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Everything posted by Zeenobit

  1. Yup. I saw that, which is why I tried re-installing FAR. Twice. I deleted the GameData/FerramAerospaceResearch/Plugins/PluginData/FerramAerospaceResearch directory and re-downloaded/installed the mod. I'll try to provide a log when I get a chance though.
  2. For some reason, I can't get the FAR window to show up in flight. It's fine in VAB/SPH and KSC menus. But during flight, when I click the FAR button, simply nothing happens. I tried re-installing FAR already, thinking my window position might be messed up. Any suggestions?
  3. T would conflict with Editor Extensions, which is also a popular mod.
  4. I'm getting the following exception when running this tool: From what I see in this thread, this should be fixed in the latest version, which is the one I have. I triple-checked this.
  5. Thank you so much. Exactly what I was looking for! I'll research into those RemoteTech settings too. Sounds very interesting.
  6. That would be really helpful. I think I've seen that mod too, I just don't remember the name.
  7. I think I'm missing something very obvious here. Does RemoteTech make it practically impossible to fly unmanned drones over long distances within the atmosphere? I have a satellite network in geostationary orbit, 2,868 km away which gives me full coverage around Kerbin. The only omnidirectional antenna that doesn't break in atmosphere is the Reflectron DP-10 with a range of 500 km. Of course, I could always just slap a Reflectron KR-7 on my plane, but that let's face it, that'll look really stupid. In real life planes, they use embedded radars or aerodynamic antennas, as seen below: Are there any mods available which have those types of antennas for RemoteTech? If not, how do people make drones with RemoteTech?
  8. Just wanted to give this tool a well-deserved bump. Worked for me flawlessly in version 0.25, and helped me remove a bunch of faulty parts from a vessel in flight. @djphllps, You can check the github page for usage documentation. You have to run this tool from the command prompt.
  9. I don't know if there is a such mod already developed that does what I want. So I'd be happy to know where to find it if it exists. Basically, I'm looking for a mod that allows me to adjust the lighting of VAB/SPH. Specifically, make the VAB/SPH as dark as space in order to see how the craft would look like in space. This would be mainly to adjust various lights on the spacecraft for the best look and functionality.
  10. You never mentioned anything about how the Orbiter is connected to KSC. So I assume you got that part figured out. But be sure that your orbiter has a two-way connection to KSC. Beyond that, you need to ensure a two-way connection between each relay in the path to KSC. So in your case, your Orbiter must connect one of its dish antennas directly to the Lander or to "Active Vessel". Another dish on the Orbiter must be pointing at KSC/Kerbin/Kerbin Relay. If you do that, the Omnidirectional antenna on the lander should suffice. Keep in mind though: If you're not directly connecting from the Orbiter to KSC, I'm betting you have a relay network around Kerbin. What are those relays pointing to? If you say "Active Vessel", that'd be your problem. To explain this more, imagine you have this connection: Outgoing: KSC <-> Kerbin Relay Network <-> Active Vessel Incoming: Lander (Active Vessel) <-> Orbiter (Not Active Vessel) <-> Kerbin Relay Network <-> KSC Notice how in your incoming connection, the orbiter is no longer the active vessel when you separate the lander. If your Lander cannot reach the Kerbin Relay Network on its own, you cannot control it after separating it from the Orbiter. An easy way to fix this is to go in and temporarily point your Kerbin Relay Network specifically to your Orbiter (not Active Vessel), or to the body your Orbiter is orbiting. I hope this solves your issue.
  11. @Laie/NeatCrown, That worked. Thanks. @Red Iron Crown, Doubt that feature would've worked in my case. I had to remove a bunch of faulty Autostruts from the ActiveStruts mod.
  12. I wish they would change that pixel font too. I'm actually surprised there are no mods available that change the game fonts.
  13. Is it possible to remove a part from a vessel currently in-flight by editing the savefile? If so, what's the safest way to do it to avoid corrupting the savefile?
  14. I recently switched from ATM Basic to ATM Aggressive (x86), hoping to reduce my memory usage. Surprisingly, it seems like that increased my memory usage by around 300 MB. What gives?
  15. Would this conflict with Firespitter? Cause if I remember correctly, Firespitter also adds the tire screech during landing. Awesome VFX though!
  16. This is a great idea. It would be even better if it worked alongside Addon Controller. If this script could automatically read a savefile generated by Addon Controller, and prune all the parts disabled by it, then it would be icing on the cake. If I'm not mistaken though, Addon Controller saves a whitelist of all the parts enabled in game. This script would have to generate a blacklist from that, I imagine.
  17. From experience, I would suggest you to not try to get a Geosynchronous orbit with your first set of communication satellites. Here's what I do instead: 1. Launch your satellites into a relatively low orbit. 1,500 km is a good approximation. 2. Make the satellite communication links, and make sure they work. A <-> B <-> C ... 3. Get them into a somewhat rough shape of how you'd want them to be in geosynchronous orbit. At this point, you have a rough, approximate version of your final geosynchronous orbit. If you mess up, at least now you can rely on the window when the satellite passes over KSC to regain control of your satellite and make any needed adjustments. Once you get that set up: 4. Pick one of your satellites by random, and try to adjust its orbit so that the apoapsis is at 2868 km (geosynchronous), slightly ahead of KSC. You'll have to do some trial/error/math with this to get it right. 5. At apoapsis, circularize. Don't worry about fine-tuning the orbit yet. 6. Repeat 4 and 5 for the other two satellites, or however many you have. But for them, put the apoapsis where you'd want the satellite to be relative to each other. 7. Go back to each satellite and make the final adjustments. To me, this is MUCH simpler than trying to launch straight into a geosynchronous orbit. The main problem with doing this in one shot is that if you mess up, and your first satellite isn't somehow set up properly prior to losing connection, then it will never move relative to Kerbin's surface. So adjusting it becomes much, much, much more difficult. You also save a lot on fuel.
  18. I absolutely love this mod. I think it is almost essential to get the best KSP experience. So thank you, Athlonic! One thing that always bugged me, however, was the EVA breathing sound FX. It didn't quite sound like breathing to me. So I made a quick modification and lowered the pitch slightly to make it more like breathing while maintaining the Kerbal tone. If you're like me, you can download the modified sound here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4lnizfcblqsweca/breathing.zip?dl=0 Installation: 1. Open "GameData\Chatterer\Sounds\AAE\effect" 2. Back up the original "breathing.ogg" file 3. Unzip the contents of the link above into the same location. 4. Enjoy! I'm not a modder, and not familiar with mod licenses. So if I'm violating anything, please let me know and I'll comply.
  19. I have recently built a space station that was assembled together in orbit around Kerbin. Now I want to load the fully assembled space station into VAB/SPH. I searched around, and it seems like simply copying/pasting the Vessel Information from the *.sfs file into a *.craft file won't work. Is there any way to do this? Are there any mods that do this? In case you're wondering why on Kerbin I'd ever wanna do such a terrible thing: I'm trying to load the space station into VAB so that I can use Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV) to create a detailed blue print of it. If there are any easier ways to accomplish that, I'd love to hear it.
  20. I've been waiting for a mod like this for a really really long time. And I'm so excited someone finally made something like this. This is brilliant! I did notice an issue with it, however: As you can see, the textures are very jaggy and aliased on these transparent PNGs. On the non-transparent ones, it's much less obvious. This makes the detailed logos with thinner strokes to not even appear on the texture. Also, a suggestion: would it be possible to to have an additional version of the decal part that uses the standard rocket scales instead of the free mode of TweakScale? This is so we could fit it onto standard fuel tanks without fiddling with the scale percentage. Thanks again for the awesome mod!
  21. I'm very (im)patiently waiting for the FAR support so I can actually start using these. They look amazing.
  22. That's actually a really interesting point. Might be difficult when moving the modules around, but certainly doable. I already have that mod. It does help with structural wobbling, but I don't think it affects docking ports, unfortunately.
  23. When using docking ports, I'm noticing a lot of wobbling effect with my components. Mainly when trying to build a fully modular vehicle, the whole thing is a wobbly mess. Of course, I could use struts (KAS or Quantum Struts) to strengthen the joint, but I'd like to avoid them for aesthetic reasons. Is there any mod or any way to strengthen the docking point joints besides using struts? If not, does anybody know of a mod with invisible struts that also support KAS?
  24. So was I, apparently. We all learned something today.
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