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Everything posted by Venusgate

  1. Question: If you make the sun your target, won't the target indicator show up on your navball, which measures in degrees?
  2. So, for example, one can send up 8 parts and dock them, wait a turn, send up 8 more parts and dock those, wait a turn, and then send up a maintenance mission to KAS weld those two sub-assemblies together? Or do all modules/sub-assemblies of the ships and station have to be assembled via docking ports?
  3. This is the persistent file? I'm not experienced enough with save trading to know if that will work, but I thought we were swapping aroudn the KSS.sfs file?
  4. also, I don't believe stock burn time accounts for your twr going up as you burn fuel.
  5. Haven't forgotten MP for docking. Have forgotten a docking port tho.
  6. I've never done any tutorials and decided to load it up to see what you were talking about. Craft didnt load and when I hit the maneuvering node, my non-craft exploded. I'd say the scenario is bugged.
  7. If you've adjusted the tank position all the way out and that's all it goes, then the tank is likely attached to the center tank, rather than the decoupler. I would delete the outboard subassemblies and restart building the boosters from scratch - making sure your placement is straight on the decoupler.
  8. If it makes it to orbit empty with little fuel left, sounds like you need to add dV to your design MAOR fuel, MAOR lift, MAOR intakes, and if you can't take off with all that MAOR.... MAOR engines.
  9. Without seeing anything, I have a suspicion your load isn't balanced, and you don't have enough SAS to keep things steady. You saying "it's really simple, just one engine and a tank" AND "i even turned off the other engines" makes need for a picture necessary
  10. Point of clarification: there's only 10 MP in the mk1 Which, for a medium and below size craft, IS enough to dock and undock with. So, to OC, not useless, since it is the smallest full storage unit of monoprop. Can you imagine HAVING to putting those big honkin side pods on a 2 ton ship just to be able to use 2% of their MP? I do agree, I think the default setting should be empty MP, since I waste way more dV carrying that around than the inconvenience of the never-happened "forgetting MP for docking"
  11. Lithobraking I'm not sure what 1.1 has to do with this, tho. I know they've changed atmos recently, but Duna has always had an atmosphere. There's nothing that says you CAN'T plummet like a rock with enough engines to slow you down, but at that point parachutes are kind of pointless.
  12. Your probecore also looks a little clipped into your battery, which 9 times out of ten doesn't do anything. But tempts the kraken... Also, yeah, I'd take the 1.25 reaction wheel out. You have three SAS systems trying to compete for top dawg. I'd say this is a long standing bug, but honestly, I removed that build habit out of my method a long time ago.
  13. I think my micro tantrums from the mini avc out-of-date prompt is trumped by actual illness.
  14. copy the last 5-6 digit string of characters after the last / in the web address and past that into the prompt.
  15. I would see what your orbit time/2 is between Pe and Ap with a maneuvering node; take that number, over 6 hours; take that number * 360 degrees, and that is how many degrees removed from KSC you should start your place your burn.
  16. I said intent of the challenge, which my understanding is (at least how I'm limiting myself) that each addition is assembled via docking ports.
  17. 5part limit for station modules (plus up to two ports) No mod parts De-orbit/terminate your launchers. Make a video or screencap record of your trip
  18. I thought it was said somewhere that your could fill out the tech tree without a mpl and without leaving the Kerbin system? THAT'S probably what's really "OP." Which is why I am liking the Science funding mod and I basically ignore contracts
  19. +1 for Stage Recovery. Very non-complicated way to save cash simulating something that ought to be pretty easy IRL, but KSP just hasn't programmed it into stock yet.
  20. Thanks for working on this, JPL. I actually just uninstalled the mod a few days ago because I was too lazy busy to troubleshoot, but I can confirm. Good luck finding a fix, but don't work too hard
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