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Everything posted by gogozerg

  1. Des ajustements des effets atmosphériques sont-ils prévus en 1.1? Je n'ai pas lu cette information.
  2. J'avais eu d'autres problèmes en traînant vers Moho. En raison des fortes températures inhérentes àla banlieue de Kerbol, tout le matériau ablatif de mon bouclier thermique s'était fait bouffer. On se sent tout bête lorsqu'on s'en rend compte au retour lors du freinage atmosphérique final. Je ne sais pas si c'est normal, étant donnés tous les bugs liés àla température. Je disais plus haut que rien dans vos règles n'indique qu'il faille revenir sur Kerbin. Dans ce cas Moho peut être l'étape finale sans retour du vaisseau principal.
  3. Not worth it? In the next update, you are supposed to loose some controls of your probes instantly because of occlusions.
  4. I don't care that much about 3d models. But I do care about antennae communicating faster that light in a game like this.
  5. "fly-by" == approche dans la sphère d'influence majoritaire? La règle manquait. Autre règle absente: retour sur Kerbin (plus simple de faire un planté de bâton au départ). Et il faudrait définir les contraintes autour du "vaisseau mère", on imagine qu'on ne peut pas ravitailler depuis un autre système planétaire mais ce n'est pas explicite. Enfin c'est du blabla, l'important est d'entreprendre ce genre de grandes aventures pour se faire plaisir en se creusant la tête pour tout prévoir a priori... et puis se rendre compte au final qu'on n'a pas tout prévu! :-) Je lirai le rapport de mission avec intérêt. Dans les règles implicites que je me fixe, je n'admets pas ce genre de longs voyages avec un bipède enfermé dans une capsule étroite. Le well being impose un espace habitable décent et plusieurs passagers! C'est vrai que la navigation peut parfois être gigantesquement optimisée avec des trajectoires tirant partie des puits gravitationnels. Malheureusement, je me dis que nous ne disposons pas dans KSP des outils permettant d'effectuer les calculs adéquats. Juste un exemple: transfert optimal de Minmus (après ravitaillement) vers Moho (via assistance gravitationnelle de Kerbin). Impossible de planifier ça, surtout avec la différence de période et d'angle. Alors on fait un départ approximatif depuis LKO. (J'aimerais bien voir l'allure des calculs pour les vraies missions spatiales comme Rosetta) Et puis en effet les possibilités de ravitaillement remettent tout en question.
  6. Outre la règle d'un seul décollage de Kerbin, il doit y avoir une autre règle non écrite d'optimisation de masse, de coût ou d'esthétique? Car sinon en envoyant bêtement sur orbite un gros machin déployant des sondes légères àdestination de tous les corps, ça doit se faire assez bien non?
  7. Same problem again and again. This time it was during a mission to Tylo. I sent my ship in 2 parts (lander + main ship). After I assembled them on LKO, only the blue conic was shown. Weird things were happening with A/D nodes too, when leaving to Jool. Unplayable, until you leave to space center and come back.
  8. We all need a Game & Watch version, right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_%26_Watch (Feeling sad, because I'm not interested in a multi-platform, multi-player, multi-bullshe*et cool game with female aliens and infinite light speed to come, unrealistic SAS, etc... I would prefer a decent Space Program software that does not crash!)
  9. I never played KSP on Linux, but I'll certainly still use Linux after KSP 1.1.
  10. See http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132468-Problem-with-orbit-prediction Next conic not displayed, unless you go to space center and come back to ship.
  11. Of course it's not a problem of building upgrade. And I can now confirm this bug(?) happens without any mod! To be sure, I just did a fresh install (redownloaded official Win32 1.0.4). I created a new game, built a dumb Apollo like rocket (oops, forgot the legs on the lander). I feel it has something to do with rendez-vous/docking maneuvers/control transfer, that's why I detailed my mission in the first post. Because it never happened with simple ships with no lander. The craft file: http://grrroux.free.fr/divers/apollo_bug.craft
  12. Quel est le mod qui permet d'obtenir de tels contrats?
  13. I focused different targets, tried "Control from here" too, but nothing changed. Yes! I'm using mods of course, who doesn't. I think I noticed such a behaviour without any mods in the past, but I can't be sure.
  14. Hi, Almost every time I try an Apollo like mission to Mün, I see something that otherwise never happens... - LEM leaves Mün, rendez-vous with CM. Standard docking maneuver... - Transfer Kerbals from LEM to CM and dump LEM... - Thrust to leave Mün orbit... ...there's a problem with patched conics. Nothing displayed after leaving Mün's SOI. I noticed this in multiple KSP versions or ship designs. Did I miss something? Because if it's a bug, it would be a rather obvious one that would have been fixed long ago.
  15. Quand je vois ce genre de modélisations, je me pose des questions... L'esprit de KSP, c'est d'assembler des composants simples, comme un Lego de base, pour architecturer des vaisseaux qui arrivent àvoler. Mais les résultats esthétiques sont souvent discutables, en raison d'un manque d'homogénéité ou de galbes approximatifs. Quelqu'un ici faisait d'ailleurs remarquer que certaines pièces récentes comme les grandes ailes détonaient du reste, car elles étaient trop typées pour être utilisées comme briques génériques. Le vaisseau ci-dessus donne très envie, car son esthétique dépasse ce qu'on peut construire habituellement. Et comment se comporte-t-il en phase de rentrée avec l'aérodynamique standard, la portance est-elle convaincante?
  16. As you said... ...They've issued commands to New Horizons to take all those pictures of Pluto long before... ...NASA would have known with a lot of advance... NASA is playing a different game.
  17. First of all, when ground control issues commands to a ship, it computed the ship will be able to receive it when the signal reaches the area (no nearby moon or asteroid coming in between in the meantime). Obviously you don't have this problem if communications are instantaneous. But am I the only one afraid of playing a "space program simulation" where the speed of light is infinite? We/I have fun dealing with somewhat realistic orbits, ISP, TWR, staging, etc., etc. that make the game great. And now, infinite light speed, while such things are so fondamental in space flights? For now, all controls can be seen as purely local, by astronauts or onboard AI. I agree this is not how unmanned missions work, but this is the way the game is conceived (it's about piloting ships directly - go to tracking station, select your ship, and press "Fly"), and it makes much more sense than many other ideas I heard.
  18. I read 4 times, but still can't get it... Well, the reasons why we'll end up with unrealistic and unsatisfactory features are rather obvious if control directly depends on occlusion. So i'm just saying "please do nothing". :-)
  19. Signal loss or signal delay? I'm sorry, but dealing with occlusions when control is instantaneous sounds absurd. Instantaneous control means local control (and you don't care about occlusions). You don't know what will happen to a probe flying 100,000,000 km away, 5 minutes after you sent a message. KSP is nice for many things about space flight, aerodynamics, heat model and so on. Not a perfect simulation, but a rather good one that teaches something. Space teaches us that time matters, and that simultaneity is a complex problem. More realistic communications would be nice indeed. But the game just isn't designed for it, with its live views and controls, and newtonian physics.
  20. What is the definition of an "occluded ship" please ? Is it based on a model with instant communications?
  21. For me that's the only way of looking at it, otherwise many things can't make sense. In unmanned flights, the player is the AI controling locally. I wish we could have realistic remote control of ships, but it's just not possible with KSP design where you take decisions based on live view of your ship. Btw, RemoteTech is not very convincing, and we would need more than newtonian physics.
  22. Thank you, marking the thread as answered. With modules, you may have other things to copy too, like ScanSat data.
  23. I'll try again. Stock conversion from career to sandbox, or to science, is something that should be possible.
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