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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. Only if they bring the CoL in front of the CoG Haha, I was looking at downloading @Columbia's B-17 and fitting my engines to it
  2. Wing sweep in KSP is not accounted for at all, the only reason I have them like that is to move the CoL further forward, I use those particular wings because they have a really high lift ratio, if I could get away with one set I would, but the torque would overpower the elevons I tried the FAT 45's or whatever, the big elevons as blades, 2 got me to around the same speed, 4 gets me close, If I can up the engine torque a bit more I may be able to go faster
  3. We will see, my thinking is that hanging the blades out the front makes an unbalanced load on the bearing (at least I have more success when I bring the blades closer to the centre of the bearing) same with engines, so what I tried to do with this craft is minimise overhang, also I have been reinforcing the bearing cage as I found that even these probe bearings can be made to skip and wobble, I guess everything can in KSP.
  4. I found Pilot assistant buggy in 1.3.1, like you would set a height and it would not stay set but instead climb, Kramax is an offshoot of Pilot Assistant and it is being maintained while Pilot Assistant isn't, I might try the big blades, but because I try and keep the blades centered to minimize offset forces on the bearing they might not work that well, they would be pretty far out, but we will see.
  5. New record! Adjusted Aero first Stock Aero What autopilot are you using, I got one but its a bit hard to use Edit: I found Pilot Assistant which looks like what I want Edit 2: New Speed record, got Karmax Autopilot, that works Edit 3: Bit of lightening, new stock aero speed
  6. Whew! So adjusted aero, if you were a 100ms in front of me in stock aero it would be a tough hill to climb.
  7. Man, the torque is vicious in FAR, I am not sure you will be able to fight with single engines
  8. Congrats! I knew it wouldn't last long, just thought I would get numbers on the board, is there anything I should know about it? Stock Aero, fuel cheat?
  9. Maybe you can divide the classes up by number and type of Engines, say 4 Junos and below, 6 Junos up to two panthers, 10 Junos plus
  10. I'm finding the prop works well, but I need more wing and speed to get off the ground
  11. Not really, I tested my speed record plane in adjusted Aero and could see it would need quite a bit of adjustment to get the best speed, the first thing is because of the faster speeds the bearing is at it's limit in different places, as compared to stock Aero. I'm 70ms behind you guys in adjusted Aero, I might be even closer in FAR thanks to the streamlining, but the craft would need quite a few changes to get the best out of it. I'm concentrating more on a stock speed record because it will probably be easier for others to compete against, if I have to use adjusted Aero or FAR for the dogfight challenge then so be it, but I don't think I will specifically tune the speed record for those regimes. Edit: @Gman_builder @Azimech By the way I am claiming the 1.3.0,1.3.1 stock turboprop speed record in stock Aero and adjusted Aero of 115.5ms and 206.6ms respectively, I'm sure it will only stand long enough for you guys to drag your old record holders out and show me my place!
  12. You use ballast like filled ore tanks to make your craft heavy, also opening and closing cargo bays and service bays changes their buoyancy allowing you to control sinking and rising. Stock propellers do not work well as you will see if you download my sub, but jets work fine https://kerbalx.com/SelfishMeme/KAe-Deep-Sea-Vehicle
  13. Looks kind of Saturnish, though I found the Vectors overpowered for my replica as I didn't try and make a larger S-1 tank
  14. Worked on making the quitessa engined fighter more reliable (i.e. so the engine does not fall out of the nose) now makes 45rads reliably, increased speed marginally, but need to put some control surfaces I removed back, BD autopilot does not have a chance in heck of getting it off the ground
  15. Did a little work towards the speed record today for stock turboprops Stock Aero Adjusted Aero She was getting a bit too high in the rev range with adjusted Aero, would need to tune her better for it Edit: topped out at 115.5ms, goodnight!
  16. I love the look of it, so neat and to think a stock piston engine hides beneath!
  17. I've actually been doing all my testing in stock aero, and I think the performance is pretty good
  18. @Azimech may know better than me, but this is what I have found so far a graph of forward speed would show a relationship between speed of rotor, number and size of blades and pitch of blades maintaining rotor speed with more blades and pitch require more torque increasing blowers increases torque and heat increasing torque and blades and pitch increases load increasing distance of components from center of bearing also increases load increased load and heat makes bearing failure more likely so to go faster add more blades and pitch until your rotor slows down then add more blowers, repeat until bearing fails, then back it off. There are some upper limits on blades, when it's better to go to a bigger size than add more, also your bearing needs to be closest to failure at maximum speed. If you are turning over 40 rads on the ground it's probably going to blow at max speed and shows you are probably under loaded.
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