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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. Whilst placing a North Pole Relay with a Falcon 9 things got pretty just before destruction (subsequent placement with heat-shield was successful)
  2. It's also copy pasta of his other thread in the Spacecraft exchange
  3. Camera Tools, works even if it says for an older version. Kerbal Animation Suite continued, for filming, for visual mods I am using AVP and KSPRC terrain, planetshine, distant object enhancement, Kopernicus, suit packs, head packs, real plume, collisionfx, reentry effects, easier if I post a picture of my mod folder
  4. I put it in orbit, but the Kerbal will never stand up in artificial gravity, Squad need to do some work there...lol
  5. You could just modify the config file to extend the operable range of the engine? 36,000ft is 10km, so the engines seem fairly good to me
  6. Building some film props, this one does not work, the Kerbal in it makes it not run properly, so it ranges between not revolving and speeding along ragdolling the Kerbal, this was about the only time I got it to revolve slow enough for the Kerbal to walk for a few seconds
  7. Those bearings look like @EpicSpaceTroll139's, it seems they are very resilient to g-forces. It's an epic craft though by any measure, and wow, did it get some air time on reddit.
  8. I accidentally staged my heatshield before reentry on a Minmus return in a mk1-2 just the other day and it still made it down
  9. I too thought of doing this, but I was going to use the inflatable heat shields, and it would not have been very useful
  10. There is a trade off between speed and surface, use the aerodynamic overlay to adjust the pitch of the blades, more blade area and pitch will slow down the rotor and you really need it to spin as fast as possible. Would it help with a swash plate?
  11. Hey @blackrack I just wanted to thank you, every time I think I am used to what you have done for us, something comes along and I am caught by surprise again, I took my Saturn V to Minmus last night with a new install of AVP and KSPRC, and it was spectacular, mostly thanks to you. The return home is one of the most beautiful moments in game I have ever seen. Twitch Stream (start at 13m of the two hours)
  12. By the time I left this dust? storm on Minmus was getting pretty thick! But they got back safely - just
  13. Did an Apollo 11 anniversary mission to Minmus, all Kerbals back safely with a bit of luck Stream (start at 13m I had some staging issues) https://www.twitch.tv/videos/160581483 Album
  14. Thanks for that, I was mainly letting you know because people might install both because the front page says you need TextureReplacer. Is the KSRPC install affected by the change?
  15. @themaster401 just trying to get all this going, looks amazing so far, was just about to embark upon KSPRC terrain when I noticed that TextureReplacerReplaced was added to the download. Your install instructions on the first page say TextureReplacer is a dependency, I am wondering if the two are compatible?
  16. Though if you put most of them in a service bay you would probably have a few more ms of dV from drag reduction
  17. This is probably because you are missing configs for your custom planet, this is not a scatterer problem, ask in your Planet Pack's thread. SVT is a 'terrain' pack, so only has ground textures for planetary bodies, you are probably talking about SVE which has the clouds and water, SVE comes with scatterer and EVE, EVE does clouds, scatterer does light and water. What does this do? Have you tried turning off godrays, and shadows?
  18. It's definitely doable to have contra-rotating propellers with thermometer rcs bearings, they can be tiny. Powering it (beyond simply spinning) by propeller inside your plane would probably be limited to electric. Though I can make a small chopper with 2 junos so it may be doable, the engine and prop compartment is quite long.
  19. I believe there is enough room to make the prop at least contra-rotating, if not power the plane entirely from the propellers, that should make it handle better since currently the air stream would hit all blades at the same angle disrupting the handling off the aircraft.
  20. Whats the underwater speed record? I like clean and well built craft of any description, I don't like ragged edges and misaligned plates, I understand that you can't get them perfect for every replica, and spaghetti knows I haven't always, but I am very much in the @Rune and @Cupcake... camp of appreciating aesthetics as high as performance.
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