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Everything posted by kcs123

  1. It's not just cosmetic, when you have no errors then it is ensured that patches are properly applied as intended. SETI only brinf few new parts, but it change mass and cost of some stock parts as well as rearanging parts to different nodes of technological tree. It is meant to be used with other mods that bring new parts in game. Without some of mods you may found some technology tree nodes empty. I can strongly recommended DMagic orbital science mod at least. Most benefits from SETI comes when you start new career game, it provides diffrent experience how to reach goals with low technology available.
  2. Welcome to forums. You can use SETI with KSP 1.3.1. To make SETI working with latest MM you need to edit all config files in SETI folders to remove "FOR" commands as instructed in post on previous page: I recommend using notepad++ or similar advanced text editor capable to search for strings trough several files and folders. Use search function only to get files and lines affected, don't just blindly use replace function without inspecting each line as you might not need to change all of lines. As for other recommanded changes, it depends on what other mods you have installed beside SETI. You might not even need anything else. As always, it is good idea to backup your saved game elsewhere before making any changes. Your crafts should not be affected much, but it is better to make a backup to be safe than complain later.
  3. To balance piston engines, it might be a good idea to look how it is handled in AJE mod. There is even AJE extended configs mod that covers configs for this mod too. It might be too much for someone to have realistic behaviour of jet engines, but IIRC they used float curve for atmospheric pressure vs available engine thrust instead of complete flame out of engine. 10-12km of celling is reasonable enough for piston engine. When you above certain altitude, air is simply not thick enough for propeller to push that air and provide thrust. Don't know if it is possible to cofigure it properly for stock aero and FAR without using AJE mod. Most probably at least two sttings per engine will be required, depending if FAR is installed or not.
  4. It's OK, what matter is that you found apropriate place to ask for help.
  5. J-414 engine does not come with IR mod. Only engines are Propeller a like engines for creating drones and similar. It is possible that you have some kind of mod conflict with IR, though. Hard to tell without log files, screenshots or videos that describe issue in much better way.
  6. If you are seek for new parts, you are looking in the wrong place. SETI brings just a handfull of new parts, mostly to cover gap in parts properties for gamebalancing purpose. What this mod does is to arrange parts from other mods in more meaningfull manner, to provide better balanced progress in playtrough. So, to fill up empty tech tree nodes, you need to install some other popular mod pack.
  7. Using COM port in C# should not be much different than it is in C++. Writting a plugin for unity is different story, though, but should not be impossible. Hey, we already got telnet communication with kOS, that suggest that communication trough COM port is doable. Yep, probably any idea to get absolute position already exist on market in some form as cheaper complete product than any hacky way you can made it for home usage. I carried away a bit with it, not using much of electronic stuff in RL for long time, so I don't know exactly what already exist on market and what not
  8. There is already complete module for arduino, for both, bluetooth or WiFi to extend capabilities of main controler. https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/user206876468/arduino-bluetooth-basic-tutorial-d8b737 https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/jeffpar0721/add-wifi-to-arduino-uno-663b9e From unity coding side, as much as I was able to understand trough quick peek, bluetooth is defined in windows system as additional COM port in device manager. It should be possible to send/receive any kind of data on such COM port as any other COMN port on machine. It is just a matter of writting proper software on arduino controler, to determine response on received commands and transmit some feednback to PC machine that comunicate with it. Wait. What ? Why you are not develop some cheap reliable way to determine exact position of angle on servos ? Jokes aside, it is probably easier to tell than do in real life. I haven't messed with electronics for ages, so first things that poped up on my mind is to use variable capacitors or variable resistors. Any kind of potentiometer might not be reliable enough, so variable capacitor in circuit with oscilator that provide AC signal with variable frequency might give more precise results. Other way may be usage of photodiodes. Initial thoughts with it would be to place photodiodes in circle on the edge of stator piece of robotic rotating part and light source on rotor of rotating part. As part rotate, only one of photodiode would be lighted (or maybe very few in neighborhood). Maping lighted photodiode with array of digital inputs can give good feedback about exact angle of robotic part. Other possible solution might be to use reflective surface of some kind on rotating part instead of active light source. Maybe even combination of light source - optic fiber - photodiode when you need to place large number of diodes in tight place. Since optic fiber thickness can be quite small in diameter (comparable to thickness of human hair) it could be possible to place photodiodes elsewhere in robot central body and only provide light source trough optic fiber. That coulod possibly give higher resolution of true angle position of servo motors. Anyhow, that is just theoretical rambling, put something like this in practical use in real life application is different story. As I was writting this, I found that similar thing is already available, by using some kind of pattern on reflective surface that give feedback of servo angle position. Some kind of absolute rotary encoder. It is probably expencive due to specialised microcontroler and software used, so it might be out of reach for hobby usage. But that is area where arduino kicks in, with right kits used it may be reduce cost to acceptable level. Either is way out of my league to end up as expencive toy that will only collect dust over time, that is reason why I stick to the software/simulator only. @VR_Dev, your WIP project with unity integration might have good usage in real life other than just controling a robot trough arduino interface. With right sensors attached on robot, it can provide data back to unity what such robot can "see" with sensors. Based on that data it should be possible to render 3D environment in unity game engine, giving accurate as possible feedback to human operator what is going on in robot nearby area. In some situations, for example in area full of smoke/dust or something where ordinary camera is useless, such data can be very valuable. It have a lot of potential usage, beside jsut for fun to use in game for personal pleasure. It is something worth to develop for certain.
  9. Exactly. If it is possible to create bluetooth comunication with C# (I'm almost 99% sure it is possible) then it should not be too hard to create plugin compatible with unity game engine or even compatible plugin for KSP. People do similar stuff for some time: https://blog.arduino.cc/2018/01/24/create-a-custom-kerbal-space-program-cockpit-with-arduino/ If they have already created input/output commands from and to specialized KSP hardware controler, it should not be too difficult to extend it for IR mod.
  10. Hmm, first thing that pops on my mind is some of Arduino kit as possible more/less cheap controler for real life robot. I haven't get into arduino microcontrolers deeply, due to lack of free time and need for it, but as much as I was able to get info on it, it mostly use C++ as language for source code. Not exactly C#, but close enough if you get used to it. It should be jus ta matter of proper wiring, depending of what you need to trigger, analog or digital output to control your robot. Some kind of "driver" would probably be necessary in terms of relays or transistor switches that would provide power for motors and servos on robot. Some kind of sequencer/timer groups should not be hard to do with atmel microcontrolers, but logic how to execute certain sequence is different kind of animal. But, yes, proper logic that made within game should be more/less easy to transfer in real life aplication. One of reasons why I like KSP and IR mod.
  11. Can't give you a proper advice on this. It all depends on mods you are using in 1.3.0. career and if all of them are properly supported in 1.3.1. You can try however. Keep current 1.3.0. install as it is, even better make a backup of it in separate folder. Then upgrade KSP to 1.3.1. and install your favorite mods on that new instance of KSP. That is only way to find out is it worth to upgrade or not.
  12. There is something else with IR part in symmetry. It behave in a different way in regards if you have or have not FAR installed. FAR seems to fix that issue somehow, while with stock aero mirrored part turns in oposite direction. I have overcome with this issue in the past by placing parts one by one on both side of craft rather then with mirror option. However, in latest playtrough FAR was properly updated so I no longer have same issue. Just something worth to mention when comes to polishing all stuff.
  13. It is due to main KSP game misbehaviour. Try this mod and see if there is some improvement:
  14. Haven't found anything wrong with New beta, , it will be good for release when some of translations become available too.
  15. Personal preference, I guess. KRPC seems too much for me, like hacky way to interrupt with game controls. On the other hand, kOS set some limits how much you can do with parts provided. Have to think about limited storage space, electricity consumption and efficiency of your script, how much CPU power it will require. It feels much more like additional computer within a game to control stuff, rather than computer beside KSP game world that influence whole game behaviour and experience. Just my personal preference.
  16. Not sure on what "x" button you mean. I was having option window open, I choose desired option and closed option window on "x" button. After that I have input some data in main PrecisionNode GUI window as usual. After that point, when I deceided to delete node, I have pressed on "del" button on PrecisionNode GUI. Next thing is that PrecisionNode was closed, as it was last node that was created. I for certain didn't closed main GUI window on "x" button. After that point, I have tried "O" and "P" keys to open PrecisionNode GUI again, but whole game was no longer response on either of keyboard input or left mouse click. Only right mouse worked, I was able to rotate camera in map view, mouse movement was recognized too, but no left click or keyboard input. I will try to get output log again, I was not aware that it was written properly even with forcing quit game. Unfortunately, I have already overwriten this with new session. EDIT: Glad that you have able to narrow down issue, take your time, no rush with it. I will try to test another version when it become available.
  17. Feedback time: Under "Localization" folder you have two files "en_us.cfg" and "en_us.cfg~". Later one is probably backup file from text editor, I don't know id it will do any harm or not. Good news, click trough issue seems to be fixed, but only on first sight. Can't tell anything about localization feature, does it work as intended or not. Bad news: I have encountered some nasty bug. Can't give you proper output log as I was forced to kill KSP game process. I can only give you reproducing steps in hope that it will help to narrow down issue. I created node by clicking on craft orbit to choose time and position of node PrecisionNode GUI properly poped up, I have entered some data, changed options to show advanced stuff on GUI, tested click trough, etc. I figured out that I messed up my timing and position of node, so I deleted node trough PrecisionNode GUI After that whole game GUI was no longer responsive By GUI no longer responsive, I mean, I no longer have ability to click on orbit and create new node. Even worse, whole game is no longer responsive, meaning, I can't close map, esc key no longer work to show pop up menu for returning back to KSC / main menu, clicking on any stock icon is no longer responsive too. It seems that you provided too good fix for click trough, forgeting to put control on main game handle after closin precision node GUI. I can't tell anything how code works, so following is just speculation from observed behaviour in game. I think you need to have additional check, if PrecisionNode GUI have or does not have focus for user input. Only if PrecisionNode is focused (user already clicked once on it), you should execute piece of code that prevents click trough. Once PrecisionNode is no longer focused, you need to get back handle to main game engine. I hope that above have some sense to you. And sorry, I was unable to test and provide feedback earlier.
  18. You may want to put preserve command inside when block, or return true, so that event is triggered again each time your craft runs out of fuel. Like this: I'm still learning kOS, despite using it for some time now. Mostly because of limited time for playing KSP and long time passed between two playing sessions. Same as you, I started with some small simple scripts that could possibly be used in more complex scripts and crafts. I can't say that it is most efficient way to do it, it is more intendend to be small tutorial/reminder how to use kOS commands, functions and libraries than ultimate solution. Another thing in mind, it is designed to be used with large variety of rockets, so it does not fit perfectly for ascent trajectory of each craft, but it can be easy to adjust. That being said, I found to be to lazy to make adjustment for each craft as it does job well most of times and I can made some small adjustments in flight if something goes wrong. I tend to break code in functions, so it can be more easy copied and re-used elsewhere when you need it. At first, I used to run launching script from terminal using parameters to set desired heading, apoapsis and time before reaching apoapsis to start final burn to orbit. Most recent version include small GUI for such purpose, so it is even more easy to use. It require lib_navball.ks from kOS github, to show shup heading, pitch and roll on screen. It probably can be used/adjusted with some other more advanced script that will calculate heading and pitching as well as apoapsis for orbit and just run this one with all parameters set. You can use it from terminal like this: One other small script that is used a lot and helps a lot is execute maneuver node script. I breaked it into two ks files. One is library to define function and other is used to call function from library. Have yet to create small GUI for it. node_lib.ks is in first spoiler: and other "maneuver.ks" script that calls functions from library: And final touch, to bind those two together in boot script that you can choose in VAB/SPH screen to execute tedious tasks on launch: My crafts are still not fully autonomous, as I need to learn a lot about rocket science and math behind it, so I set maneuver nodes manualy with help of PreciseNode mod. Just recently I have put a command that will execute maneuver node, if one exist for craft, each time I revisit craft in flight. Also, I have added ability to cancel burning if I delete node. For example, craft reached desired orbit good enough, but program is still executing because error margin is not within boundaries. Certainly all of above have a lot of room for improvement, I will let you to discover flaws that I didn't mentioned, so have fun with this, I hope it will provide some boost to allow you to write more complex stuff.
  19. Thanks for confirmation. It seems that is one of dropbox shenanigans. I was using right click on link and "save as" from pop up menu instead of left click that leads to dropbox page and final proper link for download. Have no idea when dropbox started to behave like this. It's my old habit to use "save as" on right click menu instead of blindly follow links like most of people do.
  20. Something is wrong with beta achive. Download size is 336 KB (344861 bytes), but I can't decompress it, 7zip complains that it is not archive. Neither windows built in zip can't unpack it. EDIT: Tried to download it twice, both time failed to unpack. CRC32 check throws number: 9E449A31
  21. It's OK, neither is of ultimate importance, do as much as you can and when you can. Maintaining this mod to keep up with latest KSP version is already of huge help to community.
  22. @linuxgurugamer, while you are diging trough code, can you take a look for click trough issue ? That unity bug was being in ages in various mods and it is still present in Precise Node. Can be anoying at time when you click on "+" button or something to increase dV, you click trough on some other orbit, sometimes even change target of your ship, change camera focus etc. Another small issue, recently noticed is that Precise node always create/move node on AN/DN point of planet you orbiting at. It can be confusing when you have some target selected in attempt to make rendezvous with other craft. No rush, though, take your time, you already manage quite a list of mods. Thanks.
  23. It's OK, at least your answer have pointed me in right direction. "mod for the mod" or plugin patch would create even more mess with IR than currently is. It's better to send PR on github for plugin code for new feature or create issue/request there. Probably later option for me, as I'm not of much use regarding C#, but if I found enough free time it could be good excuse to learn a bit more of C# and KSP APIs in that regard. Thanks for answer, you have save me a lot of time in attempt to search for reasonable solution. One step closer to it at least, regardless of being long trip to get there.
  24. MM config patch only or recompile of IR plugin ? I think it is possible, but have no idea what kind of module to alter trough MM patch. I have copied existing part to create new one and altered config file to have wanted spring and damper joint value, but failed to expose it to right click menu. MM config for such part is in spoiler section: Can you tell what to add in config file for such part ? Or I have misunderstand you and it require IR plugin recompile ?
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