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Everything posted by Deutherius

  1. Putting the Double-C on a vessel and rotating the same vessel never produced any measurements as far as I recall. That's because the Double-C displays the forces as if it was placed perfectly on the center of mass, regardless of its actual position (and being an accelerometer, it's only able to measure directional forces - you'd need a gyroscope to measure rotational forces). Putting the seismometer on a vessel that is inside a second vessel, which is rotating (inducing centrifugal force on the first vessel) does measure acceleration correctly, nothing broken there (and I think this is what you remember). I put up a quick test rig to demonstrate: I don't think it broke in 0.25, I think it was never implemented correctly, as far as single vessel use is concerned.
  2. First off, LOL at the cat part Second, I think you pretty much got this. Just don't overcomplicate it too much. When you are this close, forget about complex orbital adjustments - just go with the navball. Make sure to be in a "target" mode. Turn to the retrograde marker. Thrust with your main engines until velocity goes to 0.0 m/s or very close (if your engine is too powerfull, right click it and set the thrust limiter to something small, like 10 % - this makes your throttle slider go from 0 - 10 % of engine's max thrust). Now turn your nose to the target. Give it a small burn with the main engine (not more than ~0.5 m/s). Watch your ship slowly move to the target. If it hits, you're done. If it misses, just repeat the procedure (turn to retrograde, wait until you are close, burn to zero out relative velocity, etc). Oh, and don't forget to arm your grabber, otherwise it won't grab anything Good luck
  3. Everyone explained what it is, but not how to use is, so here goes: 1) Select root tool (click icon or use hotkey 4) 2) Click on a part right next to your new root (some parts seem to bug out sometimes and can't be selected... try saving and reloading the craft) 3) Click on your new root 4) ???? 5) PROFIT
  4. Venerable android Jones instantly caramelized under heavy gears. wshnfue
  5. Sorry, my explanation here was probably not all that clear. Please refer to this post where I explained it (hopefully) a little better.
  6. How can I even choose? Everything can be exciting! Designing, flying, landing, perfect decoupling, randezvousing, docking, transfers, gravity assists, aerobraking/capture, planning missions, executing missions, finishing missions, doing science, improvising after something went wrong, explosions, even the bugs! I'd have to say my favourite KSP activity is KSP
  7. Wrong, I'm made up of 500 % cofee. The user below me has been to Dres just once.
  8. Granted. She is now living with you, and you two are not getting along, with her being dead for so long and all. I wish to be a helicopter pilot (I wonder how that could go wrong)
  9. Sorry, this shuttle is going to Minmus - but we have free space if you'd like to go with us. Or you could just go and ask Spacejuice, he might be going to the Mun.
  10. Oh man, I knew I was going to miss it Team zero has finally restored the balance. Good job! Better point it out now: You have to wait for someone else to do addition/subtraction, not just a non-game post. I take your One and make it a Zero. Always Zero.
  11. I always had to build planes/rockets facing the ceiling, because of the excessive lagging... Then I figured out that you can turn the VAB/SPH personnel off. It's neat to have them there, but they're too demanding on the performance.
  12. The O-10 monoprop engines are massless, as are RCS ports and Vernor engines. No massless control parts that I know of, though, so your point still stands.
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