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Everything posted by kcs123

  1. Use full version of RealChute. It does provide additional tweak menu for chutes available when you open action group page in SPH/VAB. Light version of RealChute seems have only "info" page without options to tweak parachute (number of parachute, weight, desired vertical speed..). With that menu available there is no need to tweak config files at all. I don't recall if light version should or not should have that additional menu, though. EDIT: Just checked, in KSP 1.3.1 you need RealChute and additional custom config patch: After that, you can properly pick chutes from therir custom chute category and additional manu is available on action group page as soon as you click on parachute. It does not pop up with light version of real chute that comes with FAR.
  2. Don't know if this mod is legacy compatible, I doubt that is, but you can find older mod version in "changelog" page on SpaceDock. This download link is copied from there.
  3. Unfortunately, no. Sirkut is not being active for a while and current mod maintaners can't edit first post. Maybe some of forum moderators are able to edit OP, but it is less likely to happen. Creating new thread by someone else is not way too good idea until someone with more free time take a torch and continue development. Currently we have to be happy for Ziw and Zodiusinfuser to be able to create "simple" recompile after each KSP update.
  4. Kind of blind shoot, but IIRC, someone posted config files that solve sound issues with engines in old KAX thread. Unfortunately info about it is lost due to moderators deleting several forum threads by accident few months ago. Don't know if info about it can be resurrected from google cache archive or similar site. Might be good to invite @V8jester and @Eskandare and ask if they can recall more info about it. V8jester collects bunch of config files that might not be published officialy and Eskandare works on K.R.X mod that is inspired by KAX and used some files from keptin too.
  5. It definately sounds like autostruts. It can help to turn on visualisation of autostruts. Example how to do it is buried somewhere in threads, but it is also available in this post:
  6. You might, but just might, build some additional "footsteps" with IR parts, once you have landed, retract main landing gears and raise/lower whole craft trough IR extendratrons and "footsteps". I say it might works because autostruts from landing gears can cause issues with IR parts, it can only be avoided with very careful placing of IR parts and stock landing gears. I build something similar but much more overweighted in KSP 0.25 or KSP 0.90, cant recall exact version. Similar idea to yours, just to adjust rear tail ramp for rovers to get in and out.
  7. I just created one or two aircrafts for KSP 1.3.1. and I can't recall any significant difference regarding aerodynamic failures. Blind guess is that old craft designs from previous KSP versions might become broken between KSP versions. Noticed in IR parts from old subassembly that were no longer attached in same way as in older KSP. As whale_2 said, it might be some change in KSP core code. Building aircraft from strach might help to narrow down issue, although it might be difficult to replicate exact steps on more complex crafts.
  8. Well, I thought that you were aware that author of original BD Armoury have abandoned development long time ago. By that time he gave permission for community to continue development. It is hard to expect that he will ever come back to development of mod, last news is that he work in development of some other game. All you can currently expect to get support is for community continued mod based on BD Armory legacy.
  9. BD armoury is updated for 1.3.1. Is it a typo requesting for 1.1.3. ? I doubt that any modder provide support for very old KSP version.
  10. IR is still in BETA rework/development for latest KSP release. You need to follow instructions how to properly install it: Do not use CKAN for IR install until it is "officially" properly updated for latest KSP release. Considering that active moders are low on free time for maintaining IR, it may happen again that KSP is updated sooner than IR mod.
  11. I can only advice you to keep the pace of development that is most comfortable for you, no matter how slow it is for others who keep watching to finish it. Do not let it feel like another job, do moding stuff when you have time and enjoy working on it. Oherwise you would quickly suffer from overburning effect. Keeping this mod alive with just "small" fixing for current KSP release is already awesome work. I hope that once RT2 is done over stock network system it would be easier to maintain and would be less time sinked in moding and more into playing and enjoying game.
  12. Speaking of engines and filling the gaps, perhaps 2-3 more of electrical engine types to be in game. IIRC, only KAX was having electrical engine and only of one type. Some sleek more tiny models for creating drones. And perhaps some more powerfull that current electric engine in KAX is. Some isnpiration from this article: https://www.siemens.com/press/en/pressrelease/?press=/en/pressrelease/2017/corporate/pr2017040256coen.htm&content[]=Corp
  13. Never intended, time warp can have very undesired influence on delta time used for PIDs in craft controls.
  14. It might work even better if you watching where you going Doing transform thing on higher altitude might help too, it will left some room to slow down before hitting ground. Regardless, it is aawesome craft.
  15. ^^ That might be good improvement for not waking kraken that can happen trough KSP switching between ships on the ground.
  16. After moths of hiatus, I have installed several mods in KSP 1.3.1. Didn't found any issues with latest B9 PWings V0.40.13. downloaded from github https://github.com/Crzyrndm/B9-PWings-Fork/releases
  17. KSP core code is moving "target". Each time some small adjustment have to be made, otherwise you got odd results, sometimes you hit "target", sometimes you hit on the edge and sometimes you miss. Regardless, it is nice to see that in this community there is alwas someone willing and able to make adjustments to keep up with moving "target".
  18. Hmm, no. I have assumed that your script run in endless loop, like I usualy design my own scripts. If your script have finished and exited to terminal propmpt then when trigger is unloaded from memory and it is no longer active, regardless of used preserve keyword. When you start new script only new defined triggers are active. I'm not certain what is happening if you have multiple "run" calls for other scripts within one small script that just have run calls for other scripts in sequence, though. Easiest way to test it is to put writting some debug message on screen or terminal inside when trigger, to know what part of program is triggered.
  19. If you have "preserve" keyword inside when command block, block will be executed again when conditions are met. Without "preserve" keyword it will be executed only once. If you want to make trigger toggable without turning off CPU, use more than one variable in condition. For example, set some "allowed" variable to action group or GUI button to toggle true/false value and other usual condition you already using with "when" command, for example when craft reached certain altitude or certain speed, whatever you have designed it for.
  20. More wing surface area or less overall craft weight if you want low landing speeds. Use, flaps/slats on landing. Put some canrads near nose to help you with pitching issues, that one alone might be enough for proper landing Example of similar "insane" craft design, but with more wing surface and much less engines, also last made for 1.2.2.:
  21. Yes, it is well known issue. There is more info about it burried somewhere in forums. IIRC, issue can be avoided to some degree if you avoid to use IR parts directly with dock ports. Try with combination: some_structural_part-> IR part -> some_structural_part->dock port and on other side dock port <-some_structural_part<-IR_part<-other parts One of twich streamers made a video with testing of candarms made of IR parts long time ago, might still be possible to find it on youtube how it is possible to avoid docking issues with docking parts and IR parts.
  22. IIRC, it was possible trough config files or with re-compile (forked)version of B9 wings, can't recall details. But original author of this mod didn't recommend it because textures and shape angles of those parts no longer properly match with other parts or something. Therefore it is recommended to use 2-3 parts for very large wing surface area instead with just one piece. There was discussion about it long time ago in author original thread for B9 procedural wings development. FPS performance between one piece wing and 3 piece wing parts are almost non measurable, so, I guess it was one lesser evil from two to choose, good matching parts for wings or just one wing piece for performance increase.
  23. In "..\GameData\B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings\Parts\Aero_Wing_Procedural\" folder. Removing weight will create oposite effect from desired as you will remove heat capacity from part. And if you are using FAR, you need to increase strenght/weight if you experience aerodynamic failure. It is hard to figure out from your question if failure comes from overheating or too much G forces or due to dynamic preassure.
  24. Well written and helpful. Deserve to be pinned, regardless of half of first page already contain pinned threads.
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