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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. @HebaruSan @linuxgurugamer you guys were perfectly right, somehow (user error) I extracted them into another folder, sorry for the false alarm
  2. I thin there was a change that some mods, this one included, are affected by, @linuxgurugamer mod EEX has the same issue with a missing icon like the one below, no big deal everything still works
  3. Hi @linuxgurugamer wanted to say how much I appreciate all the work you put into these mods keeping them alive. Also I just tried the new version oF EEX and noticed one teeny tiny flaw, it's just an icon
  4. I was just looking at a new install in 1.3 and saw that there were no cirrus clouds? Is that the layer you deleted?
  5. You could make it a requirement that to use this mod a craft must have at least two stock probe cores of sufficient power (maybe by size) or a Pilot and probe core, in this way there would be no extra parts to break during updates and people would not really be incentivised to bypass it. Edit whoops, was replying to a very old post - Abort abort disregard!
  6. Hey, everyone, it's been quite a while since I posted a craft here, though as you have probably seen I have been working on some movie props (I really need a script writer). Anyway, I loved the look of the little Boeing XS-1 that got some media the other day. It's really hard to get the curved side square fuselage right but I gave it a shot. The payload can achieve orbit and the booster plane is landable. Though not both at the same time, because the plane never leaves the atmosphere. here is the clip of the planned XS-1 and then some pictures of mine. Edit: eh, it looks a lot rounder than what I remember oh well
  7. No, not unless you build one, or mod the game
  8. Mini Shuttle STS Gargantua Mini Soyuz
  9. I think I already have it, unless there is one that's less than a week or two old?
  10. I love it, quadcopter? At the expense of complication, you could replace the panthers with a couple of junos blowing on the central drum, that would help move the weight forward too
  11. I have the idea for a story and the props seem to be coming along OK Heres a longer segment if you want to see a bit more Yo @blackrack and @rbray89 not possible without you guys
  12. Another thing that doesn't make sense is that fairings float like a balloon, but they don't retain air. If Squad would like to make the fairings retain air I am happy with that too, makes for good bases and stations with interiors, if not make them sink please. Also when deployed fairing peices descend slower than a parachute which does not make sense either.
  13. The guy behind the X-20 (ex-n a z i scientist of course) also developed a Spaceplane during WWI, and a Ramjet fighter
  14. All your Islands are belong to us Thinking about another film, maybe a mini-series
  15. There was a link a couple of posts down, anyway thats old news, I think they are above 360ms now
  16. I would do that to my fairings because kerbpaint is not able to paint them, it's also a pretty easy paint job on the fairings
  17. I read there was some progress, they might have kerbpaint working again soon, or did you change the texture dds?
  18. One of my other tricks is to put nukes in the rear bay, when you want to go interplanetary you just open up the doors and blast away
  19. Yeah, landing on the hydrofoil pontoons could be dicey
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