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Everything posted by kcs123

  1. ^^ This. Or you can create your own new part, based on default part that comes with IR. Pretty much the same as tweaks scale does, but you will have 2 same looking part in editor. And you need to write config file for that part for yourself. That should not be too hard, just copy existing config file for a part, give that file a different name and edit relevant part of configs. Mass,size and coliders are the one that should be changed. Sorry, can't tell you exact values that need to be changed, have to investigate files more closely for that.
  2. If you install any mod, it can break tutorials. Tutorials are kind of special when comes to moding. If you want to go trough tutorials you should do that without any mod installed. That was known issue for all previous versions of KSP.
  3. Well, I thinking a bit ahead, as you might not familiar with future plans of kOS release. Disk mass/space is much less of importance since you always can use "archive" - fixed folder on HDD instead of in savegame file that can be prone to corruption due to mod updates and similar. If you load scripts from archive, you have infinite storage space, regardless what is set for kOS CPU. In future releases it will be power consuption for kOS that is more important and you will have option, should you try to optimize script code, or spam more bateries/solar panel on craft. To avoid cheating, maybe to put kOS into only most advanced probe cores ? Like OKTO2, RC-001S and RC-L01 ? Don't know if those apear late enough in tech tree, I aim for probe cores that apears late in middle section of tech tree (Level 2 research building) or at near end of mid levels, just before you need to purchase level 3 research building before advancing further. Yes, something like that. That would prevent abusing local science grinding, and you will have to put some effort to at least put those parts in mun orbit and transmit/recover it for science points. You will still have options to do so, if you realy want it or if you are stuck with something (money/science/rep), so you can do that to unlock needed part that will allow you to progress further in game. I forgot about Magnetometer and accelerometer, those are fine like it is now. Can't get too much science with those and you will still have something interesting to do while you wait for some rocket to reach distant maneuver node. Have to keep in mind people that plays without DMagics parts (don't know if there many such players), so they have some options too, but pushing at one of stock science part (mistery bay/goo) to level 2 tech tree node above 90 points will have significant importance to gamebalance. In terms of part counts, I think that level one buildings are way underpowered. Pretty much you need to upgrade those quickly to level 2, otherwise is real struggle to put something in Mun orbit. Level one building should at least support 50 part counts, so you can put something on craft that is meaningfull to do so (doing science research), while weight/width/height limits make more sense. That, and level 2 building for VAB/SPH/Runway/Launchpad are too cheap to purchase and you are pretty much forced to do so ASAP in game playtrough. How many building levels to support is highly depend how many mods you want to cover with tech tree, it fits more for SETIctt project, rather than UBM and SETIrebalance. Current three level building would fit UBM along with stock tech tree, with only small adjustment in mentioned part counts and purchase price.
  4. Sorry, I was thinking that is possible trough MM patches only, something like NEED:KOS and NEED:PartName:unlocked, but I didn't messed with MM configs much, so I might be terrible wrong on this. In this case, having KAL9000 capability on more advanced probes with SAS level 3 capabilities will be enough, there is no much need to add disk storage space on other probes. Disk storage space is of much less importance as long as you have working connection to the base, for those few special cases when you don't have connection, you will plan that ahead and simply put better kOS CPU on craft or increase storage trough already available slider. I agree, remote controled probes should cost much less than maned command pod, especialy those early ones, with only basic SAS stability. Those should be expendable ones, that is not worth to recovering it, just use it for early first flights with some thermometar and barometar on board for very first science points around KSC. Cost of command module would not have major impact on game play as it will be the part of craft that you will in most cases going to recover and get full (mostly) refund of it. Yes, pushing goo container and material bay to 90 science tree node might have better influence to slow down science progress early in game. But also some of DMagic science parts too. It might be better to describe how my current very early career game look like in 1.1.2. than just suggest what part to push in what node. It is only Kerbal day 7 and I already unlocked most of 90 points tech tree nodes (only two remained IIRC). With termometer, barometer and crew reports jsut around KSC and old runway I unlocked enough parts to be able to establish first orbital flight. As soon as I was able to put craft in orbit, due to RT usage, I have put one small comm probe around equator. That was enough to have full control of second probe with ALT SCANsat from DMagic, orbital telescope and additional RT anthena for future Mun connections. That probe, due to multiple sci usage, Local science program with strategia mod and different biomes around polar orbit bringed decent number science points. After that I did some other small contracts, I have put additional comm probe in polar orbit, much higher altitude, more antenas, without other sci parts and in 90 degree inclination, compared to the first polar probe, to cover Mun if first one is in shadow behind Kerbin. Somehow i felt that another comm probe in nearly stationary Kerbin orbit will be good idea too, for extra connection stability. From strategia mod, I have also choose Mun unmaned program and send first probe at Mun as soon as possible to build rocket that is capable of more than LKO. For traveling outside of LKO, upgrade of comm center and tracking station was pretty much necessary, as it also unlock precise node mod. First Mun probe included SCANsat too and orbital telescope. Unfortunately, dV was barely enough to establish equatorial orbit around Mun and I didn't know that you also need dish antena on craft to be able to send sci data back on KSC. So, second, more expencive Mun probe with dish antena was needed for polar orbit. That probe is also used to fullfill contract from strategia, to put in desired orbit and also do 50% of altimetry scan. Multiple things done with single probe. When it was in place, it also allowed stored data from first Mun probe to be send back on Kerbin. While out of fuel, it still have purpose as local comm relay, that was proven useful later on. Did some other maned orbital flight too, as soon as I tested out that i was able to do that with unlocked parts. I was nearly broke at that moment due to all building upgrades, alsmost all except research building upgraded to level 2. Fortunately, that second Mun probe bringed some money, also I was lucky with 2 Tourist orbital and suborbital contracts. Barely design proper rocket before VAB/Launchpad upgrade that is capable to bring up and down two Mk1 capsule, but it was enough to get paid for tourist travel. After that, I was able to build first Mun lander (with kOS KR-2042B). That include 3 comm dishes, 4 rotational solar panels and 4 small solar panels as well as 1000 EC battery. Home made power landing script for kOS worked just fine to land this thing near Mun north pole. Two more lander probe are on it's way to land on Mun at different biomes to fullfill strategia program. At this point, I got 700 000 kebobucks to spend. I still didn't upgraded research building as it will eat a lot of money and I might not have enough to build crafts for other contracts.Also similar sum is needed for administration building level 3 that will allow to chose some more program/strategia that I aim for, before sending probes on Minimus and start with maned space program. OK, that provided some context for progression discussion. Goo and material bay with few orbital flights along with other rockets to satisfy contracts were come too early and allowed me to unlock bunch of things before reaching Mun (probes were still on travel to Mun). With those in higher tech tree node it will be much more difficult, but still not impossible. As you said, I might send some cheap probe outside of Kerbin SOI, with just termometer and antena instead to establish Mun orbit. That would allow to unlock same tree nodes with different method. This bring another conclusion, DMagic reusable sci parts are far more powerful in terms of sci points grinding. Almost all should be in nodes that require research building level 2. SCANsat altidude scaners are OK as it is, as those require some time and effort to put in proper orbit until you get reward from it. Telescope is also OK to be in early tech tree, I'm divided in opinion if it should pe pushed higher in tech tree or not. It have limitecd usage, as it can be used only in orbit, despite ability of different biomes. Got few more ideas about game progression, but I just figured out that I created wall of text that might be boring to read if I continue. I will put some more info later on.
  5. Yes, that is what I was suggested earlier, perhaps I didn't explained well enough. I was thinking of KAL9000 to be integrated in every probe core, but not before it is unlocked (mid to late part of game). Pretty much tech node tree like it already is. So, instead of having additional part, it will be integraded in probe core. Part mass is already low, so it will have no impact in game in terms of gameplay balance, so there is no need to change probe core mass due to this. In similar way as MJ or TCA is integrated in probe cores. Since, by time when you unlock those tech tree nodes, you have already steped in in interplanetary travels. By then you already learned how to overcome different kind of obstacles and puting just one more part to craft is rather more tedious than interesting thing to do. At that time of playtrough you already got plenty of stuff on disposal and some new parts to try out, so integrating it in probe core will bring player focus to new stuff to discover. As for gathering too much science early in game, there is not much what you can do or even need to do. For noobs with game, starting is already difficult enough until they figure out how to collect science. For experienced player, you can't do much, they already know how game mechanics work and they were able to unlock early tech tree realy quickly, just with few flights in Kerbin orbit. I don't think that there is need to change that, experienced player probably already want to solve early obstacle as soon as possible, go to Mun/Minimus quickly and focus effort to send probes on distant celestial bodies. So, collecting enough science is not much of problem, you can unlock tech tree nodes for first level of Resarch building quickly. But, if you do that too fast, you will get another obstacle, you have plenty of science points, but not enogh money for all building upgrades, because, you didn't finish enough contracts. With strategia and different kind of contract packs everyone can adjust his own gameplay experience as it suits him. I think that you are on right track, to adjust science parts in different nodes and maybe adjust tech tree node science cost you can slow down that too quick early game progress. Better that than adjusting rewards, that is way too much work to balance properly and someone can easy break that effort by installing not covered mod that gives more sci parts. Again, nothing you can do about it for experienced players, they will found other way around to quickly progress trough early game. And also, it is good to be that way, experienced players can focus then on other stuff in game without too much grinding and avoiding to game become booring to them if they need to restart career.
  6. Take your time, there probably will be some time until other moders catch up with 1.1.3. release, so it will be some time that myself and plenty of other people will stick to previous release until then.
  7. No worries, you have also missed Stevens post To much staring in code, I guess. Waiting for that IR code merge to try some stuff with it. Thanks for all effort on this mod so far.
  8. Yep, but also very early in game progress you would not be able to launch miniature probes anyway. Smallest possible size of fuel tank is FT100, that is just the same size of CX-4181. When you advance to the better (smaller) parts, those are mostly in the same tech tree line as KR-2042 (90 science points). At least I was not have able to build something usefull with early parts that does not have at least one 1.25m part. Somehow I feel KR-2042 way too powerfull for early game phase, it fit more for a phase just before upgrading Research facility to level 2. Also, put in cosideration power consuption, that will be changed for next kOS relese. More power drain for early parts also mean that you need to bring more batteries/solar panels on craft too. That brings at least some chalange to create good kOS craft early in game, otherwise it feels almost like cheating, to use kOS while you didn't already unlocked MJ modules or TCA. I understand your lack of motivation for imrovement of SETIctt, considering current state of KSP 1.1.x. UNB with stock tree is not too bad too, probably I would not have time to try out all favorite mods in career game before KSP 1.2. is released, so it will suffice for my career game until then. Considering that is another game engine change for 1.2. release, it will probably take some time in development, I doubt it will be released by the end of summer. While bugged, I was able to make those wheels playable with different craft designs than in previous releases. It will probably be more rocket building stuff and orbital stations for me than rovers/planes in 1.1.3. career. Be optimistic, not everything is so bad, have yet to try 1.1.3. when few other mods are updated, but at least some of anoying bugs are fixed in 1.1.3.
  9. I just played shortly Unmaned Before Manned instead of full SETIctt, along with RT and SETI configs for RT. I was short on time before 1.1.3. release, so i deceided to give it a try before full career game in 1.1.3. @Yemo, small feedback about it: Ground stations comes in quite nice with RT. Also, disabling signal delay is kind of good thing too. Putting commands in additional GUI for flight computer instead to execute them like it was in game without RT does not bring much to regular gameplay mechanic it just bring more complication. It can be considered as "signal delay was precalculated at ground station, so you can execute all commands to probe as you should when there is no communication lag". Ground stations reduce number of needed relay probes near Kerbin, well placed probes, two in polar orbit and one or two in equatorial orbit might provide good coverage for early game exploration for Mun and Minimus. It still provide enough chalange and importance to put communication probes on other celestial bodies, allowing you to focus more on interplanetary exploration. As I also use kOS, it might be overkill to put KR-2042B early in tech node tree. Especialy when new version of kOS is released. As discussed in kOS thread, early kOS CPU should be more massive and EC hungry than those for mid to end game CPU. Pretty much like today smartphone have more CPU power and storage space than one tone weight computer from the seventies. At least it will provide some additional chalange for kOS users as it is powerfull tool in hand of skilled user. Here is suggestion for tech tree placement: Cx-4181 - starting tech tree node or close to very early ones KR-2042B - suitable for 90 points tech tree requirement Compomax Tubeless - around 300 points tech tree, might be slightly less but not too much away from 300 KAL9000 - one level or two higher than Compomax Tubeless CPU, if Compomax Tubeless is at 300, KAL9000 should be higher at 550, or if it is lowered, then KAL9000 should be lowered too. I'm also considering to integrate KAL9000 to command probes (unmaned and maned) once techonlogy is discovered, pretty much like TAC or MJ modules are only available when you unlock certain tech tree node, but not before. That part mass or energy consuption would not disturbe anything, i tmight not add mass to probes at all, since it is less of importance too in late game when you have already unlocked more powerfull items.
  10. That was very fast update after release. Must have something with "inside intel"
  11. Well, you will get one more desired mod in the game. If you ask if will that affect ckan then answer is - most probably no, ckan should work properly and if your desired mod become listed on CKAN it wil get "AD" marks instead of checkbox. Now, for "Most probably" part: you should not have issues unless you overwrite some dependency mods packed with your desired mod. You need to be carefull with that, dependency mod might be already installed trough CKAN. In case of standalone mod that does not have any dependency except MM, you should not have issues at all.
  12. Never mind. Figured out what was real reason of failure. Command seat is properly recognized on runway, but not in SPH. That is not a reason of failure afterall. I have deatached engine from craft too late while well in air and GAP recognized decoupling as "damage" to craft. Decoupling while still rolling on runway and then going airborne fixed that issue. Last time I was doing this contract, GAP didn't complain about deataching engine that late. Maybe if I put some parachutes to decopled parts will solve issue ?
  13. GAP 1.2.6. - command seat is not recognized as attached on glider: Maybe some weird mod interaction ? Figured out that something is wrong after I have failed contract Installed mods:
  14. Unmaned Before Manned, RemoteTech SETI config and RT SETI probe control enabler are available on CKAN. Unfortunately, while still compatible, SETIctt is not available on CKAN due to frequent KSP updates. Becaouse of that CKAN version compatibility file went wrong on this. You can dowload it manualy or you can wait just a bit longer untl KSP 1.1.3. is released, I doubt that Yemo is in mood to do silly administrative stuff that will last for just few days.
  15. I on the other hand don't know what to say, does it properly fixed or not. After having several CTD in short time frame I also got few sessions for more than 1-2 hours without issues. I was having fix applied in both cases.
  16. All releases are available on github. I no longer recall what version is used for 1.0.5. you have to search for that for yourself. It should be compiled version, but I haven't checked, I might be wrong on this.
  17. I have doing some experiments with 1.1.2. searching for something else. Appears that air breathing engines not only require air, but also require oxygen in air. Trough test flights it seems that oxygen altitude limit is 26.4 km or very close to that, I was not able to precisely measure this. So, no metter how many engines or air intakes you spam on craft, they will all flame out near that altitude. I suggets that you limit only one engine or two on craft for this chalange. That will bring more chalange, to balance out wing surface, engine thrust, air intakes and craft weight to be able to reach 26.4 km in level flight without engine flame outs.
  18. Just readed quickly trough thread, SM Chute still does not work properly with FAR. Might be a good idea to disable those contracts for FAR users.
  19. No worries, if you are not distracted from time to time, you would loose motivation for GAP development It is perfectly fine to R&R between moding sessions.
  20. RCS build aid shows wet and dry CoM in SPH/VAB. It does more things than helping with RCS adjustment on vessel.
  21. I have few two-three hours session in sandbox game and several within one hour without crashes. I just started career game with few additional mods and have several CTD in row. It might be related to SPH/VAB building level, since it is career start, but again it also might be misleading. Last CTD happened when I deleted one part from craft and just picked another one. Sorry, I don't have 100% reliable reproducing steps and log does not show anything unusual. Here is just few last lines that should be relevant: I have preserved full from that session, it is moded game, so don't know if full log will be useful at all. Forgot to mention, it happened with applied fix from "EditorCPUFix v00.02.zip" Whole CTD thing have high degree of randomness, it is hard to track down each step that lead to CTD.
  22. Better question is, where you have parked your rover ? There was issues with flags/crafts parked too close to runway/launchpad. For some strange reasons it might be deleted after you launch second craft from runway. More often happen in career game if you upgrade runway. That being said, I encontered those bugs few KSP versions ago, haven't checked if that bug still exist in KSP 1.1.2.
  23. Not a big deal with it, parts do their jobs regardless. Maybe is is good idea to ask @Claw about it ? He already solved a lot of symmetry issues trough stock bug fixes, maybe he knows more about it.
  24. Encountered small glitch as album shows. Not a big deal, workaround is easy, just avoid de-attaching parts in symmetry while laser beam is visible and turned on. Don't know if matters but I'm forcing DX11 on Windows platform. Also using stock bug fixes that could be related with this. Sorry, I didn't have a time to recreate this with few mods as possible to be sure that there is no mod conflict somewhere.
  25. There is new mod released recently: LaserDist. It is under GPL v3 licence. Reason why not is on CKAN is, I belive, lack of free time to go trough ckan documentaion and make it available. But can't hurt to ask @Steven Mading about it if you are in doubt. This small mod is usable to regular users, not to mention one that also use kOS.
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