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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. I thought you were talking about something else
  2. I would like to see cel shading, like in borderlands
  3. All good reasons that procedural fairings are better fairings, I am not disputing that, but stock fairings are 'better' than they were. Here are some 'other' things done with stock fairings
  4. Not a master, but with two engines I use a mirrored mount and then copy one to the other, then I just change the pitch on the blades to the opposite of the other engine
  5. I admit that one feature is good, and how smooth you want the fairings depends on how much work you want to put into them, but they won't be as smooth as that. Granted that procedural fairings may be better, however compared to the first iteration, the stock fairings have come a long way, they are good enough in a lot of instances. I can also shape them to create bearings and other things. I am unsure whether or not you can do that with procedural fairings, I have never seen anyone try. Clamshell release is a thing now, no potato chips unless you want them
  6. I am saying the opposite though, the stock fairings, as I have shown, are pretty good now. And incorporating mods is difficult because most mods have Open Source licences.
  7. License: [CODE] All copyright for textures and models of SP+ are held by Porkjet You may reuse textures and models of this mod for personal use. You may not redistribute modified or unmodified versions of SP+ as a whole or parts of it without permission. Since Porkjet became an employee it was a simple task to contribute or sell that licence to Squad. An open-source licence would impose restrictions on the distribution of KSP (maybe not really but they would need tohave rigorous and expensive legal and physical seperation). That's why mods don't get incorporated, and if they stole the ideas of too many mods it would upset the mod authors. Bad publicity by big names. Most of the bugbears with stock fairings have been eliminated, we have strutting, autostrutting, interstage, interstage frameworks, clamshell and confetti. You can see how versatile they are here.
  8. over-saturating the film removes some of the gaminess
  9. @Ger_space @Avera9eJoe To get the chrome effect I think what happened is your mod (via firepitter) changed the texture and then Windowshine via TRR applied the Liquid metal shader and camera to that texture mistakenly, which covered the whole part. Otherwise I don't think you could get that shiny metal finish with just a texture. It would probably require a seperate mod done via TRR to actually set normal parts to chrome, or even white, or red or black chrome. It would be a cool mod.
  10. Actually it would be pretty cool to make parts do this on purpose, while leaving the windows and some other textures alone of course. Say you want to build a Nubian!
  11. I found an incompatibility between your mod (actually probably firespitter) and Windoshine (TextureReplacerReplaced), it's not a big deal, instead of the stock texture you get a completely silver windowed part. It's probably worth knowing in case anyone reports a bug that makes their craft look like this.
  12. Yeah, I have issues with some parts, mine has stopped working properly now, not sure what I changed.
  13. Yep, it was DCK camo mod, the fstextureswitch in firespitter might not be compatible with TRR on windowed parts
  14. No offense I just meant to say they both do something similar in the background, wherein yours might be more fully featured.
  15. Your mod is essentially a black version of this mod, you should combine forces, it's also possible to replace the fairing textures using MM @linuxgurugamer did it for me once, but I can't find the code or thread again (it died, it used to be called StockFairingSwitcher)
  16. [WRN 13:09:07.705] Config in file 'F:\Users\leo\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WindowShine\Default\WindowShineTR-v13.3.cfg' contains an unnamed node. Skipping. Only thing I could find in the log, it does not seem to get loaded after this Edit: OK I think I found the issue, it might be a compatibility issue with DKC camo mod, at least one of the values leaves it with a featureless silver, which I would love to get on fairings
  17. Yes I installed Windowshine directly under GameData, it's hard to get my entire directory list in a single image If the whole craft was like that I could handle it
  18. I see that error sometimes, but the model still imports, changing the .mu import_craft.py has no discernable effect for me I was just playing around with it, there are still some scaling issues, but at least you can move stuff around and rescale it
  19. First time I tried, am redownloading and re-installing Just re-installed but every part that uses WindowShine 13.3 has the same look, this is with TRR 0.4 (Windows 10 64bit, nvidia GTX 1060)
  20. There was an earlier fix to import_craft.py that also needs to be added, I have now added that to the download https://github.com/leocadle/ksptoblender
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