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Everything posted by Venusgate

  1. I'm liking the inline chutes, but i couldn't figure out why an aircraft in career wouldn't launch with them out of the SPH. And then I realized, the inline chutes arbitrarily add 8-10m to the aircraft length?! I looked through the cfgs and couldn't find anything directly associated with that. where is size addition calculated?
  2. Neat mod! Once I actually get to the KSC view after landing, i can start to configure them. As it stands, my only complaint so far is that the default position gauges are covering where i put my blizzy, and i cant move the gauges without accessing the blizzy! XD EDIT: Ah! The gauges are click-through! I just had to do it a little blindly... Onward and downward!...I mean upward!
  3. Thanks for keeping up to date on this! I skimmed back though the thread and only sound one shot of the airSRBs. I tried using them on a rocket like normal SRBs, and one fired while the other sparked and rocket did a cartwheel. Am I using them wrong? XD By the by, we need to make you your own wiki, given how many parts you're adding to the game...
  4. It's just a small cfg file. i don't see why not. But the version on spacedock is the light ablator/part blackening one.
  5. Tech dynamic IVAs? Sign me up! On an unrelated note, I wish the Ap/Pe values in RPM updates faster than once a second...
  6. Dunno if it's stock or Tweakable everything's, but the menu gives me the ability to on/off the different gimbal ranges for engines (in this case, the 909). And I see "roll"? What, does the nozzle really twist or something on a single engine craft? or is this something that only really comes into play with multiple engines?
  7. I ctrl+F'd "procedural" for the last few pages and couldnt find it. Is this/can this be used on procedural parts ( http://tinyurl.com/grs9ra8 ) textures? Would it be hard?
  8. That is one sexy Kaddesh Needleship asteroid tug!
  9. I'm gonna guess your TWR on the mun is at least over 5, closer to ten. First order of business: don't use poodles for a one-man lander! XD shouldn't need more than a single terrier for even a 2man with all your science needs and RCS to boot.
  10. My first suspicion: you don't have direct cooling. I THINK you can actually directly attach radiators to ISRU units, but I forget. Anyway, since core to core heat distribution isn't instantaneous, it's taking some time for the excess heat from the IRSU to transfer to the fuel tanks and then to the radiators.
  11. I like the ability to rate best answer, but three things bug me. I cannot see how the "unanswered" greyed question mark left of the post in the list of threads ever changes, and two if you want to say your question is answered, you have to change your title manually, and three you can't see who last answered a question.
  12. No pix, but then, I suppose you'd need more than that to fully appreciate it: Today I did something, first-try, that I've always thought would be fun. Rode a re-entry concurrent to FLCL's "Crazy Sunshine" song, AKA, when Takkun swings his guitar to deflect the sinker asteroid from destroying Earth. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8FvM8H_0-k) I am so damn happy right now. KSP rules.
  13. It looks like the middlepart is actually an engine intake, rotated upsidedown. As for the RCSs, what you do is put a RV105 next to a place-anywhere, and then adjust the placement of the place anywhere to be behind the 105, and then pull it "out" until the thruster is peaking over the top. Also, if you like the spaceplane, but cant get the hang of building ones yet, consider a TwoSTO, with droppable tanks or boosters.
  14. I first learned how dangerous the engine exhaust damage was at the expense of Bill....
  15. And found out that squad has some outdated screenshots me thinks... Speed...Altitude.... They gonna die! XD
  16. KIS has actually worked wonders for me on this, but if you don't like mods: Yes, you have to connect with either a docking port, or a klaw. Yes, you should be able to "move" the base to orbit, and then move it back. The game only cares about your original ship/base, and it's final location. It's possible to pre-build a base with the expectation of expanding it, but lateral expansion, you pretty much have to be nuts on with docking port alignment, and vertical expansion, it took me about 10 tries to "land" on a docking port - it's incredibly tedious, but it is rewarding Also, ofcourse, you don't need to FILL all 13 slots.
  17. I didn't know about the SOI being too small for the hull. Neat! To keep in line with the intent of my question though: just because the SOI is too small to have more than absolutely zero effect on outside craft is not a reason not give it a stat anyway. As I suggested, I think it's more of a "it has no effect, so instead of being super nerds and putting it in the game anyway, we'll be realists and not" And my question is: is there a blank space in the code to enter these values, or is it hard coded to the rail system somehow?
  18. I definitely am picking up what you're putting down, and appreciate the perseverance. And if I am in a purist mood (as I sometimes am) I can see where this comes in handy - to be both minimal dV expenditure and precise maneuver final trajectory (I know an exact 50/50 maneuver vector burn is not exact and takes some post-burn tweaks). The calculation for when to start one's pure prograde burn, however, is not as handy as the ingame burntime values, so I'll probably continue using those, and for those who also do, my point of having a higher than 70km station still stands
  19. That's just an answer that leads to another question: Why don't ships have gravity?
  20. Thanks for putting this more definitively than I could have! XD
  21. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around doing anything in KSP for a reason other than "because it's cool"
  22. if you plan a maneuver on a circular orbit, your blue maneuver node marker is below 0 degree pitch when you start your burn, and should be equally above 0 degrees at the end of your burn. in the middle (when you reach the Pe), it should be 0 degrees pitch, but you spent the first half of your burn shooting slightly "down" which shrinks your Pe. I was half joking. If I'm within 50km of my target and im lazy and have fuel to burn, I wont bother with a whole orbit to snug up the gap, I just point straight there and burn up to 100m/s relative Kerbin SOI stations are easier to build in parts over time. And does "because it's cool" count as a benefit?
  23. I'm positive it's buried in a devnote somewhere, but why don't asteroids have 0.0000001m/s^2 gravity? I know this is a ridiculous desire, but my question is less about desire for it, and more about curiosity of if gravity is strictly linked to the rail system, or if it really chews up that much processing power, or if Squad just had better things to do than assign infinitesimal fractions of gravity to every class of asteroid. Other reason I ask, is, if someone were to generate a custom asteroid that is, say, Phoebe size, would it be difficult to give it gravity AND be off rails?
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