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Capt'n Skunky

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Everything posted by Capt'n Skunky

  1. Fuel currently only flows down. There are plans for lateral transfer as well. I don't think up will happen though. Arrr! Capt'n SKunky
  2. All my parts in my Pirate Pack currently have '_skullxbones' appended as a suffix. Except my retext of the command pod. I find using Generic Mod Enabler a much better way of adding and removing part packs. Check the sticky in the How To forums for more information on using GME with KSP. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  3. Had to read that twice, I almost thought you were poking the Moderators with a pointy stick. We don't like being poked with pointy sticks! ;P Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  4. The F1 key will take a screenshot and place it in the \Screenshots\ folder under the game folder. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  5. A setting for volume control is planned for the settings page once it's complete. For now we just have to bear with it. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  6. Actually, explosions are the only thing that will upset Jeb. He's got nerves of steel. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  7. May not be what you want but it is amusing. True, it's not quite what I am looking for, but DAY-UM that is some funny shit right there I tells ya! Capt'n Skunky
  8. Some of his couplers have two top nodes for covering different engine lengths. If you attach to the wrong one you can get parts stuck inside each other and that's an instant fail when you head out to the pad. Glad to see you got it worked out. Cheers Skunky
  9. I never said they were making games that didn't sell. Just because I'm making steaming turds, doesn't mean I can't find people that will buy them. And as long as people keep buying steaming turds, the companies will continue to make and sell steaming turds. This is why I don't buy games for the most part. After checking them out *cough* and finding they were steaming turds, I know I can save my money. KSP is a game I will buy because I like it and it runs on my PC. With the inability to get a refund when buying a game, I need to know I will like it AND it will run on my PC. At $50 or more a pop, I can't afford to buy steaming turds! Skunky
  10. Have you been to the How To forum and read the sticky on mod installation? It might help you understand the proper place to put your files. Some people just aren't very computer savvy. Installing mods for them can be quite a scary prospect. Cheers Skunky
  11. Ok, well then. Looks like I need to brush up on my SketchUp skills tomorrow and give this a try. Cheers! Skunky
  12. This is why the gaming industry has slowly tanked over the years and why indies are able to survive by staying small. Game companies are usually founded by gamer/developer types that understand gamers and what they want. Once it reaches a critical mass, the bean counters move in and destroy the company by making the profit more important that the game which leads to shitty games and less profits. Unfortunately, bean counters do NOT understand gamers or the gaming industry outside of the business concept making them incapable of correcting the course of a ship going down the tubes. Skunky
  13. I've got the full version, but it's useless for doing anything but creating the model. UV mapping and other stuff you still need something like Blender. I'd love to be able to use it to model some things as I am fairly proficient with it. I just haven't used it for making game objects. Cheers Skunky
  14. Welcome to the KSP Forums! If your looking for mods to download, check the Projects and Releases forum. Also, some fans have setup www.kerbalspacerepository.com. Happy Launching! Skunky
  15. Care to post the part config and some pics so we can have some Rocket Scientists look at it? Skunky
  16. Oh god, please no. PLEASE no, for the love of sanity, NO! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lffwR5-U0YE&feature=player_detailpage#t=2s Skunky
  17. I love that last shot with loose booster trails akimbo! k;P Cheers! Skunky
  18. Are you sure it's his parts that are showing up black or have you installed my Pirate Pack? A screenshot would be helpful. Cheers Skunky
  19. It's not that hard. KSC is on the navball and it's got markings in degrees. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out where 90° from KSC is. Skunky
  20. Sounds like you have a staging problem or your boosters are bumping into the rocket when jettisoning. Care to post your .craft file so we can take a looky look? Skunky
  21. Err... duh. Me no have enough coffee yet. LOL
  22. Greetings and welcome to the KSP forums! That graph looks really useful. I wonder if someone could make a tool that would dynamically graph this information based on an altitude input. Happy Launching! Skunky
  23. Not to rain on your parade here, but how will you detect photoshopped entries? Skunky
  24. Sweet! That looks awesome dude! For the record, I've got a retext job of the command pod in my pack (link in sig), but it's no where near as awesome looking as yours! Cheers! Skunky
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