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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. I'm so meta, even this acronym. Anyway, Kuzzter, how many more years back will we go? This is starting to sound like a certain movie involving Marty McFly!
  2. A Flat-Coated Retriever who looks a lot like my own Flat-Coat. Not the same dog, though.
  3. Hi, @CliftonM! It's great to have here. There are a ton of friendly people on the forums, so if you need any help, just ask away. The subforums are clearly labeled, so you can figure out where everything belongs. There's a few good mods that I'd suggest. My favorite (and the one I'm trying to work on) is TAC-Self Destruct. Welcome aboard! P.S. INB4 @Starhawk!
  4. Can you help me work out what you guys are saying? I'm sure I'll get by, with a little help from my friends.
  5. Still looking good, @Kuzzter. Question: Do you ever borrow ideas from readers? Have you ever looked at a comment or PM and said "Hmm, that's an interesting thought, I think it adds something that I might not have come up with on my own" and then re-appropriate it into your story? Or, conversely, do you look at ideas and say "No, that's never going to work, and I rule it out forever"?
  6. Just looked it up- apparently it's running at a movie theater near me. It started 2 minutes ago.
  7. Apparently, I killed him. In fact, I'm pretty sure of it. But it's OK. @RocketSquid *I mean Dr. Frankenstein* brought him back.
  8. HI! Another thing to remember is that if there are two posts in the same minute, the second one wins.
  9. View? Well, there are a lot of nice ones in stock KSP, but my favorite one doesn't need the game at all. It's really humbling to look outside, on a clear night with a full moon, and think "Hey. We've been there. Damn."
  10. You can still speculate, like the rest of us. And, come on. You have to be a bit happy that you can throw us some false scents!
  11. I gotcha, Fam. FyunchClick, enjoy your like. I would have given it anyway, because I love that movie, but enjoy it like it's from JustJim.
  12. Oh yeah? Sorry, Kuzzter, but the author is dead. Well, Tootsie Rolls saved the Marines at the Chosin Reservoir...
  13. Ohh, headcanon time! Obviously, facial hair plays an important role in Kerbulan society. This is due to the hierarchical nature of Kerbulan society. The upper ranks have beards. The middle ranks, like Wernher, have mustaches. The lower ranks, like all the VAB workers, don't have any facial hair, at all. @Geschosskopf Wernher used to be a middle-ranking officer. Then he was promoted, and grew his beard out. After he got agonized, he was demoted, and had to shave again. Besides, this is a flashback. We don't know how much time is between panels.
  14. This is the last correct post. It overrode @Spaceception's because it was posted in the same minute.
  15. Hi, @Astrojude, welcome aboard! The first thing to remember about orbits is that you're going sideways, not up. The second thing to remember about orbits is that you can't go sideways right away. If you combine these things, you get a gravity turn. That's the simple stuff. If you want, I'd suggest checking out the Gameplay help and tutorials subforums. P.S. INB4 @Starhawk!
  16. aw, naw! I think the problem might be that you're using the wrong version of KSP for the mods.
  17. TO ALL: New game! And, the OP has been updated!
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