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Everything posted by kcs123

  1. Have you tried to change read/write permisson over KSP folder and all subfolder ? To set read/write permission for all users on machine. You should do that only on KSP game folder, not for entire drive or other folders out of KSP, though.
  2. Hmm. How about adding per part on right click menu to disable KJR on that part ? like you can enable/disable stock autostrut option ? That and ability to visualise KJR autostrut or reinforcment joint whatever it is called like it is possible to visualise stock autostrut might help people with this. So, only in special case scenario where someone use free moving parts or something similar where it is not desired to have autostrut user can disable it. In all other cases it can be enabled KJR on parts by default. That would also simplify usage when you disable/enable KJR autostruts before powered IR movement and enabling again after powered IR movement is finished. Well, no rush with anything. Do you already have some close to be good values for torque/spring forces that I can try to tweak further for myself ? I can try to mess with it as long as it does not require plugin rebuild/change to try finding out what would behave reasonable enough in game.
  3. There is two different cases with KJR and IR parts. One when you use free moving parts and other when you use only powered IR parts. In case of powered IR parts, it is desireable to disable KJR on starting to move IR part and enable KJR reinforcements after powered movement is stoped. However, in case taht you have free moving parts it is more tricky to handle. You can only allow autostruts or KJR reinforcements on parts that are inside of nodes between free moving IR parts. Let say that parts in bold is reinforced with KJR before you torn on power on powered IR part. Fixed craft part <-> free IR part <-> some structural part <-> some structural part <-> free IR part <-> some structural part <-> some structural part <-> powered IR <-> rest of craft After you turn power it should look like this: Fixed craft part <-> free IR part <-> some structural part <-> some structural part <-> free IR part <-> some structural part <-> some structural part <-> powered IR <-> rest of craft However, it might be tricky to find out what are branches and parts that are allowed to be reinforced and what not. That wing folding mechanizm that I send you might not be the best possible case, as some of joints should be limited how much it is allowed to move in one direction. Whole thing need some more tweaking with proper angles and distances before it can be useful for craft. So, it would be best to use just extendratron and hang some weight on it to determine right values for torque and spirng/damper joints. Having no spring/damper values at all, or being set to zero or something is fine for powered extendratron, currently they got reasonable oscilation when you want to use it as shock absorber (with some tweaking of values). There is one other possible issues regarding KJR and landing legs from Roverdudes USI MKS mod. There is saome landing legs in his mod that have option to attach craft to ground (thetered on/off on part menu in flight). It can be used only when craft is landed and legs are extended. Quite useful option, to prevent craft sliding whem you land on sloped terain. But it might cause issues similar as you found with launch clamps. Have yet to test this in game to see if there is issue with i tor not. Meanwhile, there is small issue with symmetry regarding free rotatrons. When I set 90 degree on original part I need to set -90 on mirrored part to have them both in desired direction. Pivotron on the other hand performs much better than in old IR plugin, when I set them to 90 degree or other angle, on mirrored part those rotate in proper direction with same +90 degree. And another small bug when IR parts right click menu stops to be responsive on user input in flight scene, similar like it was in SPH/VAB in previous IR plugin version.
  4. I wanted to report same issue yesterday, but I was not able to post any message. Using firefox on win10. Posting this to see for how long it will going to work. Some conspiracy theory builders might use it to tell that is intended, to lower amount of demands for mod updates or hate reports if some feature X does not work as expected .
  5. Might be a good idea to give it different name, like KJR continued or KJR extended or similar, so people don't get confused what they need/want to download. Later on if changes were adopted in original mod, you might no longer need to maintain it. Or if Ferram does not accept changes, you can continue to develop your own version. Perhaps other moders and player would also want to try and use your version with improvements ASAP too. Just make sure that you redistribute your version under same lincence as original KJR. It will be a lot of mess until all of mods are re-checked and recompiled for KSP 1.4.
  6. I did some research as I haven't dealed with hydraulic cylinders and actuators in real life. How much force they can push or pull depends on diameter and pressure of oil used. Usual max of pressure used in practice is up to 210 bar. It is possible to have higher, but it depends how much of pressure pipes, pumps and other supporting equipment. So, it is not unusual for piston to support 500t. Even electric actuators can pull around 60 t. http://mail.tolomatic.com/archives/pdfs/9900-9239_00-How-to-size-hydraulic-cylinders-to-Electric-actuators.pdf https://www.rockwellautomation.com/global/news/the-journal/detail.page?pagetitle=Use-an-Electric-Rod-Actuator-or-Hydraulic-Cylinder%3F&content_type=magazine&docid=0acf211a46d4cf2f4199ad69debdd3c2 https://ez-tools.eu/hydraulic-cylinders Last link offer cylinders ready to buy on market that can support up to 300t. One big orange tank weight about 36t. So, it would be resonable for extendratrons/pistons to support weight of 2 x Orange tanks for 72t. Few tons more and piston could show signs of streching, but should be able to handle 72t without much issue. So, I would start with that values ant try it in game to see if it is too much or it is still too low.
  7. I noticed this too, but forgot to mention earlier. I didn't edited any of config files regarding tweakscale values. I'm in divided opinion here. Reason why old IR have such high values is because crafts were always being slightly unstable (bending too much and similar). It would be nice to have a more sense with new values while still being possible to create certain craft type. That is one of reason why I started to create variable geometry wing craft, this kind was always being difficult to create in stable manner. That one would show how much strength is needed. So far new system looks promising, it might everything being properly adjusted with right values. For example, it is acceptable for extendratron to strech out in longitudinal motion, but should not be able to bend on lateral axis. Exposing torque or whatever other values are responsible for this can be exposed to SPH/VAB with wide variety of ranges to choose from low weight to saturn a-like values. To balance out this in game, higher torque values might also increase mass of part. It will be easier to find out "right" values when more people who were using IR before try to create their craft and tell their opinion how it feels in game.
  8. And it is only used for some experiments in Kerbal style: Old IR plugin, for comparison can hold 18X Orange tanks. Joints does not breaks, just separates a bit: Put some more weight and joints between fuselage and truss would break sooner than joint on IR parts. It streches maybe too much but does not break. With IR next, things are bit different. Almost like comparing aples to oranges. With default settings, extendratron can hold half of orange tanks without issues, but with full one it stretch a lot, but joint does not break. I tried to increase new value: factorTorque = 20 up to 2000, but I was unable to find settings that can hold more weight than one orange tank. With one orange tanks it jumps a bit up and down until it settle near default zero position, performs like a shock absorber when you don't want it, but does not when you want it In editor, default values works properly now. But groups don't so much. Possible reason could be that I loaded craft created with previous version of IR next. Anyhow, when I attach IR part on craft and create new group and move that part into that group, with old IR plugin, when I deattach that part from craft and attach it again it is still member of new group that I put part in. With latest version, when I reattach such part, new group that was created is deleted and re-attached part is put into default first group. Only way when it remains in selected group is when I have more than one part in group. It seems that new group is always deleted in editor if it no longer contain parts. It should not behave like that. I wasn't able to test much more than that.
  9. Nothing stops you to spread link, but I would recommend to rather put link on form post with all other info than direct link for download. With KSP 1.4. coming next week things could be changed a lot.
  10. Welcome to forums. For download link check posts on this page. Latest parts shown (wheels) are not yet included though. Also, there is new version of IR plugin under development, so it would not be wise to spread links on kerbalx.com until those few missing things are finished. Might become obsolete very soon.
  11. I changed those settings in config files to 600, but still can't select in SPH higher value than 30. Probably plugin need changes too, to allow higher values from config files For comparison, I tried to hang verticaly 2 x Orange fuel tank, 1 x Orange fuel tank and 1 X Rotomax 32(half of orange fuel tank) on extendratron. Two orange fuel tanks extend joints slightly, there is visible gap between base and movable pieces of extendratron. But joints does not break One orange tank still extends joints to have air gap between parts. 1/2 of orange fuel tank gives barely visible gap between parts. Not most accurate test, but at least something to compare when you need to find out "proper" values for variables.
  12. Yep, after testing new version in game, I see what you mean. Joints are way too weak, compared to same parts with old IR plugin. I have increased Torque in SPH up to 30 on right click menu, it behave much better, but it need to be increased more. For comparison, with similar mechanizm created in the past, this plane was able to pull more than 9g in flight with everything on place: On that plane, I used only pivotrons instead of bearings, but concept is similar. I just started to search in part config file, but I don't see if there is variable available to increase that value. Found it: I will try to change those to see how it will look like in game. Meanwhile, I found some other small issue wit editor in SPH: When I set default preset for some part and it's value and later on choose for whole group or certain part to "move to default", it always move all parts to zero, instead of chosen default preset. Old IR behave properly with this, in comparison. No worries, no need to rush. Meanwhile it works good enough to be able to find out what else might be broken. Or to broke even more stuff for myself
  13. I probably missplaced behaviour of KJR and FAR in my mind. FAR does voxalization only after moving animation finish, to prevent FPS drops. That's just one of first prototype of mechanizm, I would probably end up with more than one pair of extendratron, but was unable to test it and improve it. Probably it will be a good idea to combine this with InnerLock mod, to lock parts after moving in desired position. For now I just want to create few proof of concept craft, for testing purposes and comparison with old IR crafts. Something to have to test, to see if joints are strong enough or not etc.
  14. Take your time, neither I was able to test this and some other WIP mods properly to provide proper feedback. I wanted to try this mod with new IR next mod on variable sweep mechanizm, but encountered few bugs in IR next mod that prevented me to do it properly.
  15. Recreated same thing with official KJR and old IR plugin. Have no issue with moving wings attached to truss. So it must be that something is not triggering properly. IIRC KJR with exclusion works that it removes "magical autostruts" between parts as soon as IR starts to move and reattach them again when moving stops. Have no idea why I didn't experienced similar thing with rover craft, perhaps because I didn't attached any wing parts to it.
  16. Creation order: Place Robo Truss lite 2.5m piece on fuel tank Place 0.625m Robo Truss lite in mirror on #1 piece Place Robo Truss lite to tube pro adapter on #2 piece in mirror mode Place Rotatron bearing uncontroled on #3 piece Rotate #3 piece by 90 degree along with bearing rotatron with rotate tool in SPH Reposition piece #3 to align all parts with #2 piece Attach 1.25m Robo Truss lite part to Bearing rotatron and move it ~ 1/3 of length in front of bearing, the rest of length to rear - It suppose to hold future wing piece Attach Uncontroled Pivatron (I named it "UPivatronWing") to part #7 All pieces #1 to # 8 creates one chain of parts To create second chain, place Uncontroled pivatron ("UpivatronExt") on part #1 on rear end Attach basic extendratron to piece #10 Adjust angles on pivatrons #10 to get it close with pivatron "UPivatronWing" Finally, connect extendratron and "UPivatronWing" with strut No, haven't tried it without launch clamps, I never have issues with those when I experimented with some of future craft designs.
  17. Updated craft files and output log. I have added 2 new craft files with swept wing mechanizm. Need to edit uncontroled bearring rotatron as discused in previous post. I found something new that is broken, or I broke something else, whatever. Anyhow, mechanizm that should move wings works as intended without wings. But as soon as I add wings like on second picture, I no longer can move extendratrons. Moves back without issues too. But with wings attached, it no longer can move. And whole purpose is to move wings. I suspect on ineraction with KJR or something similar. Tweakscale, IR next and stock parts only for craft is required. I didn't noticed anything odd in log, I hope that provided crafts would be enough.
  18. Have no idea about pointers, didn't found info about it in old configuration file for same part, I just copied axis parameters, at least how it looked like. Haven't encountered anything wrong, but better to change pointer too, before kraken wakes up.
  19. Fixed issue with bearing uncontroled: Whole part config inside spoiler: Changed values: Possible same issue might be on powered parts too, have to check them yet.
  20. Forgot to mention, would be nice to have ability to engage/ulock abd toggle lock of parts trough acrion group command. Haven't encountered anything ultimately wrong with mod otherwise.
  21. Meanwhile, I noticed other oversight: Bearing rotatron rotates over wrong axis. I think that one of "surface" on angle attach extendratron also have misplaced axes, have yet to check out that one. EDIT: Nope, that one work as intended, perhaps I broke something else before.
  22. Those three parts should suffice. Current extendatron is good enough, but, something that looks like piston (mentioned earlier in thread) might visualy fit better. Have yet to try new features on extendratron. Have no idea how much IR next parts behave in different way internaly from old IR plugin and what is possible to accomplish now and what not.
  23. Exactly. Easy to test such new part would be to copy existing free moving rotatron and pivotron and add new features trough new module. Position where to return can be set in part config file, but would be much better if default position can be determinated in SPH/VAB. That, and ability to set spring/damper forces and possible friction force would make quite handy rotational shock absorber. Later on, it would be possible for Zodiusinfuser or some other modder who like to create parts, to create new visual parts that would be easier to spot in SPH/VAB, but for testing purposes, existing parts should be enough untile whole system is created and tested.
  24. Yes, by neutral position, I was mean equilibrium established between gravity forces on parts and spring inside rotatron that push it in oposite direction. Perhaps friction-damping is better word for this, I don't know unity well enough to know how variables are called within game engine. On old IR plugin, I was just set jointSpring and jointDamper values to some number (20 or something close, can't recall) and I got desired effect. Rotatron stoped at some angle where forces from gravity are equal with spring forces inside rotatron. Position of tubes attached to rotatron were zero degree paralel to horizont on launch and were stoped quickly after few sec, like on this picture: All I was asking is to expose jointSpring and jointDamper values to right click menu in SPH/VAB. Don't know how much is IR Next module is different from original one, though. It may work as desired only with rotational free moving parts. Spring force should always tend to push part towards zero degree or some other default value set in SPH. In rover example above, desired degree where spring forces should push back something is 65 degree instead of zero. Desired effect from this is when wheels jumps in air, for whatever reason, spring forces would pushing back sets of wheels on pivotron to 65 degree. Of course, it would not be ideal, but should move wheels in better position when touching ground after jumping. Perhaps desired effect can be achieved with friction too, ability to lock some otherwise free moving part might come handy too. I would not need to secure free moving rover legs with struts, while rover is in transit from Kerbin to Mun, for example, but that is different story. That is different usage from joint springs on powered parts, that Zodiusinfuser explained previously, to swing something with powered part and then release it. Those jointSpring and jointDamper values might not be possible to use on all parts, therefore need to be toggable trough config files. Also, don't know how much part config files were changed from old IR plugin, some things may work in different way now and it is no longer possible to make it work like it was before due to changes to fix other bugs.
  25. Ah, that explains. I was set it to true in SPH and it was colliding with everything, while only thing I needed on my craft is just to place such part on craft. Learning something new each day. As example, not the best picture, this one is from runway, but I would like to use same parts used for intended collision to lock otherwise free moving rover legs while it is inside fairing of rocket, for example. I used struts for such purpose that were able to decouple when I need. This one was from testing how locking works, on that craft I only need collision, not locking once craft is going to be released from cargo bay. If something like that is not easy to create, no worries, I will secure such craft in flight in different way.
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