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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Welcome aboard, @cubinator! @Endersmens, we have a new member.
  2. Welcome back, 3mon! Space is everywhere. You cannot hide. Of course, with your avatar, I'm sure you already know that. I saw it on the news, too, but I saw it here first.
  3. @IonStorm, how do you want the thing presented? And in which version of KSP? Are there points for visual mods? DO you want documentation? A design notebook? Do you think you could lay out the rules a bit more formally? I like making replicas that are true-to-life, but since this follows engineering principles, I'd rather aim for a balance between accuracy and points here.
  4. GM Post Incoming... GM Post Incoming... GM Post Received! [GMPost=Dman979] Greetings, all! As a quick reminder, the GMs are still looking for a few good men or women. You must be willing to engage in lengthy behind the scenes rules discussions, and understand them well. If you are interested, please contact @RainDreamer, @Deutherius, and @Dman979 to let us know. [/GMPost] GM Post Ended. Transmission Over.
  5. Hi, @IonStorm! This seems like a really cool challenge, and I'm definitely interested in participating. I wonder if it's possible to let us know the times for any midcouse corrections, if there are any. I'd like to match that up, if I can. Also, if I read correctly, the due date is in September? Is that right?
  6. True, but the VulcaRaptor also had a lot of SAS in there, too, so it could out-tourqe the missing lift. If you look at some of the new matches, when a plane loses a wing, it's pretty much over. Unless, of course, it has an obscene amount of other wings. Losing 50% of your lifting capacity on one side is awful, but losing 10% is pretty manageable. Of course, that wound mean going really slowly, because losing one wing at 10% means 10x2=20 identical wings. That's pretty slow, if you ask me.
  7. Hmm, I wonder how this will turn out. Monoplanes historically had better capabilities than bi- or tri-planes, but I don't know how well the KSP aero simulates that. Would the extra wings give you an advantage? They add drag, but the prevailing theory of the time was that it gave better maneuverability. (It didn't. If you come close to stalling the bottom wing, the upper ones lose lift.). How well does KSP do there?
  8. Touchie. Touchie. Did anyone watch the Smothers Brothers? Becuase this is one off their great routines.
  9. As one reader to another, I think it was definitely an intentional reference on the part of the late author.
  10. I like all this discussion. I can't understand why you're all skipping oversomething potentially very important: "Not without outside help" If that's true, then like Gene said, how are they in space? If it's false, then they have a second homegrown Wernher. Either way, that means that there's someone at least as good as Wernher running around over there! For now, I'm going to call him Dr. Strangelove.
  11. This is how it looked back on the old forum. I don't know how it looks now.. And also how it looked on the old forums.
  12. Pretty close. If you have 3 mainsails, 2 Skippers, and a thud, then multiply the Mailsail's Isp by 3, multiply the Skipper's Isp by 2, and then 3*Isp(mainsail)+2*Isp(Skipper)+Isp(Thud) 6 (for six engines)
  13. Did you make it there yet?
  14. M Before You: You are James Bond, who must explain to a Bond girl that you love your boss, M, instead of her. Shot in the style of a Choose-your-own-Adventure.
  15. I hate to contradict the great Starhawk, but I think that your headcanon/cannon has some flaws. Case in point, "Made Wernher toil on it all alone." If we go back a few pages, we can clearly see not one, but two kerbulans working on the project. So I think that you're wrong there.
  16. Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm going to Penn State University, if it affects the discussion in any way. I think I'm looking at a laptop now. I know that I can build my own desktop, but I really need to be able to type notes during lectures. And Windows 7 is my preferred OS, for a Windows PC.
  17. I'd imagine it's still relatively short, though. I have faith in you!
  18. I'm not opposed to Mac, but I am curious as to your reasons for suggesting it. Is there a particular spot where it shines? Ooh, yeah, budget. That's a biggie. Let's say, oh, ~$500 USD?
  19. I'd suggest looking in the tutorials subforum. IIRC, there was a guide to interplanetary transfers there somewhere.
  20. Hi All, I recently had to return the computer I used for school over the past 4 years. It's time to upgrade to a new system. But what kind of system? Mac, Linux, or PC? Laptop or desktop? More or less cowbell? The last time I looked for a computer was in 10th grade. I was looking for a gaming desktop, but that's not my focus right now. I would expect that I will use it for word processing, MATLAB, some gaming, social media, etc. Nothing too taxing, I think. Let's start with the basics. Which will suit me better: a laptop or a desktop? Second: I hate Windows 10. Yes, it's a good operating system, blah blah blah, but it has too many privacy issues for me, and I don't like how Microsoft was shoving it down my parents' and my throats. With that in mind, can we get a discussion started? Mods: Yes, I understand that this could potentially go in the Computer Megathread. I'd like to be able to access any information a bit more easily, though, and I think it could derail the topic of the Megathread.
  21. I'm NOT doubting the commander of the Enterprise, and stop calling me Shirley!
  22. Phase angles? I'll tell you: I don't know. Argument of Periapsis? I can do that. Your Argument of Periapsis is how far around your orbit, in degrees, your Periapsis is from your Ascending Node (which is where you cross the equatorial plane of your parent body, going north). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_of_periapsis P.S. INB4 @Starhawk!
  23. Two, two, two episodes in one!
  24. The Lintstones: In this live-action documentary, Barney and Fred, hosts of "Your Dryer, Your Life" take a look at the hazardous consequences of not cleaning your filters.
  25. Huh, looks like I don't have anything to paste. That's a new one.
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