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Everything posted by Emilio

  1. I tried to import a 3D model in KSP, but it was way too big. I tried to use the scale factor in the CFG but it has no effect at all. Is there a solution ?
  2. It is not possible ATM. You will have to wait some versions for stock PartModules
  3. @Majiir I think it could be done by derivating from the ControlSurface class. Anyway, great mod ! I\'ll use it for slowing down my deep space cargoship
  4. That\'s cool ! Good way to wait 0.16 I have a little suggestion : lighter green for the Kerbal, since now it looks like a cucumber with eyes in a spacesuit Also, I\'ve found something that could be interessing : 1. Take your model 2. Remove space suit, keep only EVA thruster 3. Cut EVA thruster in half 4. Make one half that is RCS tank, the other half that is RCS block 5. You have now a demo-compatible EVA pack ! About spawning parts, there\'s a plugin called orbital construction. Check the source files, it should help since it spawns a ship in orbit. Or you could check the Wormhole\'s plugin source. Also, you should maybe include a little built-in SAS, since that little guy looks like instable @Subcidal : What do you mean ? You didn\'t knew that EVA will be implemented in 0.16 ?
  5. That looks great ! Exept this little smoothing problem that makes it look like a sausage When it\'s released, i\'ll use it to drop supplies for my future polar base
  6. YOU DID A FATAL ERROR. The name of your 'USS_ENTERPRISE_FUEL' is 'fuelTank', like the stock one, so it causes conflicts with craft files. You should change it to EnterpriseFuelTank or something like this. Apart of that, it\'s not bad.
  7. @SquirrelMachine : I haven\'t tough to the alimentation yet, I\'m focusing on the main functions. I suppose it will use some some kind of battery, crystal, special fuel...
  8. You could maybe try something : In the default part parameters, there are breakingTorque and breakingForce. Increasing those values should reduce the wobblyness (not sure) Offtopic : Explorers on the moon ? It\'s an inexact translation. The original title is 'On a marché sur la lune', so it should be 'We walked on the moon'. Reminds me Back to the future : in the french version, they translated 'flux capacitor' into 'convecteur temporel (temporal convector !)
  9. Also, people tend to get angry when they see no picture at all ! Stupid mobile with low memory I did a few ksp drawings but, seriously, they\'re too bad i can\'t post this
  10. Just a little tip before you release it : MuMech has a MuMechVariablePod module, where you can choose how many \'nauts are in your craft (0->3), check the Mumech source website
  11. Wow ! a minipod ! How could I use it ? Hmmm.... MunSampleReturn vehicle !
  12. Wich values ? If you can create lift from drag it would interess me for my plugin.
  13. Not a bad craft... But maybe add some more chutes for a softer landing Also, welcome to the forum !
  14. You could send me us the parts to see what\'s wrong
  15. I though the second one was called TYE-Wing or TYE fighter ? I saw it on a forum for a Freespace mod.
  16. Good idea, I\'m gonna make drop-pods !
  17. I\'m still learning C# and KSP intern functions, but I could maybe help...
  18. STOP TEASING US AND RELEASE IT !!!! Sorry, it just looks so awesome
  19. No, I was talking about the game code WarpEngine. Yours works fine
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