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Everything posted by FlyingPete

  1. My Kerbs (version 0.25) liked Eve so much, than seven of them volunteered to go there permanently. I built them a base and provided a rover and some planes
  2. "The chances of anything coming from Mars Kerbulus are a million to one, he said...."
  3. I now predict that the Dres mission will be scrapped and the crew/hardware assigned to a far more interesting destination...
  4. Kerbulus awareness confirmed... Kenlie<->Kenlie telepathy confirmed. I only hope it's enough for the crew of Intrepid to prepare for whatever the Kerbulans have in store for them...
  5. All I care about is whether I'll be able to run a completely stock, unmodded game again without it crashing for no reason...
  6. Well one thing is for sure- Kerbfleet control will soon know about Kerbulus. The question is, will the crew ever make it to Jool?
  7. I haven't figured that one out yet, but it seems that Kerbulus is in just about an optimal position for a burn to Jool. Who will get there first I wonder? And what will the other find when they get there?
  8. I wonder if KSP would allow geographic biomes in different parts of the atmosphere. So combined with a slight recolouring of the planet, you could have "Jool's Upper Atmosphere" and below that "Equatorial cloud bands" "North Polar Storms" "Great Green Spot" etc. Each of these should be hard to actually get to, but be given a large multiplier so you get good science from transmitting data. If you can get the data back out and recover it, an even bigger bonus to reward the combined courage and stupidity needed. An "EVA report while flying over Jool's Great Green Spot" would obviously give you enough science to unlock the secrets of the known universe
  9. I would use the old one, just with the acronym. It's basically an updated version of the Kerbin-Mun flag with your space agency's initials along the left edge then. With the full text it looks a little 'busy' for a flag.
  10. If Jool is made of soup, does that mean it's inhabited by a Soup Dragon?
  11. And as shown in the 'Kerbreathalyzer scan from Bob Kerman' experiment during Eve:Order Zero, all space flights are well-equipped for this sort of eventuality
  12. I would aim to make it a long-term mission with provision to be a permanent colony. You can set up a science lab on the surface and transmit the research back to Kerbin. Choose your location well and you may be in reach of several biome areas- use rovers or aircraft to explore the planet. I did this back in 0.25, but at that point there were no biomes apart from "Eve's surface" and "Eve's Oceans" and so the potential for exploration was less. So your colonists support themselves on Eve and keep themselves busy doing science. Later, once you have lots of tech and funds on hand, you can think about retrieving them. I'm not familiar with the life support mods- is it compatible with ISRU? If so, you could support the colony indefinitely with surface mining. If not, you'll need to weigh up the cost of supply drops vs crew retrieval.
  13. Seems like once refuelling is complete, Minmus will be taking off from the surface of Intrepid rather than the other way round Also reminded of the awesomeness of Captin Val's "Ask them to bring us the asteroid, if practical" from a few pages back. There should have been an engineer aboard called Muhammad Kerman so you could bring the mountain to him
  14. As spacecraft go, I'd imagine the Qwammer/flying space-baguette/Weltraumskäsesuchenkraft isn't the most user-friendly for long-duration flights. Isn't the cockpit oriented at 90 degrees in helicopter mode? So the Gumdrops are basically equivalent to the small boats that expensive 'Gin Palace' cruisers carry to get the occupants ashore on little Mediterranean islands etc? But obviously much more respectable.
  15. Interesting logistics happening here. If I'm understanding it right, Dwagonfly is mining ore from the rock. Some of that ore is being transferred (somehow) from there to the ISRU on Intrepid, with the rest being refined on board Dwagonfly, also being transferred by undisclosed means. I can only assume there are pipes running between the two ships where we can't see them
  16. I can see similarities to e.g. a destroyer carrying a small motor launch aboard. They too are intended to be carried around by a larger 'mothership' rather than operating as completely independent craft. As a side-note, a few days ago I saw a truck offloading timber, using one of those three-wheeled fork lifts that is carried on the back of the trailer and drives around at the destination site. I couldn't help but see it as a deployable probe/rover. Have I been playing KSP too long?
  17. Also of interest is the Kerbal Alarm Clock display. Imminent B-team antics at Dres! Will Gregbob/Gusmore/whatever his name is be going?
  18. The general idea with grabbing asteroids is to turn them into a fairly long-lived fuel depot.... and you're going to empty one in a single ship Fantastic. And of course, the Captin obviously has to go on the away mission- it's a Star Trek (parody) staple
  19. One of the more novel uses of an SRB I've seen (can't remember whose design it was) used a BACC as a mid-ascent booster and structural component of an all-liquid fuel spaceplane. The idea being that at the point were the jet engines are starting to tail off, but the nukes aren't good enough by themselves, the SRB fires to give sufficient boost to speed/altitude, getting through the dead-zone. Plus you then have a long, sturdy and relatively lightweight structural fuselage in the middle of the plane.
  20. I've found a lot of use for the humble docking port adapter. Just needs a mid-sized port, that trashcan-lid-thing and a junior port. Fly it up attached to the scansat (with struts bracing the junior port connections) and leave it attached to Intrepid. I've done the same thing with the large docking ports and it's a useful bit of hardware to have lying around a space station. Alternatively, assuming the scansat doesn't need to be retrieved, just add a decoupler between the docking port and the scansat. Then it can be undocked as normal, then the docking port jetissoned before the probe is despatched on its mission.
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