
  13. WHAT ?? They weren\'t here in X3 !!! Downloading now.
  14. Hey hey hey wait a second ! Where did you got theses red 'support clamps' ? They look cool !
  15. I love the new shuttle !! Will this be the final CL-Shuttle (or Cute Little shuttle, CargoCrew Launching shuttle, etc...) ?
  16. Crew module ?? What ?? But what are you using for this ? The PartModules ? Or the 'hatch and strut' method that I discovered while testing ?
  17. So, I just started modelling a cargo ship. Here\'s my problems : 1. How to texture the model ? I tried to use 'Smart UV Project', but nothing appears. 2. How do I create the collider ? I found the 'bounding box' tool, but when I open it in edit mode, i have this : And in object mode : 3. How to set up the nodes ? 4. How to split the model to the different pieces ? For those who want more info on the ship itself : There are 9 modelled parts. Progress : Green = Done Yellow = Working on it Red = Not done Nosecone SAS Model Texture CFG Command pod Model Texture CFG RCS Tank Model Texture CFG Central fuel tank Model Texture CFG Lateral fuel tanks (2) Model Texture CFG Central engine Model Texture CFG Lateral engines (2) Model Texture CFG Front landing gear Model Texture CFG Side landing gear (2) Model Texture CFG RCS blocks (4) Model Texture CFG The gear will probably not be retractable I\'m thinking of making only 1 fuel tank part Also, maybe the rcs blocks will be the stock ones. UPDATE 07/28 : Landing gear modelled : I\'m open to any ideas or suggestions, but remeber i\'m a noob in modelling so don\'t ask too hard things
  18. RAAAH YOU POSTED IT BEFORE ME !!! Anyway that is cool. But mine has a strange behavior : takes of instantly O_o
  19. If you want to do de-orbit boosters that fires at interval, they must be very close one from each other, or have small thrust, or have a powerful ASAS system, otherwise the capsule will be sent fleeing in all directions.
  20. I think it\'s a Mechjeb, but an old version, something like this.
  21. @Evil Beaver : WHAT IS THAT THING ??!? Where is it from ? Is it a Sukhoi 35 ? Is it a real-life thing ? Anyway, you can use the door hinges for that, if you want inspiration check SasquatchM\'s folding planes EDIT : I checked this, but the page is in russian, and google traduction does not really help. I only heard about the 'Zenith' and 'Buran' project. At least I know it was part of the Buran program
  22. If you want I can do the CFG files for you, just specify what you want.
  23. The airbag is just for show. Even if you increase the crash tolerance, it has no effect since the parachute has no collider.
  24. That\'s really not bad ! could you show the 'split' model (all parts separated) ?
  25. OK, so now I understand. Thanks !
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