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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. I have not had these issues, though I run the osx game at minimum. Maybe it is related to what gpu the apple has. My Intel while not very powerful chugs along fine with no issues. Latest OSX.
  2. Heat seems to flow everywhere, through docking ports, decouplers etc. Heat moves from hot to cold. Some things cannot survive exposure to much heat. There seems to be issues where things that don't have a way to sink heat, like being attached to a tank or radiator can overheat. For me it is large SAS wheels. They heat up very fast if the are not attached to a sink.
  3. Pedant! Yeah, but we had 1.03 for so little time it felt wrong referring to it.
  4. I was getting about 12FPS, I posted in another thread about it. 40-50fps with a twin turbo plane, 12 with this monster. Core i5, GTX570, Ubuntu 15.04. I think the FPS has actually been better since 1.0, but worse than .90. Thats how it feels but this monster lagged terribly in .90 as well.
  5. A single Rapier and some very small wings was enough to SSTO in 1.02-3, have not tried in 1.04 but I expect it to work. This is my Jool GT Lander, and overly complex Kerbal deposit infrastructure. - - - Updated - - - Yes, I know about Take Command, now
  6. Did not know about that, oh well still happy, I imagine Steam might be a touch easier, select game and stream.
  7. I discovered Non Linux 64bit users have another option now to to play the game at 64bit on a non-linux machine (note does require second computer). Steam streaming for KSP finally works. I was playing 64bit yesterday with all the glorious EVE mods on my 2011 macbook at good frame rates. Not sure when it started working, I try every now and again, but this is the first day it has ever worked for me.
  8. I guess what has happened is the needle has swung back towards fun but with more realistic consequences.
  9. Built myself a Cargo SSTO, then took a Rover and put her somewhere on Kerbin, some guy is in it. Jebs dead in a mountaineering accident, Valentina is stuck in an old Eve Mission craft in orbit that is being left there as a monument. Decided I had better get Bill and Bob back to base to go return Valentina. She's a pretty plane, first shot is a prior version, changed mainsail to Rapiers, added some struts and stuff.
  10. I seem to have 0.90 craft coming back to life, some even better than before. As a test for something else I launched a 0.90 465 part 1336.1t Eve Mission craft yesterday (it used Procedural Fairings previously) that I updated with stock parts. To my surprise it made orbit, it had never done that before, even in 0.90. I have been testing a few others and they seem to mostly work too. Only the most un-aerodynamic craft seem hobbled. It's a somewhat pleasant surprise and I am liking it a lot.
  11. Linux has to work around sometimes deliberate efforts and more often complete disregard from manufacturers and Microsoft. Microsoft pushed for secureboot and to have the option turned on by default. Are you trying to do this on a laptop? If it's a whizzing laptop and not a Lenovo or Macbook you are probably gonna have a rough time with any distribution. It works best on a straight Intel chipset motherboard with discrete Nvidia or Intel Graphics. Everething else is going to give you hassles to a greater or lesser extent. it's not Linuxes fault, it's just a small percentage of users on the desktop and manufacturers do not always take it seriously. - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - Try looking up your laptop model and see if someone has done a howto Linux - - - Updated - - - Now all we need is someone else to suggest arch
  12. I think your both right, yes it was an experiment that was possibly flawed. Yes they listened to users requests. The contradiction comes from who the users were. Essentially alpha testers. The game was in alpha. Only someone who completely ignored that fact would think they had a right to complain about a broken early release alpha. This is a problem with all early release games. At least squad was listening at that point unlike many developers.
  13. You are better off forcing fxaa anyway, quicker, dirtier but not noticeably might as well claw back some frames
  14. I found out something awesome. It may be old news to some but it's the first time it ever worked for me. I streamed KSP from my Linux box to my Macbook, lots of glorious mods on my macbook. I would show you a screenshot but it's on my other computer! I have been trying this out since streaming was first announced for Linux and this is the first time it has ever worked. I don't even need (though I will keep one for emergencies) a working copy on my laptop just steam. excited.
  15. I started a new career in 1.04 to help a friend. The SRB's are so powerful now I advised him to set 50% thrust. The parachutes seem fine and I had no explosions. Some landing legs at career start would be awesome for maximising retrieval. I know you can use the girders but its not intuitive.
  16. I tried building a rocket only ssto the other night. I used half my fuel getting to 10km, so it might be worth it.
  17. Put a 465 part 1336.1t Eve Mission vehicle into orbit (first time it has made it, changes in 1.04 must of helped), I wanted to test the assertions that Linux FPS is bad. I am running E.V.E, Astronomers 4K, planetshine, Distant Objects Enhancement, stock bug fixes and a few other non visual mods, KSP ver 1.04, Ubuntu 15.04 on a core i5, 8Gb RAM and a GTX 570. With a plane I averaged 40-50FPS, with the Eve behemoth I was getting 12 FPS. Oh yeah Booyah! I cannot believe it flew!
  18. I think you assume that this was born as a fully fledged concept, it was not. Also Unity was at the time one of the only engines that published to many platforms. Many of the issues we have today are the result of the evolution of the game, not the failure in planning. This game has broken new ground and as such is well outside the repeatable box where all issues can be foreseen.
  19. You should also set some steam launcher options (right click on Game Menu item and go to properties "set launcher options", paste below) LC_ALL=C __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 %command%_64 This will run KSP in 64 bit mode and do this http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=nvidia_threaded_opts&num=1 it won't lead to FPS improvements but it will take load off the CPU which will help you build larger ships
  20. Because a game is the result of the contributions of a team of developers over years of time. They could go start again but we would not have a comparable game for a couple of years. Also go watch Silicon Valley and learn about burn rate and see if you still think starting over is a good idea.
  21. The planet is round, SAS goes straight, result, drift upwards on navball
  22. You should use the steam launchers command line arguments to enable 64 bit and opengl arguments, see the Linux support thread.
  23. You know you don't need to burn first to get out of soi before setting a transfer node. Not saying it's better but as long as the phase angle is right you can do it from orbit.
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