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Everything posted by Gfurst

  1. So yeah, I thought to check out save file and just try to remove any references to it, pretty much without knowing what I'm doing. But I didn't found it, so I've checked on the backup and there it was, loading the game successfully So I'm guessing KCT just erased it somehow, maybe trying to scrap or unsuccessful edit. (this happened before the vessel was complete) On another note, I really don't think you need to check for full recovery of vessel so they go straight into the hangar. The way it is, is already cool. Instead I was thinking of leaving the plane sort or parked somewhere on the KSC, recover the naut, have some sort of refueling station( pretty cool if you have KAS). All that is needed is to spawn kerbals directly without a vessel or build time, and maybe reset sci experiments too. I don't know which would easier or best to do. On yet another note, Does anyone play this along with remotetech? Doing a space simulation doesn't quite work because you don't have time to open dishes and establish communications, and may be on a non-optimal place. Best thing would be to disable temporally RT, or maybe cheat as if the vessel is locally controlled. I'll also check on RemoteTech's thread if they have ideas.
  2. Hey there, firstly much thanks for providing this awesome mod. I'm having a weird issue where many of the windows don't show up( for this and some other mods, including science reports too). I don't know if this general or specific so I posted on modded support, however checking on KSP.log I've found a lot spamming: [EXC 23:32:09.484] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GUISkin].get_Item (Int32 index) Chatterer.chatterer.draw_GUI () RenderingManager.OnGUI () [EXC 23:32:09.485] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GUISkin].get_Item (Int32 index) Chatterer.chatterer.draw_GUI () RenderingManager.OnGUI () [EXC 23:32:09.535] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GUISkin].get_Item (Int32 index) Chatterer.chatterer.draw_GUI () RenderingManager.OnGUI () [EXC 23:32:09.536] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GUISkin].get_Item (Int32 index) Chatterer.chatterer.draw_GUI () RenderingManager.OnGUI () This goes on pretty much all the flight time, this could be causing some lag and maybe preventing other windows of showing up? Any ideas what this means? Cheers
  3. KSP: 0.25 Linux 64-bit Issue: Technically everything is working, but some of the mods don't show up their custom windows, for example, navutilities, ScanSat map, science reports also don't show up... Mods: As I've said lots and lots of them, don't know if its related to one specific... (actually I thought it had nothing to do with specific mod, but with the log spam I'll check on its thread) Log: There was nothing on player.log, but found this spamming on KSP.log [EXC 23:32:09.484] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GUISkin].get_Item (Int32 index) Chatterer.chatterer.draw_GUI () RenderingManager.OnGUI () [EXC 23:32:09.485] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GUISkin].get_Item (Int32 index) Chatterer.chatterer.draw_GUI () RenderingManager.OnGUI () [EXC 23:32:09.535] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GUISkin].get_Item (Int32 index) Chatterer.chatterer.draw_GUI () RenderingManager.OnGUI () [EXC 23:32:09.536] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GUISkin].get_Item (Int32 index) Chatterer.chatterer.draw_GUI () RenderingManager.OnGUI () Ps: on a side note, does anyone also experience were input input some of the mods windows pass through to the game, for example input 'wasd' text into window a ship moves? =============================== Turns out this was probably due to the port of some mods with their config files from the previous version to current. After sorting out the chatterer thing (which was only window theme related) I was able to follow up on some other mods and eventually got it all sorted out.
  4. So, I've run into some sort of issue... I've ported career game from 24.2 right. The last save I had a really cool spaceplane in production, with some parts of B9 and SP+. So some parts went some serious changes, the cockpit, wings, and specially the elevon1 which became the new standard control surface. I had to do some hoops even to only get the actual craft file ported. So to avoid issues, I tried to simply scrap the production on the hangar, this doesn't work clicking 'yes I'm sure' button does nothing. I'm guessing its throwing something like unavailable part and the mod doesn't know what to do. Trying to edit the vessel gives some error but loads empty hangar, however nothing to do, no buttons work. alt+f4 the exit the game, don't the current state, but I have backups... Any help on how to troubleshoot this? I'm thinking of skimming the save file and maybe I can just erase this reference. What you think?
  5. Much thanks, I'll try it. Though it made me wonder what all of these settings are for....
  6. Hey Folks, how are ya? So I'm porting my current career game from .24 to the new version. This is painfully a lot of work, specially because I'm doing some mission reports (check out on my sig) and don't to lose stuff or break game. Now I did know about it somewhere, the super+f12 key opens a debug menu. Supposedly I could alter some settings there, and I can. Also on the in-game options I can choose some options as well. But specifically, I didn't found the "initial entry purchase cost", since its career mode and I'm already swimming in funds relatively early, I like a more costly setting. So has anyone else noticed this? Could it be that save ported from previous version is restricted on some options? Please share if anyone knows about this, and how to workaround it.
  7. Seems to be working quite alright. I'm just having some difficulties designing a plane with biplane parts (with FAR). Conventional wheels, plane seems to get waaayyy too fast, the elevator part seems too responsive, often causing instability. Taking off with conventional wheels is really hard, as the plane begins to pitch it also rotates to one side quickly spinning to death. Landing too super hard, the plane just bounces. With the new FAR control surface options, the options for control here aren't really needed... Anyone having luck building planes with this recently?
  8. There are some new features as wing mass, I've been wondering this too, having to redesign my craft as the default mass seems heavier than before. Just note that, more mass means harder structure resistance. Something interesting that wings now tend to bend just like in real aircrafts. Other thing though to get lift on higher altitudes, where air density is considerably lower, the craft usually needs much higher speed. Thats how it happens in reallife too where crafts simply don't enough thrust to keep high velocities to maintain stable flight, what we call operational ceiling.
  9. Yeah, was going to mention it also, new stuff. And apparently Squad also has plans to give history records to kebals? (can someone confirm this?)
  10. Actually not, the way it is now, new parts have to be build, so they take more time, re-used parts need only to be recovered, fixed or whatever, so they cost a bit less time( adjustable I think). A separate mechanic is the experience engineers and staff get for building the same parts, each time they're more familiar with said part and cost less time to build it. The only thing I'm not actually satisfied with the mod, is that when you recover a complete vessel you still have to build it all up again, for example spaceplanes... But accounting for rockets, its usually a good a idea to reassemble the whole thing. And using the same vessel over and over again does get faster so I can Live with it.
  11. Hey guys, just bumping this up to show a mission I did on video, mostly on IVA, with some bad voice over and editing. Let me know what you think and how I can improve for next time.
  12. That great to hear, there shouldn't be any issue and my recommendation was ok. A open system to store data for individual kerbal is a great idea, why the change on the project name though? Don't forget that people can help if you ask.
  13. Hey there, how are ya? Thanks for the mods. I commented on the Final Frontier thread (one that gives records and track history for kerbals) that it should try to use your API, primarily for embedding record files within the main save file. But just now I realized, does this addon keep separate files? I really don't know, as I haven't tested the newer version of Dangit. But if it does, it could result in some issues when loading backups, quickloads and sort of stuff, specially with Kerbal Construction Time which uses a lot of backup for simulations.
  14. Ohhhhh yeahhh, sorry. I think I mixed it up, 62,5 is rather small, I think mixed up comparing it to real world...
  15. Thanks, precisely what I was looking for, recommend adding up link in first post.
  16. Yeah I know, but it actually only includes a monitor template on stock cockpits. I'm wondering if anyone has tried to improve the cockpits, such as better buttons and stuff and maybe a reworked monitors.
  17. Hey, don't know if this was reported already, but using a separate file for saving award and kerbal history doesn't always work well. Most notably with Kerbal Construction time, there is a lot of simulation before actually building a vessel, after the simulation the game reverts to a saved backup, but with separate files, the simulations are recorded as actual flights... Things are worse if reverting to older save files, I keep a date logged history of my career progress, once I reverted to very earlier save the all the data was completely lost. Luckily I had lowered the number of backups, leaving some files untouched which were with the most recent records. Embedding data in the save file should fix all these issues, I suppose quick loading might also pose a problem. Maybe reworking the mod to use CrewFiles http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83755 Hope this helps, anyway, thanks for the work and awesome mod.
  18. Has anyone redone the stock cockpits with better internals and RPM monitors? Something cool similar to the ones in B9?
  19. Hey, firstly great work and I appreciated the work done here, this is something that should belong to stock KSP to reduce part clutter and provide useful API for modders. I don't know if anyone actually pointed this out already, but the scale 62,5 cm is actually not correct.... it should be either 0,625m or 625cm. (centimeters as in cent meters...) Could you provide a full documented for the config types, the examples are ok but are sort of lacking in explanation. Thanks and Cheers
  20. Humm I like that, an emergency mode where, taking a hit in reputation or something else is better than losing the kerbals, reduced but still continuous consumption. I also like the stasis idea, but considering its a somewhat future tech and sci-fi, I think its beyond the scope of the mod. Could be for some mods that adds futuristic sci-fi tech stuff.
  21. Yeah I thought about this, Mechjeb has no integration, alternatively I'll try and learn to use kOS (scriptable auto-pilot), it has an option to work with remotetech. kinda initially hard but has exactly what we want as a programmable auto pilot, very similar to what happens with real world probes that are too far away to be controlled. Also make sure you have power on your batteries, if you're using dish antennae make sure they're pointed correctly. if the little icon for the flight computer is green you have control, if red you don't.
  22. Same here, FF keeps a hall of fame separate file, it has some backups and when you load a previous file it tends to revert back, however it has some limitations and issues. And it can only revert back to the oldest backup and immediately replaces the newest and current files. We should head over there to report this.
  23. Hummm, ac ommunications station on Kerbin and Mun is poles... I like it, very good indeed.
  24. Hey to anyone having trouble establishing a communications network, this is how I've done: Cool Image hun?, its a simple triangular setup with an 800km orbit, plus a relay for long range dish communication on geostationary orbit right above the KSC. Still using the first set of antennas (as I haven't reached further tech yet), more info on this and previous thread: http://gfurst.wordpress.com/2014/10/18/ksp-3-spaceplanes/
  25. Found something that might be an error on the research! On the part for waste creating for kerbals it is: (amount of human production)*(percent related to human)/4 The human to kerbal ratio being 25% (or 1/4), I think this 1/4 is doubled resulting a quarter of the intended result. This applies to all Waste resources and water consumption. Check it out. edit again: opss, I was reviewing it and saw how the calculations differ, its actually 1/4 of Earth time to Kerbin time, sorry. I'll be quiet now.
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