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Everything posted by MoeKitsune

  1. I'm not having any problems with this mod in 0.90, so it still works.
  2. ^^ And, the post of the week everyone! (Sorry. On mobile, can't quote.)
  3. Does this mod support FinalFrontier? As in add more badges for the planets and moons you made?
  4. I'm building the PackRat rover and I can't get the front section on the front chassis. Am I doing something wrong? EDIT: I just needed to put the front on first. Nevermind. Also, how do I get it into the Rover Delivery System?
  5. If my computer can handle this gargantuan level of epicness, I'll probably download this.
  6. Then may I please have a ticket/cookie? I'll donate a few solar panels from my experimental satellites. I have a lot of those. I'll also donate the vertical rudder of a failed plane prototype. It may or may not be the reason it's a failed prototype, though.
  7. The star HL Tauri is no more than a million years old, and a planetary disc has been discovered by the Hubble telescope. Not until early November ago has it been imaged sharper than ever, with GAPS. This means that planets are forming. And the star's a million years old. I'll let you soak that in. Link to Sci-News.com's article on it: www.sci-news.com/astronomy/science-alma-planet-formation-young-star-hl-tauri-02259.html Link to Daily Beast's article: www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/11/09/the-most-stunning-view-ever-of-planets-being-born.html Link to Geek's article: www.geek.com/science/alma-radio-telescope-captures-sharpest-image-ever-of-solar-system-formation-1609650/ (This was discovered some time ago, and I haven't found a thread. If I'm not allowed to post links yet, let me know. It's an honest mistake if I am breaking the rules.)
  8. Is it possible for someone to create a new class of asteroids? And if it is, is it easy?
  9. Ash, KK has been updated to 0.4. Working on an update for that?
  10. That's why I love Active Texture Management.
  11. Well, that failed. Waiter! There's an ice geyser from Triton in my soup!
  12. But what can we use tholins for, if we can even use it? Also, some bacteria are able to use tholins as their sole carbon source.
  13. Maybe they could make an impactor that could go into one of Triton's geysers before landing the actual lander. You know, to take some readings of what the lander could potentially unearth, and also take some readings of under the crust, to make sure they're not landing on a geyser ready to blow.
  14. Dude, Cassini had a lander. It's called Huygens. But you're right. Starting with a Juno/Galileo/Cassini/Dawn/New Horizons/All those probes around Mars/All those asteroid missions/This is too long would make more sense.
  15. You've got a point there. NASA, Y U no send a mission to Neptune and Triton? But what about the geysers if something was to land on there? Maybe there can be a shield or something? Also, they could have a scoop and a drilling bit, like the InSight lander.
  16. Was I the only person who thought of Elsa while reading the title?
  17. *Gets in soup* Now you have 2 waiters in your soup. Waiter! There's a document for world domination using Let It Go in my soup!
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