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Everything posted by kcs123

  1. Actualy, RAPIERs are not owerpowerd. They certainly have a lot of power at sea level, maybe even too much, but once you reach 20 km and above where you need to gain speed above 4 mach, RAPIERS start to loose thrust quickly. While it is possible to bring nearly 100t craft to 20 km with only 2 rapiers, you need 4 rapiers to be able to gain speed. New temperature feature, either if you use stock or deadly re-entry certainly brings some more stuff to pay attention when you design plane.
  2. Not quite true. Closed air intake does not help with drag, but it helps to lower craft temperature. It prevents hot air to get inside of hull, so heating occurs only on craft skin. Don't know why SQUAD make them to work like that, but certainly helps if you are switched to rockets while you stil fly too fast and too low in atmosphere.
  3. @hernan, whenever that kind of CoL out of proper center hapens attach wings on plane. Grab wing again, but from oposite side from where you have attached it first time. Don't know why it happens, but solution is simple. Known issue with both, old PWings and this new B9 procedural wings. This was happening even in older KSP version. @Crzyrndm, I tried to reproduce that nullreference bug in log, but I could not repeat it. I don't know why it was happened first time. I builded plane with debug console opened all times to be able to see when it happens. Just focus on that memory leak bug, I have memory usage monitor in editor and I can confirm that used memory is increased each time when I resize control surfaces. When I exit SPH to main game menu before critical memory usage CTD, memory garbage is disposed and used memory is back to normal amount. Don't know if is it usefull info, can that garbage disposal be called from time to time without changing scene, to prevent CTD ?
  4. Got CTD due to some kind of memory leak. Happened in SPH editor while I was attaching/reshaping control surfaces. Don't know if it is related, but I have updated today crossfeed enabler trough CKAN. Also SETI mod is updated, but that one only arrange parts trough tech tree, so I doubt that is related. Yesterday I have also made a lot of changes on planes inside SPH but didin' have memory CTD there, only with temperature gagues in flight, but that one is detected and solved. I'm not sure if CTD it is related with B9 wings, crossfeed enabler or something else, here is part of log that could be usefull, let me know if you need whole log. Anyway, I will try to see if I can reproduce it again or it is isolated case. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.UpdatePartVertex (Boolean residual, .Part part, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 lookup) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.GetStackFlowGraph (.ShipConstruct ship) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EngineersReport.RunTests () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EngineersReport+ .MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) Updating Space Plane Mk2 B9PW V100 08 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) Voxelization Time (ms): 90 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.UpdatePartVertex (Boolean residual, .Part part, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 lookup) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at RUI.Algorithms.ComponentListMaker.GetStackFlowGraph (.ShipConstruct ship) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EngineersReport.RunTests () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EngineersReport+ .MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) deleting part B9.Aero.Wing.Procedural.TypeB (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) deleting part B9.Aero.Wing.Procedural.TypeB
  5. I only make a suggestion, but you are the one who actualy deserves credits for this great mod. Good looking rover, btw. nicely arranged available parts to make something small and usefull
  6. Easy. No sudden changes in cross reference area from nose to tail and cross reference area can be wide.
  7. Fortunately DMagic made this temperature gauge killer as workaround for memory leak problem. No need to press F10 each time you fly craft.
  8. Yep. My Old Space Plane Mk2 V8 kicks again. Although I need some more balancing it due to various bugs encountered from various mods. Also I'm forced to use different parts since some mods are not updated yet. Anyway, 60t plane, wide shape, but can easy get above 4.5 mach. I need to optimize CoM and thrust, so it does not flip over in space, but when comes to reaching optimal speed, it is even easier than before. WIP craft version is available from links in signature for anyone curious. I hope that I will be able to optimize it more with working stability derivatives.
  9. To confirm - CoL shows properly now, without arows. And i was confused about later. If that is case, my craft could not fly at all. I created decent craft with B9PW. Still needs some fine tuning, but more/less fly nice. I will re-upload craft shortly if you need it for testing. About that stability derivates - it was FAR bug that is corrected now on gitgub release. One thing less to wory about for this mod.
  10. Sorry, new Cross-Section Area curves graph, under Transonic design tab. English is not my native language, and i was thinking about subsonic to supersonc speed transition that is related to Cross-Section Area curves. Anyway, didn't happened agaibn with latest github release and Cross-Section Area curves shows properly. Well, for my craft it shows ">0" AoA for 0.35 mach at sea level on Kerbin - level flight. However craft is more than capable to take off with ~5 AoA degree. It also shows some red numbers, but craft is actualy pretty much stable in flight. If I recall corectly someone mentioned that stability derivates were WIP prior nuFAR relese. That is reason why I asked if those are correct or not. I was not sure due to craft behaviour. Edit: Just found another answer few posts below that I was not that crazy afterall. Redownolading github release again. Thanks.
  11. I was fine tuning plane, transition graph was showing correctly. I messed up something and deceided to reload craft in SPH. After reloading transition graph is showed upside down far from the craft. Not long after that game crashed with folowing bug. I will try to reproduce same thing with latest release as it seems github is updated once again while I write this post. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) Updating Space Plane Mk2 B9PW V100 06 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) Updating Space Plane Mk2 B9PW V100 06 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Transform:INTERNAL_get_worldToLocalMatrix (UnityEngine.Matrix4x4&) at UnityEngine.Transform.get_worldToLocalMatrix () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at FerramAerospaceResearch.FARAeroComponents.FARAeroSection.PredictionCalculateAeroForces (Single atmDensity, Single machNumber, Single reynoldsPerUnitLength, Single skinFrictionDrag, Vector3 vel, ferram4.FARCenterQuery center) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FAREditorGUI.Simulation.InstantConditionSim.GetClCdCmSteady (FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FAREditorGUI.Simulation.InstantConditionSimInput input, FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FAREditorGUI.Simulation.InstantConditionSimOutput& output, Boolean clear, Boolean reset_stall) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FAREditorGUI.Simulation.SweepSim.AngleOfAttackSweep (Double machNumber, Double pitch, Double lowerBound, Double upperBound, Int32 numPoints, Int32 flapSetting, Boolean spoilers, .CelestialBody body) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FAREditorGUI.StaticAnalysisGraphGUI.BelowGraphInputsGUI (FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FAREditorGUI.GraphInputs input) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FAREditorGUI.StaticAnalysisGraphGUI.Display () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FAREditorGUI.EditorGUI.OverallSelectionGUI (Int32 windowId) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) Updating Space Plane Mk2 B9PW V100 06 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) Updating Space Plane Mk2 B9PW V100 06 Sorry if it is already known issue, but stability derivates seems not showing proper numbers. I have tried to recreate some of my crafts from V0.90. I have created plane with similar shape and wing span as in KSP 0.90 as close as posible. In 0.90 at 0.35 mach and 0 km plane was stable and capable to lift off with 2-3 AoA degree. In KSP 1.0 stability graph shows that plane can't take off. For level flight at 0.35 mach (or 120 m/s) at sea level, needed AoA can't be calculated. Despite this on test flight craft behave very close as it was in V0.90, starting to take off effortless at 100-110 m/s, close as it was designed for. Don't know if it is of any help, but based on my previous designes, it seems that I need to put 0.20 mach higher speed in stability graph to get closer results. Even with higher speed than I actualy need, stability graph is qrong within 10-15 AoA degree when comes to calculating level flight. It is only based on previous expirience with building crafts with FAR, so numbers are roughly estimated, take it with grain of salt.
  12. Yelow line is pitching momentum, sum of other forces like from gravity and engine acceleration besides lift or drag that affect your craft. It is same as yelow line on FAR graph. Check links in my signature for more info about it, although I didn't update tutorial from new nuFAR stuff, older info are still valid.
  13. Same hapens to me. Automatic updates for CKAN itself still shows 1.6.13 version as latest available. Perhaps some CKAN command line can help with install button problem ?
  14. Good to know that is stock issue for memory leaks, hopefully I could make some workaround of it. And thanks for looking into FAR issues, if you need more craft files for comparison, you can find it in my craft exchange thread. Link is in signature. I'm aware that FAR could be changed between versions, so stability derivates might not be the same as before, but stability derivates for other crafts made only from stock parts are not changed so much between old and new FAR versions. Thanks.
  15. I also come across with memory leak problem. Narrowed down to only few mods. I was thinking that is B9 PW mod bug, but unfortunately it is stock game bug. You can see on pictures that memory leaks starts when temperature gauges shows up on screen, activly flooding memory with garbage until it CTD. If you have more mods installed CTD apears sooner.
  16. Updated Sporty Mk1 craft for KSP 1.0.2 - link for craft file is in OP. I come across with some strange memory leaking bug, so for other craft files I will need more time until bugs are ironed out and depending mods updated properly.
  17. I have tried to replicate my crafts from V0.90. Since some of mods are still not updated, I replicated SpacePlane Mk2 B9PW(craft file) from only stock parts and B9 PW. First thing I noticed is that stability derivates in FAR graph are not shown properly. Nearly same shaped plane shows all red numbers for speeds at 0.35 mach, AoA can't evem be determinated, etc. Despite this, plane fly close as possible like in KSP V0.90, capable to lift off without problems at intended speeds near 120 m/s. Second thing I come across is some kind of memory leaks as shown on album. I tried to uninstall almost all mods except few essentials: Blizzy toolbar, B9 PW, CrossFeed enabler, nuFAR, Modular Flight integrator,GCMonitor(used memory on screen), KJR, Stock bug fixes, ModuleRCS fix, Kerbal Alarm clock I'm not sure if it is B9PW bug or stock game bug, I will try to replicate problems with stock parts only, to see if problem exist, I just wanted to warn people to pay attention if they have similar issues, or it is somewhere on my end. Forgot to mention, screenshots taken on Windows KSP 1.0.2 game version.
  18. FAR new feature "Toggle Gear" does not work properly with adjustable landing gears. Not a big deal, but something is missing to inform FAR that parts are landing gear I suppose. I have tried medium landing gears only, but on those I didn't see problem with huge voxel boxes on raised landing gears. EDIT: Second design, noticed that misterious voxel boxes too. Sorry for false report.
  19. Uuups. Sorry about misinformation. Few people reported in dev thread that it works, I tried it by myself, haven't found any issues with it, so I put info here. Question for CKAN, is it possible to alow install of old incopatible mods trough CKAN ? Of course, with a big warning, that it might break game and to use it on your own risk. Also to check official dev thread if there is any additional dependency or some patch to make it work, like those B9 procedural parts. B9 procedural parts was updated by another person, with permision from bac9 to maintain mod until he is able to continue development. I understand that this kind of thing could make even more confusion for not so skilled people, so, big warning is needed. For the rest of folks who understand what they doing it will be additional help. Sorry, don't have github account to put request there.
  20. RCS build aid from v0.90 still works properly for KSP 1.0.x, it should be added to repository.
  21. Never thought about that, good suggeston. Plenty of small customization available all times and easily overlooked. Thanks.
  22. As new FAR is released I noticed that something is missing on early tree nodes. It is engine with controlable thrust. Reason for that is that boosters are way overpowered for early lightweight probes. You can't control velocity in any way, no parachute on start, so it means early probe craft is doomed to be destroyed on first flight, but that is OK. I build very cheap rocket with probe, two thermometar, two barometar attached on probe. Measured data before launching, transmited and same in flight. Probe was exploded due to termo/aerodinamic failures as expected, but data was transmited and some sucess is still gained from this. Otherwise it is refreshing change overall, compared to vanilla tech tree. EDIT: Just realized, it should be "SETIctt", not SSTI, silly me.
  23. Mostly agree with your decision to move parts in different tree nodes. There was a lot thoughts and good discussions made in "More intuitive tech tree" thread and it's development thread. I already pointed out folks reading those threads to this one, because this is closest thing for all things discussed long time ago. Those ideas are very similar to those in mentioned threads. Things that does not work well in my opinion is that there is too many parts available only within first 2-3 nodes from begining. It should be spread out within more nodes on same level of science progression or become available only in higher grade nodes. From available parts, I was able to earn more than 40 science in just 2-3 flights. Seems too easy or I was exploited KSP science too much, I don't know. My wish is that at least at same time when you are able to build first airplane you should also be able to build most simple rover. Reason is that those rovers can be used as nav beacons for landing purposes. Some kind of workaround since vanilla game does not provide with better solutions. Suggestion for airplane parts. First wing nodes should unlock only small stock wing parts, canrads, control surfaces. First airplane structural/utility parts should contain small stock landing gears only. Adjustable landing gears and B9 procedural parts(wings) (suggestion for mods to include if they were not already included), firespitter parts etc. should be added in at least one node tier higher than basic stock ones. Heavier most advanced landing gears should be even higher on list. I'm suggesting this because I think that player need to make some effort trough career before all those cool stuff becomes available. And despite fact that we all loves those moded parts, stock parts deserves some attention too trough whole career. Those are just suggestions, use them or leave them as you please and keep doing good work with this mod. Cheers.
  24. @Crzyrndm, small request. Can you make separate thread with links in OP for all stuff that is needed for this mod ? I thought it will be easier for you to maintain links and easier for all fans to track doen changes in bac9 apsence. Thanks for maintain this, anyway.
  25. Posted idea for workaround in CTT thread. Sorry, I read about it there first, although this is better thread for this.
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