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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. The fairing problem was solved back in May. Absolution, do you need more coffee?
  2. I think most people will say download the full version. There was a problem in the past with the KAS plugin in bobcat's stuff, but it might have been rectified. To be sure, just use the full KAS, and if a problem comes up, you can complain directly to the creators
  3. KAS or Kerbal Attachment System is famous for winches and bungy jumping Kerbals and allowing your kerbals to pick up parts and place them almost anywhere. Bobcat used it in the Soviet Pack to allow us to move some solar panels around like in the RL Mir. For the ISS, I'm not sure. Someone else chime in!
  4. The United Lands of Green request that you pay no mind to these claims of "super strong rockets" and "debris that just won't die." In other news, getting to the moon is still possible with Anvil IV and Anvil V strap on boosters
  5. Welcome to the KSP forums! Seeing as you are new, we'll let you off with a warning. Anywho, the ANT will most likely not be updated by Bobcat anymore as he is currently redesigning everything to be better than before. However, the ANT, and other rovers, should be compatible with .21 already as there wasn't a major change from .20 to .21. I'm sure someone will spring up and help you out with the configs if there are any changes necessary. As for the Download link, "We at Bobcat industrial encourage our customers to go to Spaceport themselves." Basically, you'll have to go to Kerbal Spaceport and search "Bobcat."
  6. he did The view first unread button doesn't always take you to the first post YOU haven't read. We'll have to complain to the web devs.
  7. I gave it a go trying to get the new SAS (not ASAS people!) to work with the Buran. Unfortunately, the new SAS can't seem to handle the Buran. It flaps, it flops, and it woobles. This was all testing done from the Space Plane Hangar, so no Energia's were harmed during the testing. Something about the Buran is unstable. It would probably need a dedicated fly by wire system instead of stock SAS. However, I didn't have any problems flying it by myself. The old ASAS even works better than the New SAS in keeping the Buran in one direction, just won't let you maneuver like the New SAS can. Side note: If New SAS get's an update and can handle Buran in the future, then what you can do, Bobcat, is just put the SAS module into the Crew Section, and combine that Nose tip with the Nose RCS part. Also, example config of Buran Crew Part config if New SAS becomes viable. Important changes underlined: PART { // --- general parameters --- name = Buran Crew module = [u]Part[/u] <<<<<Squad says "NOPE" to CommandPod module now. author = BobCat // --- asset parameters --- mesh = model.mu rescaleFactor = 1 CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.0, -0.4077612 // --- node definitions --- // definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.217393, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,2 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.02462, -0.4077612, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,2 node_stack_airlock = 0.0, -1.217393, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,2 // --- editor parameters --- cost = 80 category = Pods subcategory = 0 title = Buran Crew Section manufacturer = BobCat ind description = // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 4 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 1 crashTolerance = 50 maxTemp = 1650 breakingForce = 630 breakingTorque = 630 CrewCapacity = 5 vesselType = Ship INTERNAL { name = Buran_interior } MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 1 } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 1050 maxAmount = 1050 } MODULE { [u]name = ModuleSAS[/u] <<<<<<<<This goes here, just like the stock stuff! But only in future hopefully. } MODULE { [u]name = ModuleReactionWheel[/u] <<<<<<No More Free torque! PitchTorque = 15 YawTorque = 15 RollTorque = 15 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 1.2 } } }
  8. Top of page, look for thread tools, TA FREAKING DA. "Join date: Jul 2011" COME ON!
  9. Why are ye afraid of KSP .21.1? Don't you go sassing us about that new SAS.
  10. You have to "decouple node" on the docking ports themselves.
  11. Do you not know about the Historical pack? or the ISS pack? Or the wild Russian bear cows? He's got his hands full, and this pack is a not soon.
  12. Have you guys forgotten Bobcat is redoing the rovers? People these days...
  13. ... Dragon, you know I strutted the SRBs. You can't launch it if you don't strut the SRBs. Also, Launch Clamps don't matter, it will still fall apart at a random time.
  14. Frizzank, if you edit your first post, then go "advance," you'll be able to change the title for this topic.
  15. Oy, here we go again. Whenever I launch the Ares V, either one or both of the SRBs will randomly disconnect from the decoupler at random times. Also, sometimes the 2nd Stage decoupler will disconnect from the 2nd Stage at random times. It happened to the Ares V I built by hand, and the Ares V included as a craft file with the American Pack. No Errors pop up in the Debug Log. The lack of people running in here and complaining about this leaves me with a fear that I am, once again, the only one getting a bug.
  16. Depends: 1. Were those rockets designed for Red Alert 3, or were they based off of something else? 2. We'll need more images if there are not any pesky copyright laws in the way.
  17. Do your docking parts have two docking ports? A part can only have one docking port. We learned this over at the ISS thread with the PMA.
  18. I also approve of the current design. However, I wouldn't be averse to seeing what you can come up with
  19. The Center of Mass on the CM was done like that on purpose so you can place the RCS thrusters on the Service Module. If the COM was at it's default position, in order to have good RCS translation in space, you'd need to put the thrusters on the CM, which is a no no. As for the fairings, it probably makes them release properly instead of killer fairings trying to destroy your rocket.
  20. What did you do? As in did you re-install everything and used old save files? Are the Core.pfc-203-2 and Core.pfh-203.2 showing up in the VAB menu? Did you mess with the configs? Are monkeys trying to launch your rockets? You can't let those monkeys launch your rockets, man. You just can't.
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