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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. It's really a quality of life thing. KSP's VAB and SPH are some of the best CAD programs I've seen, but the VAB lacks the ability to translate the camera horizontally. As of right now, you're attached with a rope to an invisible pole in the center of the building. By enabling the camera to move in all axes, we can make more complicated designs, and see angles that would otherwise be blocked. I don't know how much work it would take, but I'd imagine that it couldn't fit in 1.2.0. But it's something I'd really like to see in 1.3.0. What are your thoughts?
  2. The Risotto Rock's third language is Arborio, a long-dead language only discovered after one of the construction workers for the Astronaut Center was skipping stones in Booster Bay.
  3. Well, you can change the texture on the suit, including any pipes, holes, lines, etc.
  4. At the risk of saying, "there's a mod for that..." there's a mod for that.
  5. It might have some problems if you only have 4GB of RAM. I would try it and see how it works, though. Also, make sure to download the lowest texture pack for RSS. The higher ones will slow down your computer.
  6. So, the problem is I'm using too much RAM? That shouldn't be happening, I have 16GB.
  7. Thank you. To further drive home my point, he's gotten about 10 rep since he left for good. Hasn't posted a thing.
  8. Guys, trust me here. It's not the amount of rep you have that makes you a valuable member of this community, it's the contributions you make. I understand that rep makes it easy to quantify, but it's really not a true representation of how much you've put into the community- @Flymetothemun, for example, only had about 3-400 rep, but almost everyone know that when he posted, it was important to him.
  9. Definitely not safe for sustained periods of time (i.e., more than 5 seconds). I know that unmanned equipment can take 45G before breaking, because I did some testing for an unmanned sample return a while back.
  10. I'm glad to see you're still visiting the forums. You've done so much for the game.

  11. I'm not so sure that your DRE is set up correctly. 12-13G is normally when they start taking damage. Also, you should probably do a shallower insertion with your first stage.
  12. No.... @KasperVld , you've been a part of this community for as long as I can remember. When I first discovered KSP, you were on the forums, posting away. When I joined, I'm pretty sure that you were a moderator, but it's been great to see you on the forums. Your presence here has really made this community a better place. Thank you so much for being with us for the past four years. I hope that you'll continue to play KSP, and will come back to visit. Best, Dman979.
  13. Probably gonna come back to the forums with about 50-70 "X has tagged you in a post!" "X has liked a post in a topic: OSIRIS-REx isson Challenge!" And yes, I'm guilty. So let's place bets- how many notifications will he have?
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