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Everything posted by kcs123

  1. You can find "output_log.txt" file in "..\KerbalSpaceProgram\KSP_x64_Data\" folder or in "..\KSP_Data\" in case you use 32 bit version. Craft file can be found in "..\KerbalSpaceProgram\saves\<chosen savename>\Ships\SPH\" folder. There is also "How to get support guide" with more detailed instructions. Thing that is also useful in debug procedure is "ModuleManager.ConfigCache" file that can be found in GameData folder.
  2. You should realy have CoL behind dry CoM. At least just slightly behind dry CoM. There is few things to avoid "heavy nose" on take off issue. Put rear landing gears in a way that legs are just behind dry CoM. Just enough that craft don't fall on engine on launch when you empty out all tanks. If you still don't have enough pitching authority on take off, you can also add canards on the nose to help you out with that.
  3. There is no need to redistribute any mods you have used on your craft. Just list out all mods you have used, anyone interested to try your craft will be able to find all those mods without much trouble. As for personal customization of some mods, try to avoid that, if it is realy needed for craft design, just put info what you have changed in what config file or what MM patch you have created for personal usage. Again, anyone interested will be able to recreate your steps and change everything that is needed without violating anyone mod licence (in most cases). For example, few months ago, I have edited config file for KAX kuey rotor, for personal usage. I added additional SAS torque on rotor engine, so it can actualy be controled like heli rotor. Not exactly "proper" solution, but it was enough for game purposes to make whole rotor actualy usable in game and have purpose. Later on, that modification is adopted(with small changes) by mod author and it is available now for everyone. Point is, I doubt that anyone will be angry at you if you create personal modification of any mod, but avoid distributing such modification. Rather explain what you have did and reson behind it. Good idea will be to notify author of mod too, if modifications are justified, author of mod might want to include it in future mod releases.
  4. I think that your issue comes from here. %AoA is usefull for fine tuning pitching, for example if you have elevators on back on plane that don't have enough pitching authority then you add canards in front. But canard can cause too have too much pitching sensitivity if you put pitching on manual controls on both, canards and elevators at back. In such case you only use %AoA on canards with 0 manual controls and use 100% manual pitch control on elevators. Found this combination quite usefull on large craft design too, using %AoA in front control surfaces to act as slats. Can be good method if you have trouble fine tuning neutral pitching point by moving main wing lift in close proximity of COM. If I understand your configuration properly, having %AoA for yaw will mean that whenever craft have some pitching different than 0 AoA, craft will automaticaly start to yaw left or right too. Why you would want that ? Slight dehadrial angle can help with roll/yaw issues you encountering. Whenever AI want to yaw craft, it will automaticaly roll too and vice versa, it might help you much better than what you want to accomplish with %AoA on rudder. You can use it on your craft design on just ailerons sinnce it have significant surface area for such small craft, or you can try with very light dehadrial with main wing. You need to find middle ground between stability and maneuverability, too much dehadrial might also cause to have too stable craft.
  5. I guess it is due to all those recent mess with kerbalstuff unfortunate event. Anyhow, there is still link available for github source and if you follow this link, you can reach to releases download link. So, download link i still in OP, but it is slightly shy to reveal itself at once
  6. In this context, SSI is, I belive, few contracts from GAP. On some contracts, you got needed experimental parts, to help you finish contracts if you haven't unlocked specific tech tree node. But that works in a similar way as "test part X in Y condition" from stock game. As soon as you finish contract, you no longer have access to that part. Also, you don't have access to other parts from tech tree, so you still have to unlock tech treee node to unlock those.
  7. Suggestion for few other contract packs that might fit: Bases and stations, Field research, SCANsat contract pack, Anomaly Surveyor, Tourism plus. There is few others, but those mentioned above I have tried for myself and liked it in my career games. For others I need to use more, to be able to give opinion on them.
  8. While anoying from time to time, there is easy workaround with this toolbar bug. Put info about it in "known issues" paragraph, in OP or readme file, somewhere adn it should be easy enough to solve. If you abandon toolbar support compleately, soon players will come in another trouble, to find important icons in heavily moded game. Spliting important stuff between stock and blizzys toolbar is middle ground for now, as not all mods have support for blizzy toolbar.
  9. Don't know how I missed this mod. I was just wanted to ask what happened with this mod, it was introduced quite long time ago in some video showing using laser measurements to level out landing gears when you need to land on uneven terrain. That was created with help of IR parts. And found out that is released by accident, looking for something else in release thread. This small part offer endless of possible usage, can be useful without kOS too. Also, I agrre with decision, better to spend free time on other stuff/features than to develop animated part. Although animated parts look cool, it is not of highest importance for overall usage of mod. Having ability to change laser angle in range of +/-30 degree sounds reasonable. Description that angle change is done with mirrors/prisms inside laser part is immersive enough for a game even without animations. Also, there is decent number of other animated parts that can be used on craft and each of them is possible performance eater and kraken caller.
  10. This file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6gybk7ycuksln16/wingshader.ksp?dl=0 ? That is posted in B9PW thread ? Playing with it for a while, haven't found any issues with it. Link should be still active, checked a minute before posting.
  11. Well, you got more options to begin. Instead of maned rocket, you can builod some low cost balistic rocket remotely controled. Put termometer and barometer on it, do measurements in flight and send data back to KSC before rocket crash somewhere. You also have oportunity to build small rover with some sci parts on it, drive around KSC and colect enough science to unlock just enough tech tree nodes to progress career further. Not each flight have to be executed perfectly and all parts of craft have to survive. If you collect enough knowlage to go further, test flight is success despite rocket being destroyed in process. Don't be afraid of failures. You might also try some other contract packs that gives different oportunities to grind science compared to stock game. Like field research or GAP. Dmagics science stuff come along with this just nice too. I'm no longer sure, Yemo will have to confirm it, but I think that those AVC messages are harmless.
  12. I think it is pointless to discuss about this topic because it is already planed to include dV readings in stock game. If you can trust post in common suggestion thread. Probably threre is good reason why it is not already included in game. like more important bugs to squeeze out before adding new feature in game. Just have to be patient until it become part of stock game and use MJ or KER mod until then.
  13. @Recon777, it is nothing wrong with FAR or with install trough CKAN in this case. FAR change how physic work ni game in bunch of aspects, don't expect that things work in the same way as in stock game. FAR does not deal with sanity of career progress, if everything is balanced well for gameplay purpose, is it too easy or too hard. It just try to change physics in a way to behave close as possible to real life physic with consideration that there is game engine limits and some calculations are more simple than real life thing so everything can be feasible in game world. As you noticded, you descend more quickly because FAR models air "more rare" compared to stock (most simplified explanation of this), meaning you get less drag with parachutes compared to stock game. But at the same time it also have more complex calculation for supersonic speed, so you get a lot more drag, compared to stock game with speeds over ~300 m/s. That being said, some tips you can try in early career game: remove monopropelant fuel from cockpit on every craft that will not going to use it (perform docking in space) reduce strength on wings/control surfaces, that will also reduce mass. With 0.5 or less you need to pay attention on piloting, 0.6 is more forgiving on piloting mistakes but still can sustain high G turns and decent wing load. Don't forget to reduce thrust on boosters ! Especialy on early craft in career. Flea and first capsule gives TWR of 7 or more, can't recall exact value. You should aim for 1.6 up to 2.0 top for first rocket stage avoid to go supersonic speed below 6km or so, 10km and higher is more prefered for supersonic speed that will not rip your craft apart And last thing that I can recommend is to try some career altering mods, like SETIctt (link is in signature), Better than starting maned or ETT. There some others, but I can't recall all of names from top of my head. That will give even better overall game experience.
  14. Another aircraft with IR suff on it. This one also require KAX mod. It take some time to balance out weight thrust, wingspan and amount of solar panels that allow battery recharging in flight, but it is possible. .
  15. Are you using real chutes or FAR ? FAR change stock parachute to the light version of real chutes. Spread parachute feature works only with stock parts. If it is not that, then you probably didn't install something properly. It is hard to guess what is going on without any more info.
  16. Hard to say what "proper" way is. Depend a lot of each craft design. Somehow, design with nose slightly tilted down 1-3 degree suited me well. Slope when front wheel just touching ground and rear wheels (just wheel, not leg) is half sinked into ground, or barely visible above ground served me well in various designs. Taking off should not be more difficult than on other design type. Try to place rear landing gears just behind COM, so your elevators will have decent leverage force to tilt up craft. Just page or two back, I described how to use it in combination with flaps. On well designed craft, when I'm in mood to fine tweak them, craft will be firmly on runway until you reach enough speed for take off. Once you reach critical take off speed, elevators also have enough pitching force to change AoA and aircraft can fly. Oposite works well too. In landing aproach, if aircraft speed is close as takeoff speed, soon as craft touch ground, craft should be "sticked" to ground because elevators don't have enough leverage force to tilt nose up again.
  17. SABRE-S engine is comparable to stock RAPIER, although, engine is heavier than RAPIER but have better ISP. 4 x SABRE-S engine have same mass and provide same thrust as one SABRE-M engine. Yep, you are right it is large 2.5m engine. TWR on take off is somewhere between 0.26 and 0.30, can't recall accurately, need to double check it in game. 1100 MonoProp on it ? Well, it was just test flight, fuselages offers a lot of combination and with minor adjustment you can reconfigure it as you need. I didn't spend much time in optimization of this craft. Just fooled around with various aircraft designs, because I would not have much time for career game before next KSP update. It's just to find out proper ratio between wing surfaces lift/weight and between engine thrust/weight ratios. I was created similar crafts in past, so it is much easier to create new ones when you have some experience. IIR I spend one or two hours with this one, not perfectly optimized, but does job good enough. Not realy comparable to full stock parts, advantage of mods used on this is ability to create large craft while keeping part count low adn still having decent performance. Also, parts offer better design choices.
  18. Yyou might also check Fantom Works. It is for KSP 1.0.5., but cockpits and fuselages should work in KSP 1.1.2. I forgot the name of this mod, but Deimos Rast just posted link in KAX thread about it. Might serve a purpose for testing KIS too.
  19. Don't use fixed landing gears, those are bugged beyond usability in 1.1.2. If you realy insist on those, there is MM patch available that makes those wheels more controlable. That is probably main issue you have encountered. As for retractable wheels, I found that works better if you set your own friction than left on automatic. For front wheels set friction around 0.5 and for rear wheels set it on 2.0 or more. Set brakes on wheels to be stronger on ther back wheels and weaker on front. How easy or hard brake force need to be depend on weight of your craft.
  20. Something out of contest. Those two orange tanks are not full. Only one and a half filled with fuel. More payload mass require more engines and more fuel. I created this one for myself and goal was to create SSTO with minimal amount of engines. It was created few days back, before this chalange is created. Payload capacity ~60t with 1000 m/s dV to spare in LKO. Part count (payload included): 60 parts Crew cabin with 6 seats, if you also count pilot that is 7 kerbonauts on craft Cost: 327502 kerbobucks - might look expencive, but at the time you unlock parts for it, it should not be a problem Cargo bay is created with 3 x 6m wide B9 S3 parts - offering decent room for anything that is within 60t limit. You could put a bit more, but runway length become problem during take off. Same craft in orbit, screenshot taken in one of test flights. I belive that I'm near limit with this design. Craft use one medium sized SABRE engine and four small sized SABRE engine. Whole available thrust is same as two medium SABRE engines. That small bump over canards is shielded docking port. Resource panel also show decent number of monopropelant fuel to be used for docking. Mods used: FAR, B9 Aerospace, B9PW, KJR, mechjeb used only for info purposes. Sorry, I didn't save all of screenshots taken on test flight to orbit and back, need to do another trip for that. Probably usage of other mods disqualify craft for this chalange, but I wanted to share it, to inspire someone to create craft with more wings instead of more engines. Not necessary all craft have to share similar skylon look.
  21. Not sure if it is what you are asking for, but C2-B Horizon cockpit from KAX mod does not have finished IVA. It is possible to get into IVA for this cockpit, but dials are placed just like somone throw them there, probably from raster proper monitor mod, does not produce CTDs, so some small part of IVA is defined somewhere. Don't know if that can help or not though.
  22. Found another small glitch with GUI. If you open advanced option menu and try to write down exact number for range limit or part speed/acceleration and try any of numbers, 1-4. IR GUI accept numbers, without problems, but at the same time it also trigger main game GUI in SPH - to select tool gizmo: place, move, rotate ... On regular GUI, to set desired position of part in SPH such thing does not happen. I assume that there is oversight somewhere in advanced IR GUI section of code. Not big deal, just wanted to know about it.
  23. Probably missed this one. Payload capacity ~60t with 1000 m/s dV to spare in LKO. Part count (payload included): 60 parts Crew cabin with 6 seats, if you also count pilot that is 7 kerbonauts on craft Cost: 327502 kerbobucks - might look expencive, but at the time you unlock parts for it, it should not be a problem Cargo bay is created with 3 x 6m wide B9 S3 parts - offering decent room for anything that is within 60t limit. You could put a bit more, but runway length become problem during take off. Same craft in orbit, screenshot taken in one of test flights. I belive that I'm near limit with this design. Craft use one medium sized SABRE engine and four small sized SABRE engine. Whole available thrust is same as two medium SABRE engines. More payload weight require additional engines. Can you put it in a good use ?
  24. I managed to create working precoolers to some degree. Described everything in B9 thread. Didn't have too much time to elvolve whole thing further. Trough testing, I found that additional air that compressor add to engine have very small effect to gameplay. Stock engine precooler have two additional properties that missing in B9 SABRE precooler config file: That might or might not have influence to cool down engines without using "active radiator" effect. I have very low info about meaning on each property and what each number represent. Anyhow, whole idea need a lot of tweaking/testing before adding into game, but feel free to try it for yourself.
  25. You should provide "..\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt" file (might be in "KSP_Data" if you use 32bit KSP). Upload it somewhere, dropbox, or pastebin, for example. MM cache file might be helpfull too, "..\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ModuleManager.ConfigCache". There is small chance that is issue with craft build (have enough battery, but no antenna extracted or something). Screenshot of your craft might help with this. Screenshot of GameData folder or mod export list from CKAN can help too, to find possible mod conflict. That being said, I'm not sure that I could get relevant info from logs that could help solve problems, but it will certainly help mod developers to solve your issue. One thing that you can try before all this, to ensure that there is no faulty install problems. Export your currently instaslled mods to *.ckan file. Uninstall all mods. Delete everything from GameData folder except "Squad" folder. That will ensure that you have "clean" CKAN install of mods. Aftrer that import mods from previously exported *.ckan file. You will not need to download mods again, they will be cached already, you willl only need to install them. That will at least help to narrow down problem, is it install fault or issue is elsewhere. And welcome to forum.
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