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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. But what if I've left? Xannari Ferrows.
  2. Granted. I wish for a real, licensed, non-injured, reusable, living, cheap lawyer, who is good at law, can win cases, and get me money back while making me look good.
  3. Granted, I start a letter war. I wish for a licensed, non-injured, reusable, living, cheap lawyer, who is good at law, who can win cases and get me money back while making me look good.
  4. You know, that's not a bad idea. Where can I get a flight suit?
  5. They seem a little childish. Does anyone know what the websites of the NASA stores are? I can't find them.
  6. Or I could say that I'm a new driver, an uneducated voter, etc, etc. I do actually want to find a costume, but I want it to be space related.
  7. Granted, but you are the only one on it. I wish for a non-injured, reusable, living, cheap lawyer, who is good at law, who can win cases and get me money back while making me look good.
  8. I'm looking for some spaceflight related Halloween costumes. Anyone have any ideas? Astronaut is one that I already thought of, but I don't want to have to go out and buy a bunch of stuff. I also thought about Gene Krantz, but I don't know if anybody at my school will know who he is.
  9. Very nice plane! But one thing- why the difference between the render and the pictures? +Rep!
  10. Welcome Sobas! Have you tried Active Texture Management? It makes things take less memory. Or magic. I think it's magic. Have fun!
  11. Yes, Mono seems to install, up until it needs permission. I don't have that permission, and can't get it. Anyways, is there an order that I have to putt the mods into my GameData folder? I have a clean install of KSP+ ATM Agressive, but I can't figure out why it doesn't load when I install more mods.
  12. Granted. Everybody else in the USA only knows the Imperial System. Hilarity ensues. I wish for a reusable, living, cheap lawyer, who is good at law, who can win cases and get me money back while making me look good.
  13. Hi! I'm having trouble installing this. I've downloaded all of the required files, and DR, Procedural Fairings + Parts, RCS Build Aid, and RSS. What files from each download do I put in the GameData folder in KSP? Also, I'm using a Mac, so no ckan, due to the build
  14. Granted, but most of them don't come true, and the ones that do are corrupt anyway. I wish for a reusable, living, good, cheap lawyer who can win cases and get me money back while making me look good.
  15. I don't know. Somehow, I expected it to be more... smaller.
  16. Think so? Do a search of the thread for Deutherius.
  17. In the space Lounge->Forum Games, I am a Game Moderator for "The Number War!." How do you guys feel about threads, such as forum games, that require users to act as Mods for that thread?
  18. Maybe. RainDreamer has to decide which post was the winning one. But if she decides for the "bully." one, you'll have to win again, right? FTR: I am not in charge of this thread. I am an official expert on the rules and goings-on (and can make rulings regarding posts), but all the final decisions are made by RainDreamer. More often than not, though, the three of us talk about a decision and share our ideas, which are batted around until we all concur.
  19. OK. Just saw the results of the last round. I don't think it's a problem we have had to deal with before: two people posting in the same minute, and one overriding a +/- 100. At first glance, my gut tells me that the override is valid. However, I will check with Raindreamer and Deutherius to get their opinions. The negatives did win, eventually, no matter when. The question is "which post was the winning post, and what happens in the future if a +/- 100 and +/- 98 get posted in the same minute?" We will be back. In the meantime, you can continue from the last valid number.
  20. Granted. I light you on fire. Lacking the ability to put you out of your misery, you die a horrible death. I wish for a living, good, cheap lawyer who can win cases and get me money back while making me look good.
  21. for not earning a MoDH in the Number War, even though I couldn't find an eligible try.
  22. cooliosky! Welcome! If you like RL rockets, you might want to check out the Realism Overhaul thread. Have fun, and don't get hurt!
  23. Please don't delete 6 months of data!
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