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Everything posted by kcs123

  1. FAR is not required, but IIRC, without FAR, there is symmetry issue with flaps/spoilers going in oposite direction on mirrored part. Not sure if it is still issue with KSP 1.4.2, though.
  2. Well, I told you and other in Airplane Plus thread that this mod could help, you should try it sooner Anyhow, I'm glad that it worked for you and that whale_2 made it in a first place.
  3. Probably most of legacy parts would be abandoned if not all of them. Noone of active developers have source files for those parts and some fixes require changes on part model (meshes, coliders, animations, etc.), It might be possible to make some of those to work trough changes in config files, but with each KSP update there is more and more chances that legacy parts in this state could no longer be possible to maintain. So, if you use 2.x IR plugin I can only give you advice to stick with new parts from Zodiusinfuser. Or you may want to try new IR next plugin, still WIP but pretty much stable by now.
  4. Well, you are the one who do all of hard work, so you are the one who knows what is plausible to do and what not. In such scenario having ability to lock/unlock joints trough action group would come handy. Maybe some kOS scripts in combination of new kOS GUI and IR parts might provide more user friendly usage from this new feature.
  5. Coming late to party, but would be possible, at least with powered IR parts to unlock/lock KJR joints just before starting to move and after you start to move such part ? With option in SPH/VAB right click menu to toggle such option if it is allowed to autolock for KJR or not. Meaning, if you have two poered IR parts attached to each other and some other craft parts when you start to move only one part other one would still be locked trough KJR if not powered and if you not have such option to toggle locking. So, in such case if I have that new option to allow KJR autolock on one part and not allow to autolock on second part, when first part start to move trough commands, KJR would disable lockong and all parts should move as intended because second IR part is not affected to autolock at all. Of course, you will have to be careful in craft design for what parts to allow autolock and for what parts to not. Another alternative could be to put lock/unlock in action groups, so you can choose what part to unlock or lock before starting to move IR parts and after finished with it. In theory, it should help to build stronger crafts that have movable IR parts, but on the other hand it could be another kraken bait.
  6. This kind of thing started to happening since KSP introduced autostruting of landing legs for the first time. Only way to avoid it to have this in mind and construct craft in a way that landing leg autostruting does no put struts between movable and static IR parts. Placing parts out of symmetry can help in some cases too (placing one landing leg at a time). Other than that, not much can be done, only option is to not use stock landing legs and landing gears. USI MKS landing legs does not do autostruting as well as landing gears from Kerbal foundries mod. Probably some other mods too, but those two are first ones I can recall from top of my head.
  7. I'm not sure, but seems that he merged back previously reverted piece of code, but removed older KSP versions or I'm not reading github properly.
  8. It will be counterproductive to put this on CKAN while it is heavy under development. Once it is done it will replace old IR plugin and proper CKAN metadata with all dependencies can be made. Pull request for KJR is merged recently, so at least one mode less to worry about.
  9. I didn't noticed anything wrong while I was using landing legs from USI part pack and this mod in 1.3.1. Can't tell much about 1.4.x, I didn't have oportunity to play it much.
  10. Another note, if you are not aware of it already: landing legs from Roverdude USI mod (I think it is from MKS, but, I'm not sure) have option "theter to ground". What it does, it stick craft landing legs to the ground once you landed. It seems that it "autostrut" landing legs to planet surface or something. Anyhow, effect is if you are landed on slope, for example, craft would no longer going to drift due to low gravity and friction. I guess it can be of help on Gilly too, with timewarp and similar kraken baits. I think it can stabilize craft in similar manner as KAS harpoons.
  11. Updating once or twice at a day is more than enough. Considering that community is scatered around globe in different time zones, you should not need to worry about "exact" time for update either. Between updates you could get some feedback or not, depending if someone testing it or if someone found something out of ordinary. Even just uploading when everything else is already prepared can be time consuming, not to speak of preparing everything, code, documentation, config file changes, etc.
  12. I would not say that aircraft building is PITA. Challanging to do it properly - yes, of course. There was always being some bug involved from very first KSP version (I started with 0.25 IIRC) that prevents you do create a craft exactly like you are imagined to be. But, more fun with aircraft creation too when you finally achieved to behave to your liking. However, this issue does not only apply to aircrafts, all kind of base building on other SOI shows issues too. Munar base jumping from the ground after time warp or after switching scenes etc. I'm glad that SQUAD still fixing problems and released patch quite soon compared to previous releases, but this kind of bug is being here for long time and it is still not solved. And not only with moded game, there is reported issues with pure stock game too.
  13. Don't know if it will help you, but this document helps me a bit to understand quenterions better, might be something you already know, though: https://www.essentialmath.com/GDC2013/GDC13_quaternions_final.pdf
  14. It might not be Airplane Plus bug, it may be same or similar issue like other people have even with stock parts. Try using this mod to see if it helps: OP say that is no longer need for this in KSP 1.4.1, but some of latest posts in thread confirmed that is still issue present with some stock crafts and this mod fixes it.
  15. Two pages back, I think it is still valid: Proper angle on re-entry is first one to try changing until you find one that fits for your craft. Heating shields helps too and creating a re-entry module to be areodinamicaly stable, so it points shield always in forward position to protect ship from overheating. Depending of dV left, you may also want to reduce Ap altitude before you start re-entry. Other than that, it is always possible that some bug is involved too. In that case, you know the drill: logs, screenshots, videos, savegame ... whatever can help finding and solving bug. Might be a case that you using some moded part that is not configured properly for RO too.
  16. Seems that you thought about it quite well. Can't give good opinion, I didn't have oportunity to play KSP 1.4.1 much, lot of mods still waiting to be updated and real life commitments kicked in at same time. Only when I try new parts in game I will be able to tell if something need to be nerfed or boosted. Regarding tech tree node, I think that you got it well, but yet have to try it with some other mods to be able to tell if something need to be changed or not.
  17. There was report for some of legacy parts not working properly. Unfortunately source files for those parts were not available, so it is not possible for part developers to change/fix them. Try to stick with new parts.
  18. Come to soon to conclusion that this mod is no longer necessary, but I'm glad that it still exist. @whale_2, take care of real life issues first and then return to maintaining this mod when you will be able to enjoy working on it and enjoy using it.
  19. Have a bit of patience. Not even CKAN robot can catch so many changes on different hosting web sites in such short time. Not even to speak when there is requirement of human input to push new mod request. There was big "flame forum war" with request from moders that CKAN robot does not put new mod until it is tested and aproved by humans, to minimize install errors. Given a limited free time that people who work on CKAN project have, it is understandable that some things need time to be merged. They are just humans afterall, with real life commitments beside CKAN project.
  20. Just focus on 1.4.1. By the time you will be able to made everything as you want and as intended, there will be more and more people moving to 1.4.1. For KSP 1.3.1. people can use older version of IR - latest stable package from Zodiusinfuser. There is no point to stretch out your limited free time to support older version of KSP.
  21. RCS should not be super nerfed by SETI rebalance, only reaction wheels are nerfed, but not in such degree that reaction wheels could not be used. It is made like this to encourage people to use RCS on craft early in game, rathe rthan rally on reaction wheels on all craft designs.
  22. Look at my post on that thread under spoiler section. Have no idea why forum linked OP from that thread instead of my own post. I will try to link again on exact post from thread: You need to click on link next to my nick name for exact post, instead of forum title.
  23. Look in IR next WIP development thread. You will find there improved version of KJR while waiting for ferram to merge PR on github.
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