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Everything posted by keeper

  1. I've never bought a game before it is released, and i wasn't expecting them to release like that - and i fully expected whining. Not big on the whining myself lmao, but will probably update later and have a barrel of laughs, sounds like alot of peeps are having a hard time with the "trialanderrorlearn - unlearn - trialanderrorlearn" approach these changes are bringing. I dont even bother with crap that no more.
  2. I havn't actually played since the week before 1.0. I've thrown a bunch of mods into a minecraft 1.7.something and giving that a bash for a while, still glued to these forums loling at all the changes. I cant wait to get back into KSP but cba getting used to change after change (like minecraft) uhh lol
  3. There were many test launches trying to get a pod into an orbit, or to dock, then to transfer to mun , landing seems ok on flats, because i couldn't get my head around inclination, then minmus and rendezvous, and my wall for the last year or so is getting to another planet. still forget to add solar panels and batteries on various vessels
  4. I wish I could have the 27th off, but I'm locked in at work. If i did have a day off i would totally KSP all day
  5. I have seen this countless times, the only option is ragequit and launch ksp again and hope. lmao To be fair it happened all the time with .25 now on .9 :s i've seen it twice. amillion times better. I think it happened regardless of alt tab, i am playing in window aswell with mods.
  6. I have also been closing the program by hitting the red x in the top corner to close window. I play in window mode. It autosaves when you change the scene, say change vessel or go to space center and i find it autosaves randomly during flight. I quicksave from time to time but I know so long as im looking at KSC it will continue the game from there when i get back. I must have done that thousands of times playing with a handful of mods, i've never experienced corrupt save
  7. I disregard hype, and theres no countdown for me. I just keep playing the version I am doing, untill I'm ready to update. Could be months after, but I wont bother updating untill a decent handful of mods I'd like also update! My career mode isn't that big, I havn't done much at all since last update, and if i cant take my savegame (with mods) with me to new update like last time, I throw in half the money and a bit of science, as career start is a major grind for me. :/ Usually I end up updating once either all teh mods I have (or something similar) is updated, or when I see really cool stuff that makes the sacrifice worth it.............
  8. I have to manually install. I dont have faith to download managers, i already know they are more faff than they worth. I know how to copy folders, and match versions and thats all there is to it with most mods. Havnt a clue about cfgs or that other stuff, but maybe later
  9. when you see the big 18 wheeler lorries, and think I built, and launched, and landed one of those on the mun
  10. I've only done a few landings on poles and as rough as they are, they're not bad imo. I am yet to leave Kerbin influence.
  11. starting at 99 dollars lmao thats why theres the same 3 pics for 3d printed craftys
  12. rofllmaololflaff this thread cracked me up. I was so tempted to simply reply "yes. buy more copies." It raises a good point, though & why would you ask?
  13. The very nature of this pre-release thing means they do whatever they doing. They are still making the game so things will come (and occasionally go). To me this is a hint they arn't looking to sort the 64 bit thing out any time soon. I did not use 64 bit anyway, it crashed alot. So nothing lost here. Literally. I configured steam client to not update games and it warns me now before downloading updates. And Minecraft did the same thing, so for that and KSP I make a copy of every major version change, and the beauty of these games is you can run them from different directories, doesn't need to be through steam. MC has a nice launcher now, you can choose the version you want to play with, I suppose by the time KSP gets to that kind of stage after 1.x they will probably end up with something similar. When you buy these games before they're complete everything is subject to change, they say .... like you can contribute to the building of the game - i imagine via various means, these forums, this thread may get 64 bit back in the picture at some point. People making mods, they are contributing to the game. etc. Nver could you expect someone at squad there to be reading the forums all the time taking every note and suggestion to the board though. If they turned around tomorrow and said "We're removing the mainsail" I would then be starting a similar thread to this. To tell the truth, once it hits v1.0 every newer version should be comatible with the last, and things should only really be added or altered. I'm happy they removed it now, before finishing time. I am right in thinking they will be releasing an update or after 1.0 versions? Thnks
  14. i love KSP BUT I AINT ON THIS TRAIN. ROLL ON V1.1 then 1.18, then 1.19 then 1.24 then 1.25 etc etc will be modding hell.
  15. lmao I was going to say hope your wearing sunglasses! And (you may need to send another vessel) but you my need some filters or canvass to make the suns light softer! I suppose you could send off a huge sheet of metal to put in front of it, then your in the shade
  16. I probably wont update it for 6 months, knowing they're going to release more updates and thus breaking mods again. Theres already loads i waved goodbye to in past updates, guess because of the crashing I finally had enough. I always say "i'll play vanilla for new update" then i start and im thinking I cant play without this, or that etc.. If there was anything I could have saved from .25 then i would have needed mods of all kinds to make it work on .9 and i couldn't be bothered even trying. My interstellar orbital radio microwave energy beamer things would be nice to have back, they were particularly awesome to launch. I'd also like my kethane miner back, spent a large amount of time tinkering with that one. Saying that dont have either now, dropped interstellar due to lack of update and went for karbonite for experience lol
  17. The biggest thing I used ion engines were for my "everything in one" satelites, ended up weight about 10t each. Each had 6 ion engines, and an inline tank of xenon each. Unfortunatly, never got chance for them to arrive at Jool.. I tested one in Kerbin orbit, i think it had about 1m/s acceleration or something (less) from memory, i cant recall how much m/s D/v total but i was confident i could get them all in decent orbits given long enough burn time lol I'd only use them for small sats,
  18. when i got to the part where it said "complete playing experience 75$" I had to read it twice, i was like PFFFFFFFFWWTFFF Har har - And yea I was gutted to hear they're skipping 1.0 lmao I was about to rage. You Comedian, you.
  19. the big driving things doing crazy driving sideways and the likes is something that really does my head in. I like having all the little people running around the place, but those vehicles are, unfortunately going against everything i believe in. I've spent less time in the plane hanger :/
  20. I am always reverting I am so forgetful.
  21. AHA this came and went un noticed to myself. ahahaha very good. If you were to try charge me to use the forums i just wouldn't use the forums. Simply. I wouldn't even say im not using the forums. It is the most outrageous thing i have ever heard, funny
  22. I think if they made humans, and earth it would be a rubbish game. I quite like the Kerbals.
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