After building a few stations with mods where individual segments would be built to dock themselves, the part counts were getting stupid high so I had to make a seperate orbital contruction bot thingy that could grab things and put things into place. Heres my Spider v2 : Featuring 100% rcs control, little mono engines for slightly higher isp for non docking maneuvers, can work unmanned and the capsule can be replaced for another docking port, the hinges from infernal robotics move 180 degrees and using your KAS kerbal attachment system when manned can strut up the heavy loads around the arms for better control. Cant find a screenshot with it in action im afraid... v3 in the making using interstellar beamed energy & standard fuel, refueling the rcs is becoming tiresome. Heres one of the space station it helped built, i was a bit sloppy cleaning up the unused strut end points :/ my kethane space station it built this was a pleasure to put together lol: Heres my LAND CRAWLER intended for a mission at the mun arch! Featuring amusingly adjustable legs, a robotic arm, towing lifitng moving capabilities, central weight distribution for launch. Going to set up a couple of mun bases, been thinking for ages to make a land crane thing, might be fun to try to build a modular land base or two. The modules are in no way even thought about, some will be horozontal, some will be vertical. haven't got much past that really, tested it up to 80 tonnes on kerbin, that was the limit lol Just now finished the launcher, the mid stage, and a somewhat wierd lander for it, still just finishing up and ofcourse not tested